Why Don’t Jews Condemn Anti-Semitism in Turkey?

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Rifat Bali, a Jewish scholar and a native of Istanbul, has been investigating anti-Semitism in Turkey for many years. He has authored several books and articles on the history of Turkish Jews. His most recent book, “The Jews of Turkey and the Armenian Genocide,” is a monumental work that documents how the Turkish government pressured not only Turkish Jews, but also the Israeli government and American-Jewish organizations, to lobby against congressional resolutions on the Armenian Genocide.
Turkey’s blackmail of Jews in and out of Turkey is not news to our readers. Neither is the fact that there has been widespread anti-Semitism in Turkey for decades, if not centuries. In a lengthy article published in July by the Institute for Global Jewish Affairs in Jerusalem, Mr. Bali meticulously documents the fact that such racist attitudes are held by practically the entire spectrum of Turkish society.
In his article, “Present-day Anti-Semitism in Turkey,” Mr. Bali summarizes his analysis in four key points:

· “Turkish intellectuals have always taken a pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli stance. Islamists associate the ‘Palestine question’ with alleged Jewish involvement in the rise of Turkish secularism. Leftists see Israel as an imperialist state and an extension of American hegemony in the Middle East. Comparable themes are found among nationalist intellectuals.

· “Turkish reactions to Israel’s 2006 war in Lebanon and 2009 war in Gaza often spilled over into anti-Semitism. Newspaper columnists, some of them academics, belonging to the various ideological streams helped fan popular sentiment against Israel and Jews. Israel was said to be exploiting Holocaust guilt and the services of the ‘American Jewish lobby’ to further its own nefarious aims.

· “Turkish approaches to the ‘Palestine question’ rarely venture outside the clichés of Turkish popular culture. Turkish publishing houses providing translated works on the issue are careful not to run afoul of popular sentiment. The net result is that both Turkish columnists and their readers utilize only limited sources on the conflict that are preponderantly anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic.

· “Any attempt by the Turkish Jewish leadership to confront Turkish society on combating anti-Semitism is likely to backfire and even further exacerbate the problem. Given this reality, the only options left for Turkey’s Jewish community are to either continue living in Turkey amid widespread anti-Semitism or to emigrate.”

Mr. Bali documents his assertions by quoting from dozens of anti-Semitic statements published in various Turkish newspapers in recent years. Here are some examples:
— Toktamış Ateş, professor of political science at Istanbul and Istanbul Bilgi universities, newspaper columnist, and a prominent intellectual who frequently appears on TV, described Jews as “the first and most racist people in history.” (Bugün, July 20, 2006).
— Ayhan Demir, a commentator for the Islamist Millî Gazete, wrote: “The first thing to be done to achieve the security of Istanbul and Jerusalem is to get rid of, in as short a time as possible, this ‘shanty town’ that has begun to harm humanity on the entire face of the earth, and which is as offensive to the heart as to the eye. To send the occupiers to the garbage heap of history, together with their bloody charlatanism would be one of the most noble acts that could be realized in the name of humanity. A world without Israel would be, without a doubt, a much more peaceful and secure world.” (Millî Gazete, December 30, 2008).
— Nuh Gönültaş, a well-known columnist, said Hitler was justified in his treatment of the Jews, since “the state of Israel is an even greater tyrant than Hitler.” (Bugün, August 1, 2006).
— The Islamist sociologist Ali Bulaç, a well-known columnist for Zaman, described Gaza as “a concentration camp that in reality surpasses the Nazi camps.” (Zaman, December 29, 2008).
It is simply astonishing that Israeli officials and Jewish leaders worldwide hardly ever react, at least not publicly, to such widespread and vicious anti-Semitic outbursts in Turkey. Why is Rifat Bali resigned to the fact that “the only options left for Turkey’s Jewish community are to either continue living in Turkey amid widespread anti-Semitism or to emigrate?” This is a fundamental question that Jews themselves should answer!
By keeping quiet, Jewish leaders are simply encouraging Turkish commentators to continue making racist and insulting remarks. If Israel’s President Shimon Peres and ADL’s National Director Abraham Foxman were not so busy denying the Armenian Genocide, they would perhaps spend more of their time fighting anti-Semitism!

