Race attacks force Turkish couple out of home in York

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Race attacks force Turkish couple out of home in Windsor Garth, Acomb

By Jeremy Small

City of York Council flats in Windsor Garth, Acomb
City of York Council flats in Windsor Garth, Acomb

A TURKISH woman today claimed she and her husband had been forced out of their York home by a racially-motivated campaign of vandalism that ended in her car being torched.

Burcu Kaya-Gurer, who is married to Hasan Gurer, said she feared for her life after her car was vandalised and set alight, the couple’s satellite dish was destroyed, and Mrs Kaya-Gurer was subjected to intimidation.

Mrs Kaya-Gurer, 30, a team leader with a York-based company, said she and her husband had now quit their City of York Council flat in Windsor Garth, Acomb, and had moved to live in private rented accommodation elsewhere in the city, despite having to pay a much higher rent.

She said of the thugs: “They have won. They have forced me out because I was in fear of my life.”

Mrs Kaya-Gurer said the ordeal began in June when the satellite dish was broken. She said she reported the incident to the council and the police, but they both told her there was nothing they could do because there were no witnesses.

She claimed that, earlier last month, a gang of people tried to pull cables off a replacement satellite dish the couple had put up. “When they saw me they ran away laughing,” she said. “There are many satellite dishes outside – why mine? They know I’m Turkish.”

She said the police told her they could not do anything because nothing had actually been damaged. She said she later saw members of the gang near her car, only to discover the following day that the plastic covering one of the wing mirrors had been pulled off.

Mrs Kaya-Gurer said the council gave her an application to move to another council home but told her it might be “ages” before the couple could be rehoused. She claimed her Vauxhall Corsa car was set on fire on Monday October 26, and in the early hours of the following morning, someone who looked like one of the gang was banging on her front door demanding she retract the statement she made about the fire to the police. “I was so scared,” she said. “I was crying; my eyes were red.” She said she then telephoned the council, but claimed she was told there was insufficient evidence for her to be rehoused straight away. “I said ‘What more do you need? Do you want to see me on fire?’” She said the council tried to sort the problem out, but it was too late. “They could have helped me a long time ago. I was ignored. I want a normal life again. I never deserved any of this.”

A police spokesman said after the car fire, two men aged 18 and 20 were arrested on suspicion of racially aggravated criminal damage. He said they had been released on police bail while inquiries continued.

He said: “The issue of hate crime is something that North Yorkshire Police takes extremely seriously. Any incident of hate crime is thoroughly investigated whenever it is reported to us.

“If people are nervous about contacting us directly, for any reason at all, we have recently launched Hate Crime Reporting Centres.

Full details of these are on our website (northyorkshire.police.uk/hatecrime).”

A City of York Council spokeswoman said: “We are treating Mrs Kaya-Gurer’s concerns very seriously. We are working closely with the police and other partners to try to resolve the issues.”

Source:  www.yorkpress.co.uk, 5th November 2009

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