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There is not a day when some Armenian activist somewhere around the country is not deliberately defaming and demonizing Turks, Turkish-Americans, Turkey, and even friends of Turkey. This is done by signs, blogs, letters, talks, films, panels, exhibitions, indoctrination summer camps, and/or a combination of these and other vehicles. Why?

If the Armenian claims are so truth, so watertight, so slam dunk, why such passionate, radical, sometimes even fanatic behavior, which is known in the past, to have led to Armenian terrorism victimizing ordinary citizens?

Do you see the Irish going around and bombing British facilities to have the potato famine acknowledged?

Do you see the Jews going around and bombing German installations to have the Holocaust recognized?

Do you see Japanese bombing American owned buildings to have the Japanese internment admitted?

What is wrong with Armenians? Especially those who still revere Armenian terrorists (like the notorious Lisbon Five ?)

And those who never condemn Armenian terrorism of the past 40+ years victimizing 70+ innocent men, women, and children, mostly of Turkish heritage, but some non-Turkish ones, too?


What can one say in the face of an incredible hypocrisy that while all Armenians mourn the assassination of Hrant Dink in 2007 by a Turkish teenager, no Armenian will remember, much less mourn, the assassination in 1982 of the Turkish consul general, Kemal Arikan, by an Armenian teenager? Both victims were 52 years old, married, had teenage daughters, and killed by a teenager filled with hate by his elders. Why this double standard in the Armenian community? Why would they now acknowledge, much less condemn, more than 2000 acts of terrorism committed by brainwashed and fanatic Armenian youth?

Armenian love to hate all things Turkish. So much so, that they even falsify the record of one of the most accomplished Turkish historians, Prof. Esat Uras, the founder of Turkish Armenianology. His 1000+ plus book “Armenians in History and The Armenian Question” still shines the brightest light into a dark chapter of history that is the Turkish-Armenian conflict. You know what Armenian propagandists call him? Pan-Turkish ideology and former Turkish secret service agent. Give me a break!

If it were this simple to defame a man’s personality, character, and lifelong career, then the Armenian lobby would have nothing to do today, as there is not anyone in the contra-genocide camp, yours truly included, that the Armenian did not call Turkish government agent, someone paid by Turkish interests, lobbyist, propagandist, or similar. Such intimidation, harassment, and even veiled threats by Armenians, though, only help create only a bitter smile on our faces and more research, publications, and public education in return.

Why do Armenian attack the doyen of Turkish historians, Prof. Esat Uras, so viciously? Because of many of his books? Yes. But perhaps more for what he wrote about Armenia and the Armenian identity:

“Armenia cannot be anything other than simple memory based on geography, a region without political boundaries.”


Armenians prefer to call mountainous eastern Anatolia Armenia but they only lived there, scattered over a very wide territory and were always a small minority in the areas they lived. If communities can claim the right to every place they lived, then there would be thousands of countries as members of the United Nations today. Can Armenians claim California as their own just because they number 20% of Glendale and 10% of Fresno? Or Massachusetts because 5 % of some town there is Armenian?

Armenians were also furious with what Center for Strategic Research, a think tank in Ankara that is similar to Hudson Institute in Washington DC, wrote in “Armenian Claims & Historical Facts”:

“It is certain that the Armenians did not originate in Armenia (Eastern Anatolia highlands) not did they live there for three to four thousand years as claimed. They put forward these ideas merely to support their claim that the Turks drove them out of a homeland in which they lived for thousands of years. But these claims cannot stand up the facts.”

Armenians still think they can humiliate Turks and destroy Turkish history with falsifications, fabrications, and deception. They still think they can implement an apartheid on Turkish soil, where a tiny minority would be allowed (by the powers east and west) to rule over a majority of non-Armenians. They still think they can pressure, harass, and eventually destroy Turkey. Then again, Armenians are not exactly known for their sound thinking. They also think that a tail can wag the dog.

The most shocking of all is that some American institutions of higher education would allow themselves to become a vehicle used by directly/indirectly-paid-Armenian-agents and/or direct/indirect beneficiaries of the Armenian-financed-genocide-industry (Akcam, Gocek, et.al.) to promote Armenian version of history.