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14 responses to “Why Don’t Jews Condemn Anti-Semitism in Turkey?”


    For their interest Jews are ready to be INSULTED!!!

    They have saying: “FOR YOUR GAIN or INTEREST BE INSULTED… but with DIGNITY” (How is it possible

    know Jews only!)

    Dear Mr. Sassounian stated:

    “If Israel’s President Shimon Peres and ADL’s National Director Abraham Foxman

    were not so busy denying the Armenian Genocide, they would perhaps spend more of their time fighting

    anti-Semitism!”. BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Robert Avatar

    Hey Harut,

    You really have the audacity to ask this question! Let’s see, why don’t the Jews condemn you dashnak Armenian butchers for the way you murdered countless Jews during WWI (for a total of 2.5 million Moslems and non-Moslems)! In 1922, dashnak Armenians once again reared their ugly demonic heads as they assisted the retreating Greeks to not only loot and murder the Turks AND Jews, but to also burn the Turkish sector of Izmir! Ah, but let’s not also forget what you dashnaks did to the Jews of the Crimean and Caucuses regions during WWII (remember the infamous Nazi 812th Battalion, comprised of over 20,000 Armenian volunteers and commanded by that homicidal maniac, Dro, who hunted down the Jews, finding them and torturing/killing them outright, saving the rest for transportation to the concentration camps!)! Even today Harut, how many Jews and Turks are allowed to live freely in Armenia when you have an Armenian purity rate of 96-98%? How many Synagogues, let alone Mosques, are there in Armenia Harut? Armenia has one of the most oppresive and corrupt governments in the world! Amnesty International has written a scathing report about Armenia in their latest 2009 International report to the UN! It’s well known the mass exodus of your own people trying to flee your country. Most come to Turkey and decide to stay and call it their new home, while others choose to go to the US or other European countries. Armenia is one of the most racist nations on the planet! you make South Africa look tame in comparrison! you are one of the biggest BEGGARS in the world, with your hands always out for money or aid! Per capita, Armenia receives the largest amount of foreign aid than any other country in the world! Your major import is foreign aid while your major export is terrorism! I could continue with so many more examples, but why should I…you’re really not worth it!

    Yeah Harut, you really got a pair on you to make such a brazen statement! Clean up your own house first! Don’t forget, people who live in glass houses…!

    Think about it Harut!!

  3. Mr. Robert,

    Jews prefer to live in countries where they are the most clever!



  4. Mr.Robert,

    Today I have read the column of ORHAN KEMAL CENGİZ – “The ugly truth about the Kurdish question — the Armenian question!?”


    I am very happy there are TURKS like ORHAN KEMAL CENGİZ, who understood the tragedy of my people.

    He wrote: “Will it lead us to confront older and deeper wounds in our past, like the Armenian tragedy, which was created by Turks and Kurds together?…

    “This is a process full of pain. Is anyone ready for that much deep questioning? I don’t think so.

    MR.ROBERT, YOU ARE NOT READY!!! You cannot feel the pain of Armenian people, who suffered and losed its HOMELAND, who (94 years!!!) live and create in all over the world but not together and in the same land – in their Fatherland.

    It is a GREAT TRAGEDY, which turks caused to my people.

    You killed 1.5 million Armenians and destroyed not only our homeland , you destroyed our FUTURE, too…

  5. Robert Avatar

    ALLA (or are you the RAT in AraRAT again?),

    First of all, my letter was addressed to Harut S. But that’s okay. That’s what a forum is for, the freedom to express concerns and exchange ideas.

    ALLA, you need to do a few things before you can make any objective comments. First of all you need to deprogram the years of brainwashing and hate indoctronation you obviously receview throughout your youth at the AYF Camps (patterened after the Hitler Youth Camps of WWII). For your edification, non-dashnak Armenian survivors have documented how dashnaks, lead by homicidal maniacs such as Dro, came into Armenina villages and, mostly with the help of the Russians, massacred almost the entire Armenian populations of those villages (THEY MURDERED THEIR OWN PEOPLE!), then turn around, using the race and religion cards, and cry to the Near East Relief Missionaries in the region that the monsterous Turks did these horrible deeds, conning the gulible Christian nations for the past century! In addition, the dashnaks also attacked the Kurds in their villages, which naturally prompted a retallitory response from them as they attacked Armenian villages!

