Israel Lobby Gets Congress to Stick It to Turkey

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The Israelis are trying to teach the Turks a lesson…….This was simply an act of punishment for Turkey for not being nice to Israel and for courting Iran.

MJ Rosenberg
Senior Fellow Media Matters Action Network
Posted: March 5, 2010 11:42 AM

That battle is now being carried to Washington. The Israelis are trying to teach the Turks a lesson. If the Armenian resolution passes both houses and goes into effect, it will not be out of some newfound compassion for the victims of the Armenian genocide and their descendants, but to send a message to Turkey: if you mess with Israel, its lobby will make Turkey pay a price in Washington.


MJ Rosenberg

M.J. Rosenberg is the former Director of Policy Analysis for Israel Policy Forum (IPF).

In this position, MJ heads IPF’s Washington, D.C. office and writes IPF Friday, a weekly  opinion column on the Arab-Israeli conflict which is widely circulated throughout the United States and the Middle East. In addition, MJ has published numerous op-eds, in the national and Jewish press.

MJ spent eighteen years within the United States government, fourteen on Capitol Hill as an aide to Representatives Jonathan Bingham (D-New York), Edward Feighan (D-Ohio) and Nita Lowey (D-New York) and Senator Carl Levin (D-Michigan).  Immediately prior to coming to IPF, he was a political appointee to USAID, where he served as Chief of Staff for Thomas Dine, the head of the Eastern Europe/NIS Bureau of USAID.

From 1982 to 1986, MJ was editor of Near East Report, the American Israel Public Affair Committee’s (AIPAC’s) biweekly publication on Middle East Policy.


Israel Lobby Gets Congress to Stick It to Turkey

Yesterday the House Foreign Affairs Committee passed the Armenian genocide resolution. That is the bill, kicking around for years, that recognizes the Armenian genocide as precisely that – genocide. The Turkish government has always strongly opposed the resolution, arguing – unconvincingly, in my opinion – that the slaughter of the Armenians occurred in the context of war and was not an attempt at their intentional eradication.
I never understood why the Turks care so much. The current democratic Turkish Republic was not even in existence during the Armenian slaughter. It is the successor state to the Ottoman Empire under which the killing took place. The current Turkish government is no more responsible for the Armenian genocide than the current German government is responsible for the Holocaust.
Nonetheless, the Turks vehemently oppose using the term “genocide” to describe the events of 1915.
And successive American administrations have deferred to the Turks by opposing Congressional bills “commemorating” the “Armenian genocide.”
It is no different this year. The Obama administration lobbied against the resolution because it believed that enacting it would disrupt our relations with Turkey, a fellow NATO member and our largest ally in the Middle East. It also argued that passing the bill now would disrupt negotiations now underway between Turkey and Armenia.
It passed anyway and the Turks immediately called its ambassador home.
But here is where it gets really interesting. The following comes from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, the Associated Press of the Jewish world. JTA writes:
In the past, the pro-Israel community [i.e. the Israel lobby] , has lobbied hard against previous attempts to pass similar resolutions, citing warnings from Turkish officials that it could harm the
alliance not only with the United States but with Israel — although Israel has always tried to avoid mentioning the World War I-era genocide.
In the last year or so, however, officials of American pro-Israel groups have said that while they will not support new resolutions, they will no longer oppose them, citing Turkey’s heightened rhetorical attacks on Israel and a flourishing of outright anti-Semitism the government has done little to stem.
That has lifted the fetters for lawmakers like Berman (Chairman Howard Berman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee) , who had been loath to abet in the denial of a genocide; Berman and a host of other members of the House’s unofficial Jewish caucus have signed on as co-sponsors.
Get that. The lobby has always opposed deeming the Armenian slaughter a genocide largely because Turkey has (or had) good relations with Israel. And the lobby, and its Congressional acolytes, did not want to harm those relations.
But, since the Gaza war, Turkish-Israeli relations have deteriorated. The Turks, like pretty much every other nation on the planet, were appalled by the Israeli onslaught against the Gazans. And said so.
Ever since, the Netanyahu government has made a point to stick it to the Turks. Most famously, Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon seated the Turkish ambassador in a kindergarten chair during a meeting, and “forgot” to put a Turkish flag on the table alongside the Israeli flag. He then called the Israeli photographers in and said to them in Hebrew – so the Turkish ambassador wouldn’t understand, “The important thing is that they see he’s sitting lower and we’re up high and that there’s only one flag, and you see we’re not smiling.”
News of that episode so enraged the Turks and humiliated the Israelis that Ayalon had to apologize three times, in progressively more abject terms, or face a rupture in Israeli-Turkish relations.