“…Armenians further claim that they were the people of Urartu which existed in Anatolia starting about 3000 BC. This claim has no basis in fact. No form of the name Armenian was found in any inscription in Anatolia dating from that period, nor was any similarity at all between the Armenian language and that of Urartu, the former being a satem group of Indo-European languages while the latter was similar to Ural-Altaic languages. Nor were there any similarities between their cultures. There is, therefore, absolutely no evidence at all to support the claim that the people of Urartu were Armenian…”

Source: “Armenian Claims & Historical Facts”, Center for Strategic Research, Ankara (A think-tank like Hudson Institute in Washington DC.)


So, much of poses to be serious writings in academic journals about modern Armenian history, produced by academics like C.J. Walker, well known for his passionate support of the Armenian cause, are parti pris, discriminatory, and unreliable.

It is the Armenian-financed and/or supported genocide scholars who have an interest in cover up, distortion, secretive reviewing of data, falsification, fabrication, and deception, and who do not seek to discover or explain the situation as it really was.

The Karabagh territory historically belongs to Azerbaijan. Armenians relocated there by Tsarist Russia in accordance with the long standing Russian policy of substitution of Muslims of Caucasus (by killing or expelling) by reliable elements (Armenians and others.)

Armenians are newcomers and colonists even in the eastern Anatolian highlands. The ancestors of Armenians arrived there in the 6th century BC and actually destroyed the Urartians. The three so called 5th century historians, Buzand, Khorten, and Yeghiske, are non-existent and the works attributed to them are non-credible para-historic texts.

Armenian propagandists are busy defaming and demonizing the Turkish identity, promoting the false Armeniological school, which corrupts and distorts Turkish history in accordance with the Armenian designs.


Armenians are so intolerant to dissent and responsible opposing views that if you do not tow the official Armenian party line in telling the Armenian history, you will be declared an enemy of the Armenians even if your career is spent in appeasing them. If you don’t believe me, ask these scholars: Nina G. Garsoian, Ronald Grigor Suny, Robert W. Thomson, Richard G. Hovannisian, James R. Russel, Peter S. Cowe, Alina Ayvazian, Simon Payaslian, and others.

Can you believe the Armenian fanatics? These seven scholars spent a life time trying to appease the Armenian propagandists but just because they question the Armenian identity or homelands, they were “nixed”. If I were any one of these seven scholars, I would definitely avoid Armenian functions in the next… uh… 195 years. Armenian fanatics are in no mood to see any of these seven scholars or the scholars will “get it”. The Armenian hoodlums made derogatory videos about them and posted them in youtube. These seven scholars are “shish kebab” now as far as the Armenian thugs are concerned. You see what I mean?

Ronald Grigor Suny is the holder of the first Alex Manoogian chair in Modern Armenian History in the Univ. of Michigan. In other words, he is as “partyline” as you can possibly get to the Armenian version of history. In his book “Looking Towards Ararat: Armenians in Modern History” , 1993, page 4-5, he writes this:

“…The national consciousness of Armenians about their identity is nothing but a collection of beliefs…”

Now if I say this, Armenians falsifiers and their Turk-hating stooges are quick to label me Turkish-government agent, paid-lobbysist, genocide denier, blah…blah…blah… But look who is saying it?

Let’s continue with the writings of this Armenian-propagandist-turned-instant-Armenian-enemy:

“…The present Armenian people are a product of natural intermingling of different ethnic groups…

The ancestors of Armenians were invaders of Armenian (eastern Anatolian) highlands who have migrated to Armenia in the 6th century BC…”

Source: Same book, page 7. Wow!

Again, if I uttered these words, columnists kissing Armenian (you know what) would walk all over each other to call me names. Sorry to disappoint them but one cannot argue with facts, can one?

Fasten your seatbelts for this one:

“…The Armenian-Turkish conflict was provoked by the Armenian nationalists in order to overtake Turkish Anatolia and the Turkish side simply reacted…”

Source: Ronald Grigor Suny, “Nation Making, Nation Breaking: The End of the Ottoman Empire and the Armenian Community”, 1996, page 3.