    You claim that I can not feel the pain of loss! My grandfather, what was left of his family, friends and neighbors, were the few survivors of the genocide committed by the dashnak Armenians against the Turks in Van (where dashnak Armenians massacred 25,000 Turks, Jews, Kurds within a two day period!), Kars, Erzurum, Erzincan and others for a total of 518,000 Turks alone (2.5 million people all together being murdered because of the dashnak Armenians)! Fortunately, he and the other survivors got together and quickly wrote down and documented EVERYTHING that they had experienced (these documents can are part of the National Turkish Archives). Tell me, CAN YOU FEEL ALL OF THAT PAIN?!?!?!

    The numbers you fabricate (1.5 million) are just that…a fabrication! Numerous sources state that many hundreds of thousands of Armenians were safelly living in Syria, as well as other locations (for a total of 600,000 Armenians alive that were reported as being dead!). These numbers have changed since the end of WWI (from an initial 300,000 killed to inflated numbers as high as almost 3 million, until they eventually settled on a random number 1.5 million (which COULD be plausible and acceptable by the gulible Christian nations, especially when you dashnaks played the religion and race card!))! Both your archives in Yerevan and Boston remain closed to the public (the only ones in the world which would have pertinent information)! The VAST majority of your so called “evidence and documentations” have long since been proven to be forged, fabricated and falsified (this is why you dashnaks can never enter into a major public forum style debate, with full media coverage with any of us. To do so would be disaterous for all of you because the truth would come out right away.)! You terrorists groups murdered hundred of innocent people (men, women and children)! You fire-bomb the homes of famous arthors to intimidate them from writing the truth, while you bobby-trap the cars of others! In essence, you dashnaks will stop at nothing to perpetuate your 100 year-old lie and con job! We didn’t destroy your future…YOU DID! But in trying to perserve your lies and prevent the truth from coming out, you’ve destroyed something much more valuable…YOUR PEOPLE’S HONOR, DIGNITY, CREDIBILITY AND SELF-RESPECT! Once destroyed, they can never be replaced (it would take you at least a century AFTER you came forth and admitted to the world the truth and what really occurred)!

    In every nation you will find those that have a price where they will sell out their own nation and people to the highest bidder, with whatever lies and inaccuracies that are given to them by the payors (e.g. Dashnak Armenians!)! Unfortunately, Turkey is not an exception. However, there are also those who DO tell the truth of what actually transpired, knowing the deadly repercussions that awaited them by the Dashnak Armenians for speaking out and telling the truth (e.g. Hovhannes Katchaznouni (the first President/PM of Armenia), Ohanus Appressian, etc.)!

    So take your BS somewhere else. I’m sure that you can still find some ignorant and gulible christians out there that may actually believe your horse shit! Finally, quit parading around with all of these different names! You’re the RAT and you know it! We’ve already got you pegged, so you’re no longer fooling anyone!

  6. Harut,

    How many Turks are left in Armenia today?
    How many Azeris are left in Armenia today?
    How many Jews are left in Armenia today?
    How many Mosques are left in Armenia today?
    How many Sinagogs are left in Armenia today?

    What happened to Armenians who killed Azeri women and children at Khodjaly?
    What happened to Armenians who killed Turkish women and children since 1965?

    Jews in Turkey do not need your leadership (!)

    The only thing you care about is your bogus genocide. You know people accept the proven Holocaust but reject the discredited and unproven genocide. You approach Jews, therefore, to establish “credibilty by association”.

    Beware of the Armenian fanatics bearing gifts.