That battle is now being carried to Washington. The Israelis are trying to teach the Turks a lesson. If the Armenian resolution passes both houses and goes into effect, it will not be out of some newfound compassion for the victims of the Armenian genocide and their descendants, but to send a message to Turkey: if you mess with Israel, its lobby will make Turkey pay a price in Washington.
And, just maybe, the United States will pay it too.
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686 words posted in Zionist provocation, Af-Pak war, , Israel • Leave a comment

Dnlmsstch I’m a Fan of Dnlmsstch 17 fans permalink
The reason that the Turks have a problem admiting the genocide is becasue Mustafa Kamal and other founders of the Modern Secular Turkish Republic were involved – if not directly at least peripheraly – to admit that is like admiting that George Washington and other founder were complicit with the genocide of Native Americans.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 04:46 PM on 3/05/2010
– lightningbolt I’m a Fan of lightningbolt 142 fans permalink
As usual, everything will be blamed on Israel. The Jewish people are the eternal scapegoat.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 04:36 PM on 3/05/2010
– joeinvt I’m a Fan of joeinvt 13 fans permalink
Are you denying or defending the Armenian genocide? And are you opposed to lobbying generally or simply effective lobbying done by Jews?
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 03:48 PM on 3/05/2010
– mok10501 permalink
This comment is pending approval and won’t be displayed until it is approved.
Henry Kissinger was lobbying for the Turks, isn’t he the biggest Jew in the nation? What happened, didn’t the Turks paid enough? Oo, I see, that penny pincher doesn’t count ha?.
Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 05:10 PM on 3/05/2010
– lbsaltzman I’m a Fan of lbsaltzman 92 fans permalink
Excellent post. I am reminded of the shifting alliances in the novel 1984. Ironically Israel had better be careful or one day it may be that Congress will no longer be afraid to discuss the truth about Israel.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 03:31 PM on 3/05/2010
– Annoula I’m a Fan of Annoula 21 fans permalink “That battle is now being carried to Washington. The Israelis are trying to teach the Turks a lesson. If the Armenian resolution passes both houses and goes into effect, it will not be out of some newfound compassion for the victims of the Armenian genocide and their descendants, but to send a message to Turkey: if you mess with Israel, its lobby will make Turkey pay a price in Washington. And, just maybe, the United States will pay it too. ”
Precisely that’s the core of the issue right now. That the US reserves the right to label war atrocities and crimes against humanity depending on how it fits its agenda and/or Israel’s. For as long as the relations between Israel and Turkey continued to be good, that resolution would never had made it out of Comittee. This was simply an act of punishment for Turkey for not being nice to Israel and for courting Iran. In my book, that’s called HYPOCRISY. The sad truth is the US has become a tool of the Likud party. And the attacks on 9/11 were a response to that. How much more is the US willing to sacrifice for the sake of the Zionists zealots?
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 03:06 PM on 3/05/2010

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15 responses to “Israel Lobby Gets Congress to Stick It to Turkey”

  1. Here is an historical fact that for years has been deliberately forgotten, concealed, and wiped from memory – the fact of Armenian-Nazi collaboration.

    A magazine called Mitteilungsblatt der Deutsch-Armenischen Gesselschaft is the clearest and most definite proof of this collaboration. The magazine was first published in Berlin in 1938 during Nazi rule of Germany and continued publication until the end of 1944. Even the name of the magazine, which implies a declaration of Armenian-Nazi cooperation, is attention-getting.

    This magazine, every issue of which proves the collaboration, is historically important as documentary evidence. It is a heap of writing that should be an admonition to world opinion and to all mankind. Every issue embroiders the themes of enmity towards Turkey and towards Turks.

    In Nazi Germany, Armenians were considered to be an Aryan race and certain political, economic, and social rights were thus granted to them. They occupied positions in public service and were partners in Nazi practices.

    The whole world of course knows what awaited those who were not considered “Aryan” and what befell them.

    Source: “Mitteilungsblatt, Berlin, December 1939, Nr. 2 and 5-6”

  2. “The Muslim and the Jewish faiths managed to live together in peace and without any kind of clashes for eight centuries in Spain and six-hundred years in the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey.”
    –Jak V. Kamhi, the President of the Quincentennial Foundation (1492-1992) in Turkey

  3. Şuşu Avatar

    An American citizen working for the interest of Israel? Just for fun of it. If the USA goes in a war with Israel, which side will the author fight for? No need to answer as his apperant philosophy is “what good is for Israel is good for the rest of the world….

  4. Jeff Saatchi Avatar
    Jeff Saatchi

    As Americans we must admit that in 1907 we murdered American Indians. We cannot go around the world and label people. We must first look at what we did ourselves to our own.