Forgive me, your honor, you majesty, your high and mighty genocide scholar of the 17th order, but isn’t that exactly what I have been writing all these years? If what I was subjected to by the Armenian falsifiers and Turk-haters is any indication, then this poor Ronald Grigor Suny is in serious trouble. Who knows, Armenian terrorists might bomb his house, too, just like they did UCLA’s Prof. Stanford Shaw’s house in 1977 for saying the same things. Ah, but in those days, who knows, people like you, Ronald Grigor Suny, ridiculed Prof Stanford Shaw and ignored his freedom of speech, didn’t you?

Well, what do you know, now you are in the same spot as Prof Stanford Shaw was in 1977! You are not exactly a (so called) genocide denier, but you deny worse: you deny Armenian identity and homeland. (Don’t you love it? Does this thing get any better than this?)

Finally, there is this:

“…The Turkic-Azeris are the direct descendants of the Caucasian Albanians and the territory of Karabakh historically belonged to (Azeris)…”

Source: Ronald Grigor Suny, “Looking Towards Ararat: Armenians in Modern History” , 1993, page 193

Thank you, Ronald Grigor Suny, the Armenian-propagandist-turned-instant-Armenian-enemy. Who is going to save you from the Armenian Revolutionary federation now?

Lesson of the day: Truth rules, sooner or later.

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  1. “[B]efore Khojali, the Azerbaijanis thought that they were joking with us, they thought that the Armenians were people who could not raise their hand against the civilian population. We were able to break that [stereotype]. And that’s what happened.”
    –Serge [Serzh] Sarkissian, the Armenian commander in Karabakh war, current President of Armenia,
    “Black Garden: Armenia and Azerbaijan through Peace and War”, by Thomas De Waal, NYU Press, 2004


  2. Mr. kirlikovali,



  3. Ergun Kirlikovali Avatar
    Ergun Kirlikovali

    Your threat to me is duly noted. I posted in the cyber space that if anything happens to me, the FBI should chase you down as you kept threatening me all these months. The FBI should track the IP address of your computer and nail you before you go underground. There are many unresolved questions with Armenian terror attacks in America on Turkish targets. Maybe you can help resolve some of them.

    Incidentally, if this site did one thing right, that was to teach you the correct spelling of the last capital of the Ottoman Empire: Istanbul. Not much, perhaps, bit it is still a good start….

  4. Hey RAT,

    Your desperation is showing!!! Your dashnak BS is falling apart before your very eyes and you can’t deal with it! Where are you going to go? The world aready knows that your two archives in Yerevan and Boston are never going to be opened to the public. As I said before, as all Turkish and Turkic peoples unite, your collapse will be assurd!!! If one could see your faceses, they’d all look like you had all sucked on a real sour lemon!! Your time of global judgment is approaching…faster than you may think!!


    Please identify any ‘threat” you think i have made. The threat of “SIBEL EDMONDS” is merely that sooner or later there will be a public investigation of her charges. Nobody has identified you as a target, but the organization you will lead has a lot of hurried explanations to make.

    And congratulations on TALDF’s latest mistake: the oec will allow all those dangerous armenian and non armenian lawyers to depose your star attorney bruce fein, legal mastermind.

  6. Ergun Kirlikovali Avatar
    Ergun Kirlikovali

    The appropriate authorities are notified. I repeat, if anything happens to me, FBI should nail this JDA shady character who loves lobing threats a la ASALA. His IPI address should be tracked down and he should be caught before he goes underground.

    “Sibellydancer” could use some fame and fortune and if the limelight comes from the bogus genocide industry, so be it.

    September 3 will be Krik’s end. His move to stay the hearing was DENIED. Krik tried the board’s patience. Now comes the ruling… then the anti-def… Stay tuned.

    Did you learn how to spell I-s-t-a-n-b-u-l yet or is someone helping you?

  7. hey JDA, how much does the Armenian state pay you for commenting on articles disputing genocide claims all day long?

    Are you dashnak trained? We know they start training them young with their nazi youth groups, oh, pardon me, Armenian Youth groups, which now go out and harass elected members of Congress.

    Come on, tell us, we’re dying to know where you get all your “one-liners” that all leave us quaking in our boots.

  8. Hey, JDA, isn’t the ANCA being investigated for improprieties related to lobbying?

    It’s kinda hard to live in a glass house, no?