  7. 27 April 1992: “the 500th year of Turco-Jewish harmony”


    New York (A.A) – The 500th anniversary of the arrival of Sephardic Jews in the Ottoman Empire after being expelled from Spain during the Inquisition was celebrated in New York with a big ceremony. Apart from President Turgut Ozal who attended the Gala as the guest of honor, also present were Israeli Foreign Minister and deputy Prime Minister Prime Minister Davit Levy, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, former U.N. Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar, 1986 Peace Award recipient and defender of Jewish rights Prof. Elie Wiesel, former New York Mayor Ed Koch, former U.S. ambassadors to Ankara Robert Strauss-Hupe and Morton Abramowitz, Turkish Ambassador to Washington Nuzhet Kandemir, U.N. Ambassador Mustafa Aksin, members of the House of Representatives Stephen Solarz and Jim Moody and Senator A. Lattenberg.

    Ozal’s Speech

    President Turgut Ozal, in his speech said that with these celebrations a message of tolerance and solidarity had been conveyed in regard to religion and peoples.

    The president who stated that the next century would be one of freedom, peace, development and prosperity continued “The Inquisition could not prevent civilization from taking hold thus racism, hostility towards foreigners and religious fanaticism will not be successful in our common future.”

    The president who said that the Sephardic Jews have shared the victories and misfortunes of the Turks for centuries added that the Turkish Republic welcomed the Jews who had escaped Nazi tyranny during World War II.

    Message of Bush

    U.S. President Bush sent the following video message to the Gala:
    “It is my pleasure to salute the Quincentennial Foundation as you gather to commemorate and celebrate the 500th anniversary of one of the most merciful acts in history: the Ottoman Empire’s offer of refuge to the persecuted Jews in Spain.

    For Americans, the year 1492, is a year of discovery — of new beginnings. However, 1492 was a gloomy time in Europe, in that year came the expulsion of Spain’s large community of Sephardic Jews and Muslim Moors. The Muslim Moors found shelter in Morocco and parts of the Ottoman Empire, but the Sephardic Jews had nowhere to go until Sultan Beyazit II. offered his empire as a place of refuge for these desperate and homeless people. In a time when in Western Europe religious tolerance was all too rare, the Ottoman Empire extended the hand of friendship to a persecuted minority of a faith and culture different from its own. Today, in this time of conflict and turmoil in the Middle East the world would do well to recall this example of Muslims and Jews living side-by-side in harmony and respect. Your celebration tonight recalls just one example of the harmonious coexistence of people in the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic that succeeded it. The Turkish people have a long and honorable tradition of welcoming refugees — be they the Sephardic Jews of 500 years ago, the German Jews of fleeing the Nazi regime of the 1930s, or the Kurds fleeing the despotic Saddam Hussein.

    Turkey is our ally and our friend, and I am honored to salute the Turkish people in commemorating a great moment in their history. Turkey and the United States share a history of offering refuge to the oppressed, and it is a great pleasure for me to join you tonight in this celebration. I wish you all great success as you carry on events in Turkey and abroad to mark this momentous time. May God bless you all.”

    Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, in his speech said “I am here tonight because of my great admiration for the modern republic of Turkey and for President Ozal”. He said that after Korea, Europe and the Middle East, now Turkey represented freedom in Central Asia. Dr. Kissinger who recalled that Turkey had solved her problems regarding the fundamentalist movements in her own way, stated that President Turgut Ozal had done the most for Turkey. Kissinger added that the results of the developments in the Middle East depended on Turkey.

    Harmony Day

    At the large gathering attended by New York’s Jewish leaders, the Mayor of New York David Dinkins sent a message and declared 27 April 1992 the “500th year of Turco-Jewish harmony”.

    At the Gala, awards were given to President Turgut Ozal, Mrs. Ozal, Prime Minister Suleyman Demirel and Edmond Safra.

    Source: NEWSPOT, May 1992


    July 30, 2009

    President Barack Obama
    The White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
    Washington, DC 20500

    Dear Mr. President:

    We write to you with our concerns about Turkish backpedaling on the agreed upon roadmap to normalize relations between Turkey and Armenia.