  5. Jeff Saatchi Avatar
    Jeff Saatchi

    Apparently, American Israel lobby does not care about American interests.

  6. Kufi Seydali Avatar
    Kufi Seydali

    Teaching someone with what we say, is one way of doing it.
    A more effective way, is what we do, and yet the most effective
    way is what we are.

    What Israel does can definitely not teach and what it is, even less.
    On the other hand, you can never teach enybody who does not
    wish to be taught. We all remember our terrible experience with
    the teacher we just didn’t like. Life was hell, but not only for the
    students, as I remember.

    The other question to ask; is when the next “one minute” comes,
    what does Israel intend to do? Go to war, like it does with Lebanon
    and the Palestinians? Or does she intend to bomb Turkey as well?
    I think turkey would be a size too big for ággressive child, Israel.
    But, let us not forget that Israel possesses the Atom bomb which
    does not seem to bnother anyone! We are only concerned with Iran
    possessing it, aren’t we?

    In Turkish there is a saying; Eat big portions but don’t use big words.

  7. “There is no difference between being a good American and being a good Zionist.”
    –Jonathan Pollard, the American Jewish spy who played a key role in Israel’s nuclear programme (by stealing the secrets)

  8. H Sinasi Avatar
    H Sinasi

    I personally do not recommend Israelies to get involved in this matter of Turko-Armenian relations, as their own Israeli-Arab relations may get a direct political hit. Let us remember that the memory of horrible events of Holocaust is not remembered for Israelies to use it as a stick on other people, nor people are gullible enough to forget the plight of Palestinians for ever!! So sad, very bad for humanity if Israelies allow the last straw to break the camel’s back.

  9. “More than 3000 Mountain Jews were killed by Armenians during 1918-1919”

  10. “…We have first hand information and evidence of Armenian atrocities against our people Jews)… Members of our family witnessed the murder of 148 members of our family near Erzurum, Turkey, by Armenian neighbors, bent on destroying anything and anybody remotely Jewish and/or Muslim. Armenians should look to their own history and see the havoc they and their ancestors perpetrated upon their neighbors… Armenians were in league with Hitler in the last war, on his premise to grant them self government if, in return, the Armenians would help exterminate Jews…Armenians were also hearty proponents of the anti-Semitic acts in league with the Russian Communists. Mr. Amarian! I don’t need your bias.”

    igned Elihu Ben Levi, Vacaville, California

    Source: Extracts from a letter dated December 11, 1983, published in the San Francisco Chronicle, as an answer to a letter that had been published in the same journal under the signature of one B. Amarian.

  11. “Sometimes it is difficult to eradicate these poisonous elements (the Jews) when they have struck deep root like a chronic disease, and when it becomes necessary for a people (the Nazis) to eradicate them in an uncommon method, these attempts are regarded as revolutionary. During the surgical operation, the flow of blood is a natural thing.”

    Source: James G. Mandalian, ‘Dro, Drastamat Kanayan,’ in the ‘Armenian Review,’ a Quarterly by the Hairenik Association, Inc., Summer: June 1957, Vol. X, No. 2-38.

  12. In September 16, 1920, Major General W. Thwaites, Director of Military Intelligence, wrote to Lord Hardinge, Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs:

    “…it is useless to pretend that the Armenians are satisfactory allies, or deserving of all the sympathy to which they claim.”

    Source: F.O. 331/3411/158288.

  13. mok10501 Avatar

    @HALUK; Is it possible to obtain copies of this magazine “Mitteilungsblatt, Berlin, December 1939, Nr. 2 and 5-6″ that you are referring to? It would be a good source for both TF and History of Truth operations. Thanks in advance for your help.

  14. mok10501 Avatar

    HALUK; Is it possible to obtain copies of this magazine “Mitteilungsblatt, Berlin, December 1939, Nr. 2 and 5-6″ that you are referring to? It would be a good source for both TF and History of Truth operations. Thanks in advance for your help.

  15. mok10501 Avatar

    Dear Kufi Seydalı; I feel you. I would like you to keep the following information that I had provided earlier to another publication which were dealing with İsraeli’s nuclear arsenals(!)

    The Jewish Bomb! a Gay. It applies the so-called Don’t ask, Don’t tell policy.

    The Jewish state is widely reported to have nuclear weapons but refuses to confirm or deny such reports, pursuing what it calls a policy of “nuclear ambiguity.” That is why Israel is not a signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and has said it will not sign up for a Middle East nuclear-free zone being promoted by the United States. Since they bombed everyone’s reactors in the region they cannot built a commercial power plant, because they are afraid of the same thing would happen to them.

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