  9. Kirlikovali,

    Any loyal American would want Ms. Edmonds’ charges investigated in public, not dismissed out of hand with childish names. The more you call her names, the more you demonstrate that you have nothing to say of any substance. Only the enemies of this Country would turn a blind eye, or encourage others to. We know what you are from your own writings. America gave you shelter and opportunity, and you betray her by ridiculing a threat to her government. Did they not teach you in Turkey that guests have obligations to hosts?

    As a resident in the United States, what facts can you provide us that her charges are false?

    As for Mr. Krikorian, perhaps you are right that the OEC will sustain one or more of Schmidt’s charges, nobody knows. I think we know that such findings don’t have any impact on the candidates’ futures, as the OEC itself found schmidt to have lied about her resume-you will remember that she falsly claimed to have earned a second college degree.

    But if Schmidt rebels, or you all lose interest in her, perhaps you can promote Alcee Hastings to the position of Head stooge; after all he was impeached for bribery while a federal Judge, so I am sure he will like all the dirty money he can stuff his eager pockets with.

    But as of today, your poorly thought out plans have given Ms. Edmonds a platform from which to explain what she overheard, thereby demonstrating that the Obama administration is not so concerned about embarassing Turkey as was the Bush administration. In short, you are on notice that this administration is not beholden to Turkey. All those high level and Abramoff contacts areworth less than they were.

    If I were you, I would start looking for ways to act like a loyal American. You can be sure that the Edmonds revelations are no tgoing away. We know what you and your friends are doing to blacken her name, but the story will catch.

    And i understand that Geragos deposed Fein yesterday, and did a good job. Maybe you’re next.

  10. Ergun Kirlikovali Avatar
    Ergun Kirlikovali

    “Any loyal American” would refrain from issuing threats to other Americans just because they disagree.

    “Any loyal American” would refarind from resorting to lies, deception, fraud, slander, ridicule, tricks, insults, and threats.

    “Any loyal American” would not hide behind fake names to mislead and threaten others (insist doing so after many invitations to openness and truth.)

    “Any loyal American” would respect the rights of all Americans with respect to the freedom of speech and do not seek their silence, censorship, physical demise, even death.

    If we can teach a person like you how to spell Istanbul correctly; then, I am sure, we sure can teach you some civility and humanity.

  11. Dear JDA,

    We’re still waiting to hear how much you get paid to sit at a computer all day and promote Armenocide claims…

    JDA, can you prove that Edmonds allegations are true? After all, the U.S. government didn’t even buy it enough to investigate further.

    As an aside, most likely the answer to the question immediately above is NO, since you haven’t been able to prove after 90 years of whining that your Armenocide claims are true.

    Have you ever heard of the CIA and FBI working at cross-purposes? I don’t suppose it ever occurred to you that the CIA may have had some ongoing operation the FBI didn’t know about with Turkish operatives involved that may have been to smoke out certain U.S. targets… nahh, probably not. Silly jda, the only ones that are going to get pulled down by Edmonds testimony are Americans, not Turks or Turkey.

  12. Hey JDA=The RAT,

    Remember what I told you and all of your other aliases…smoke and mirrors is all you dashnaks have left! You desperately need something to divert attention away from your own situations and problems. So, like the magician, your diversion is to harp on trivial subjects and hope that the public will be distracted long enough to forget all about you and your ANCA investigations, dashnaks AYF/ARF hate indoctrinations, etc., ex-dashnak terrorists training PKK terrorists (partly with collected monies from donations from both Greek and Armenian orthodox churches), etc. Keep in mind the finalized agreement of 1937, between the US and Turkey (that after 1937, Turkey will have fulfilled any and all obligations to Armenians). So, for the past 72 years, Armenian demands for anything from Turkey is ILLEGAL! Now, maybe that Armo was just asking for money from an insurance company, but we all know where that will lead now, don’t we! That may have been on the minds of the two judges who overturned the original decision by a vote of 2-1. They did the right thing, and we fully support them! As for Mark Geragos, he’s just another punk shyster lawyer who wants the limelight (like Shapiro and Cochran). Finally, if anything happens to my good friend, Mr. Kirlikovali in any way, I and a few good “associates” will hunt you down and find you. This is not a threat, but a promise! Now, be a good little dashnak and shine my shoes!!!

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