    On April 22, 2009, just two days before the 94th commemoration of the Armenian Genocide, the Department of State released the following statement:

    “The United States welcomes the statement made by Armenia and Turkey on normalization of their bilateral relations. It has long been and remains the position of the United States that normalization should take place without preconditions and within a reasonable timeframe. We urge Armenia and Turkey to proceed according to the agreed framework and roadmap. We look forward to working with both governments in support of normalization, and thus promote peace, security and stability in the whole region.”

    Two days later, instead of recognizing the Armenian Genocide, the Administration opted to focus on this new roadmap to Armenian-Turkish normalization. “I also strongly support the efforts by Turkey and Armenia to normalize their bilateral relations,” you wrote. “Under Swiss auspices, the two governments have agreed on a framework and roadmap for normalization. I commend this progress, and urge them to fulfill its promise.”

    While the Government of Armenia remains committed to this roadmap and has long offered to establish ties with Turkey without preconditions, Turkey’s public statements and actions since April 24th stand in sharp contrast to this agreement and undermine U.S. policy that normalization take place without preconditions.

    On May 13, 2009, Prime Minister Erdogan publically conditioned normalization of relations with Yerevan on Azerbaijan’s approval of a future settlement of the Nagorno Karabagh conflict that fully meets Baku’s satisfaction. “I want to repeat once more that until the occupation ends, the border gates [with Armenia] will remain closed,” Erdogan told the Azeri Parliament.

    On June 17, 2009, EU South Caucasus Envoy Peter Semneby said Turkey had taken “tactical steps backwards” in the normalization process with Armenia.

    It would appear that Turkey, in an effort to block U.S. recognition of the Armenian Genocide, agreed to a roadmap it did not intend to uphold. Therefore, we urge your Administration to separate the issues of normalization and genocide recognition. We hope that renewed efforts and focused resources from the Administration can be utilized to nurture the Armenia-Turkey normalization process without preconditions and within a reasonable timeframe, and continue to remain strongly supportive of your stated campaign policy to officially recognize the Armenian Genocide.


    Joining Reps. Pallone, Kirk, Schiff and Radanovich in cosigning the letter to President Obama were Representatives: Gary Ackerman (D-NY), Joe Baca (D-CA), Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Shelley Berkley (D-NV), Howard Berman (D-CA), Gus Bilirakis (R-FL), Bruce Braley, (D-IA), John Campbell, (R-CA), Lois Capps (D-CA), Michael Capuano (D-MA), Dennis Cardoza (D-CA), Jim Costa (D-CA), Jerry Costello (D-IL), Joe Courtney (D-CT), Joseph Crowley (D-NY), Peter DeFazio (D-OR), Steve Driehaus (D-OH), Anna Eshoo (D-CA), Chaka Fattah (D-PA), Bob Filner (D-CA), Barney Frank (D-MA), Elton Gallegly (R-CA), Scott Garrett (R-NJ), Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), Rush Holt (D-NJ), Michael Honda (D-CA), Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL), Patrick Kennedy (D-RI), Dale Kildee (D-MI), Leonard Lance (R-NJ), James Langevin (D-RI) Barbara Lee (D-CA), Sander Levin (D-MI), Daniel Lipinski (D-IL), Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ) Daniel Lungren (R-CA). Stephen Lynch (D-CA), Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), Edward Markey (D-MA), Betty McCollum (D-MN), Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI), James McGovern (D-MA) Jerry McNerney (D-CA), Candice Miller (R-MI), Walt Minnick (D-ID), Grace Napolitano (D-CA), Richard Neal (D-CA), Devin Nunes (R-CA), John Olver (D-MA) Payne, Donald (D-NJ), Gary Peters (D-MI), Collin Peterson (D-MN), Mike Quigley (D-IL), Peter Roskam (R-IL), Steven Rothman (D-NJ), Edward Royce (R-CA), Bobby Rush (D-IL) Paul Ryan (R-WI), Loretta Sanchez (D-CA), John Sarbanes (D-MD) James Sensenbrenner (R-WI), Brad Sherman (D-CA), Chris Smith (R-NJ), Mark Souder (R-IN), Zack Space (D-OH), Jackie Speier (D-CA), John Tierney (D-MA), Dina Titus (D-NV), Paul Tonko (D-NY), Niki Tsongas (D-MA), Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), Tim Walz (D-MN), Henry Waxman (D-CA), Anthony Weiner (D-NY), Frank Wolf (R-VA), and Lynn Woolsey (D-CA).


