Aznavour Demands Western Armenian Lands

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By Asbarez Staff on Nov 3rd, 2009

YEREVAN (Yerkir)—Western Armenian lands must be returned to Armenia, said Armenia’s Ambasador to Switzerland, famous singer Charles Aznavour in an interview with Italy’s RIA3 television channel.
“When I was born, in 1924, [they] promised Armenia the return of lands. I am 85 years old and I cannot wait much longer,” said Aznavour.
“In 1924, Stalin promised Armenia the return of Erzeroum, Erzngan, Sebastia, Kharpert, Dikranagert, Bitlis, Van, Moush… The ‘Wilsonian Armenia’ also included regions of Trabizon, Erzeroum, Van and Bitlis,” said Aznavour while welcoming the prospects for establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Turkey.
“It would be pleasant to see open borders in the last part of my life,” added Aznavour.

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6 responses to “Aznavour Demands Western Armenian Lands”


  2. Who cares what this fool wants! If you dashnak Armos want it so badly…then come and try to take it!! We’ll wait! Otherwise, stop your constant childish whining!!

  3. Robert(I know its not your real name), kindly refrain of making stupid childish comments. You are making us Turks like fools. If you can’t discuss matters in a civilized way, then don’t at all. Turks are a very proud people, and ant childish comments that embarasses us will not be tolerated. Instead of spewing childish stuff, grow up and discuss things in a civilized way.

  4. Dear Ayten,

    You are new to all of this, aren’t you? There’s nothing childish in my post. A real Turk would never have made the comments you just made to me!!! An Armenian posing as a Turk would! Nice try!!!

  5. 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Robert, you become the shame of the Turkish people!!! Bravo Ayten! 🙂 🙂 🙂


    Why don’t you go home already? You’ve become nothing more than a running joke on this site! Have you no shame? Oh yeah, I forgot…dashnak Armenians do not have that word in their lexicon, do they? So, of course you have no shame since you don’t even know what it means!

    All I can say is…ROZA, a.k.a. SONA, a.k.a. JDA The RAT, it is YOU who have become the shame of the non-dashnak Armenian people (at least non-dashnak Armenians know the meaning of the word “SHAME”)! 😉

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