  9. The Ugly Truth about the Kurdish, Armenian Questions

    In a hard-hitting commentary, Orhan Kemal Cengiz challenges the Turkish Government to resolve the Kurdish issue, and challenges Turks and Kurds to confront the past by coming clean about the Armenian Genocide. He is still not ready to use the word Genocide. But he comes close.


  10. Mr/Ms Haluk,

    Elie Wiesel
    Nobel Laureate for Peace
    Holocaust Survivor
    Founding Chairman of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council

    Talat and Enver wanted to liquidate the Armenians of the Ottoman Empire…the savage butchery in Armenia, the first genocide of the 20th century…The cold and calculating brutality of the theoreticians of massacre, the scheming of rapaciousness and the bloodthirstiness of the fanatical killers, the spirit of sacrifice of the victims…The world is at war, but within this war another war is waged between a Great Power and a targeted, persecuted and oppressed minority.
    Deportations, forced marches, endless humiliation and mass murders aimed at the extermination of a people in its entirety


    Yossy Beilin
    Minister of Justice of Israel (1999-2001)

    It doesn’t have to be this way. I think that our attitude toward such a dreadful historic event cannot be dictated by our friendly relations with Turkey, even though that relationship is particularly important to me as one who worked so hard to develop it. I also see the contradictions between the political track and the ethical one.
    Something happened that cannot be defined except as genocide. One-and-a-half million people disappeared. it wasn’t negligence, it was deliberate. I do not think that the government has to take an official decision on this issue, but we must clarify to the Turks that we cannot accept their political demands to ignore a historical event. An ethical stand cannot be dictated by political needs–these are two separate tracks.

  11. Tolga Cakir Avatar
    Tolga Cakir

    The replacement was presented by the Armenians and hostile states as a massacre and genocide against Armenians, and a massive propaganda campaign was launched against the Ottomans.

    Genocide is the crime of annihilation of human groups because of racial, national, ethnic and religious differences. It can be perpetrated only directly by a Government or under its consent. In order to prevent the crime of genocide in the world, the United Nations General Assembly voted in 1948 the Genocide Convention, to which Turkey adhered in 1950.

    The mention of genocide reminds the massive massacres perpetrated by Nazis against Jews and other ethnic groups In World War II. In this period lasting from 1939 to 1945 six million Jews, more than three millions of Soviet prisoners of war, more than one million Polish and Yugoslav civilians, about 200.000 Gypsies and 70.000 disabled persons were murdered. This is genocide in the true sense of the word.

    Similarly, an imposing number of genocides have been committed in the recent years despite the United Nations Convention. For example, the confessions of two retired French generals published in the daily Le Monde show that the French army murdered at least one million Algerians between 1954 and 1962, while the Indonesian army massacred a full one million communists and their family members in 1965 and 1966, the Red Khmer killed 1,7 million Cambodians between 1975 and 1979, 500.000 Tutsis were beheaded by Huttus of Ruanda in 1994 and thousands of Moslems were exposed to Serbian atrocities in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo.

    The crime of genocide was committed in the above cases in its most blatant form. Contrary to the Armenian pretensions, the measures adopted regarding the Armenians in Eastern Anatolia was merely a replacement in another region within the Empire for security reasons and had nothing to do with genocide.

    It is true that there were Armenian losses during the war and the replacement operation but they were actually due to the failure of establishment of order because of the war and the revolts in Eastern Anatolia., together with hunger, lack of food and fuel, adverse climatic conditions and epidemics such as typhus. There was no genocide or a planned massacre whatsoever.

    It is a fact that the Armenians were subjected to many similar replacements in the past for treason against the states under whose hegemonies they were living. the Sasanites moved 70.000 Armenians to Iran in 379 AD, the Byzantines relocated 40.000 East Anatolian Armenians in Sivas and Kayseri in 1025, the Mameluks sent 10.000 to Egypt, the Iranians dispersed 24.000 into the country and the Russians invading Crimea sent thousands of Armenians into the Siberian steppes.

    Without mentioning any of these preceding replacements and exiles, the Armenians strive to make a genocide issue out of their replacement undertaken in 1915 for undeniably sound reasons by the Ottoman State. This attitude is the product of policies designed to break apart the integrity of Turkey. The most obvious evidence of this phenomenon lies in the fact that the Western powers, obliviously ignore the true genocide events in Africa, the Balkans and several other parts of the world, also ironically lend support to the claims of genocide against Armenians.

  12. Mr. Tolga Cakir, you wrote: “…
    Contrary to the Armenian pretensions, the measures adopted regarding the Armenians in Eastern Anatolia was merely a replacement in another region within the Empire for security reasons and had nothing to do with genocide”



    IS CONSTANTINOPLE LOCATED IN WESTERN ARMENIA (as you like to call Eastern Anatolia)?????
    IF my memory doesn’t fale me — NO!!!

    “The date of the onset of the genocide is conventionally held to be April 24, 1915, the day that Ottoman

    authorities arrested some 250 Armenian intellectuals and community leaders in Constantinople”

  13. Hey SONNA=The RAT,

    First of all, when nations and people of influence (Mr. Elie Weisel, etc.) are ONLY provided with one side of a story, never being allowed for the other side to ever be seen or heard, what conclussions do you really think that they’ll come up with? In 2003, there were six or seven Turkish survivors of the genocide committed by the dashnak Armenians (in wheelchairs) who had come to the capitol to testify thier eye-witness accounts! Somehow, ANCA or other members of the Armenian diaspora, heard that these people had come to testify in front of a congressional committee. Out of nowhere, before they even had a chance to speak, the capitol security came and “escorted” these Turkish survivors out of the area and into the rotundum. They were not allowed to re-enter and no explination was ever provided! So, when you present a letter of desperation from dashnaks to President Obama, signed by congressional politicians who are in their pockets, it really doesn’t mean much of anything other than a bunch of whining Armenian cowards, who as usual, have to have others do their fighting for them! I hope that Obama flips all of you off by giving you the bird! The dashnaks are feeling the pressure from all parts now and are in a conundrum. Dashnaks will stop at NOTHING to prevent the truth from getting out to the world! As for the Kurdish armenian connection, it’s been proven for several years now, by cooperative intelligence agencies, that dashnak Armenians (ex-ASALA and other Armo terrorist groups) receive money from both Armenian and Greek orthodox churches, as well as private donations, to fund, supply and train the PKK to attack and murder innocent Turkish civillians (this what dashnaks do best anyway…ethnic cleansing and committing genocide, then claiming that they were the victims by blaming the ones that they just murdered)!

    Finally SONNA, if we’re as bad as you dashnaks claim that we are, then why are you all so collectively terrified to debate us in an open public forum WITH full media coverage? You don’t dare to bring any criminal or civil actions against us in any court, anywhere! Tell me one single positive verdict, from any court anywhere in the world, which was in your favor! You can’t becuse there wasn’t any, because to even try would expose you dashnak Armenians to the entire world and show that what you claim as “evidentiary proof” are nothing more than forgeries, fabrications and falsifications! So go and peddle your dashnak BS to someone who is ignorant and gulible enough, and who truly gives a rat’s ass!

  14. William Avatar

    Armenians have always relied on others to do their biddign (and fighting) since late 19th Century. The fact is, they have miscalculated their importance, under overstimated their military strength, underestimated Turkish resolve and warriorship at a time of desperation, and placed too much stock in the daydreams of flaky and tricky Armenian revolutionaries. They gambled and lost big. Now they are relying on “power of chatter” to turn a military and political defeat that came at the end of a series of acts of revolt, treason, and terrorism. The Armenians calculate that Armenians can talk a storm when Turkish culture mostly produces a dignified silence which can further be absued by the Armenians. But, again, Armenians, Diaspora one, that is, are severely miscalculating… and Armenia is paying the price…

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