Dr. Israel Charny Condemns Denial of Armenian Genocide in British Parliament

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Publisher, The California Courier
Senior Contributor, USA Armenian Life Magazine

In an earlier column I wrote about the special conference held at the British Parliament on May 7, organized by the British-Armenian All-Party Parliamentary Group. Dr. Israel Charny and I were invited as guest speakers. I spoke about “The Armenian Genocide and Quest for Justice.” Dr. Charny could not attend due to illness, however, his prepared remarks were read by Peter Barker, a former broadcaster of BBC Radio.
Dr. Charny is an internationally-known authority on the Holocaust and the Armenian Genocide. He is the Executive Director of the Jerusalem-based Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide, past President of International Association of Genocide Scholars, Editor-in-Chief of Encyclopedia of Genocide, and author of several scholarly books. Dr. Charny’s lengthy paper was titled: “Confronting denials of the Armenian Genocide is not only honoring history, but a crucial policy position for confronting threats in our contemporary world.”
In his remarks presented at the British Parliament, Dr. Charny described the conference on the Armenian Genocide he attended two years ago in Istanbul. He found “the prevailing discourse stilted, blocked and rigid with denials.” The overwhelming majority of the statements were “one-sided rehashes of Turkish denial propaganda; a basic intellectual failure since they did not even mention or refer to or in any way acknowledge any of the voluminous documentation and evidences of the Armenian Genocide that are now part of world culture; and a great number were emotional diatribes rather than ‘scientific’ or properly scholarly contributions.”
In his paper, Charny singled out the presentation at the Istanbul conference of Prof. Yair Auron, his colleague from Israel, who spoke “in a strong resonant voice that there was no question but that the Armenians had suffered genocide at the hands of the Turks.”
In his London remarks, Dr. Charny’s also discussed the “failure of the State of Israel, but not of Israelis, to recognize the Armenian Genocide,” expressing his “deep regret and shame” that Israel (where he lives) and the United States (where he was born), “have failed seriously in their moral responsibility towards the Armenian people.” He felt “particularly wounded as well as angry at such failures by my Jewish people when we too have known the worst horrors of being victims of a major genocide, and therefore we should be all the more at your side as deeply committed allies in all aspects of preserving and honoring the record of the Armenian Genocide.”
Dr. Charny announced “the happy news [that] the battle for recognition and genuine respect for the memory of the Armenian Genocide [was won] on the level of everyday Israeli culture.” In great detail, he explained that “throughout the year there are major statements in our culture about the Armenian Genocide, including many full-length feature stories and interviews in all of our major newspapers and on our television. On April 24, there is powerful coverage, for example, this year on Roim Olam or Seeing the World, a major TV news magazine; there is an annual seminar at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem at which this year the keynote speaker was Prof. James Russell of Harvard University, and it was my honor to be the keynoter the year before together with an influential member of the Knesset who was totally knowledgeable about the Genocide and totally clear about Israel’s error in not recognizing it; and there is of course an annual commemoration by the Armenian Community — it was there that the two ministers in the past announced their recognition of the Armenian genocide. During a too-brief period, we also had two ministers of the Israeli government who officially recognized the Genocide, and although the governments in question promptly disavowed these ministers’ statements as private and not speaking for the country, the records of those ministers honoring the Armenian Genocide on behalf of the State of Israel cannot be erased. I would say that both the everyday Israeli man on the street and the professional scholars of the Holocaust, such as Prof. Yehuda Bauer perhaps the ranking scholar of the Holocaust at Yad Vashem, are basically sympathetic and committed to paying homage to the Armenian Genocide. A few years ago four of us, including one of the above former ministers, Yossi Sarid, Prof. Bauer, Prof. Yair Auron, an indefatigable scholar of the Armenian Genocide and of Israel’s denials of same, and myself traveled together to Yerevan to lay a wreath at the Armenian Genocide Memorial.”
As he has done many times in the past, Dr. Charny expressed regret that “sadly and shamefully the pull of practical government politics still leads to official Israel cooperating with Turkey in gross denials of the Armenian Genocide. No less than the arch fighter for peace in the Israel-Palestinian conflict, Shimon Peres, now President of Israel, then serving as Israel’s Foreign Minister, twice went notably out of his way to insult the history and memory of the Armenian Genocide.”
In a scathing letter, Dr. Charny told Peres in 2001: “You have gone beyond a moral boundary that no Jew should allow himself to trespass…. As a Jew and an Israeli, I am ashamed of the extent to which you have now entered into the range of actual denial of the Armenian Genocide, comparable to denials of the Holocaust.”
In response to a second “especially insulting” denial by Shimon Peres in 2002, Dr. Charny sent him one of my columns from The California Courier, with the following note: “I am enclosing with great concern for your attention an editorial in a leading US-Armenian newspaper calling on Armenia to expel the Israeli Ambassador. For your further information, the author of this editorial, who is the head of the United Armenian Fund in the US — comparable to our United Jewish Appeal — was for many years a delegate to the UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva.”
Dr. Charny concluded his London remarks: “I am happy to emphasize that the people and the culture [in Israel] very strongly recognize and honor the [Armenian] Genocide, and know how serious and important it is for us and the whole world.” He expressed his sincere hope that “some day we will succeed in changing the official Israeli government position.”

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14 responses to “Dr. Israel Charny Condemns Denial of Armenian Genocide in British Parliament”


    Dr.Israel Charny is one among thousands!

    Turkey needs to face its history and display courage to accept it!!!

    The Armenian Genocide is the most horrific crime against humanity.

    It is the greatest tragedy of the Armenian people.

    The ARMENIAN GENOCIDE is not a subject of discussion!

  2. Fahrettin Altay Pasha Avatar
    Fahrettin Altay Pasha

    You couldnt count up to 1000.
    You Dashnak Armenian liars need to wake up and smell the BS you are shovelling.
    There is no GENOCIDE!
    You need to understand this. Read the definitian of GENOCIDE over and over again, until you understand what it means. Then apply the plight of the Turks and Armenians in Anatolia throughout 1870’s to 1920 to what the TRUE meaning of Genocide is….
    You will beleive!!!
    Tragedy! The only Tragedy is that you have been lied to and used as pawns by France, Britain, Russia and the US… And with this thick head, you will continue to be used over and over again.

  3. Fahrettin Altay Pasha,

    the only tragedy is the existance of denialists like you…

  4. Fahrettin Altay Pasha Avatar
    Fahrettin Altay Pasha

    Tyipical Armenian strategy. Avoid the topic. You are pathetic. You do not learn anthing do you?
    What can you tell me which is based on logic, history, fact?
    Nothing. Anything you put forward is either a forgery, lie, or a statement of a baught politician.
    Your Pathetic!
    I dont deny anything. I say lots of Armenians were killed. Lots of Turks were killed. Lots of Kurds were killed. Lots of people from all bacgrounds and beliefs were killed. It was a tragic period in history. Also, I dont deny the fact that the Dashnak Armenians armed themselves from the Russians and Greeks and with the idea of a greater Armenia, went around killing anybody in their paths. (just to sum it up)
    It was alot of things, but GENOCIDE IT DEFINATELY WASNT.
    The Dashnak gangs deserved what they got. They braught the relocation amongst their own kind.
    What ever happenned in those years to all Armenians was braught on them by their very own DASHNAKS. Now take responsibility for what you have baught your countrymen.
    The truth hurts doesnt it?

  5. Robert Avatar


    You’re out of your league here! GO HOME and leave this site to the true intellictuals that it was intended for in the first place!

  6. Mr.Robert,

    Da you consider yourself intellectual ??!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    You have lively imagination and live in a world of fantasy!!!

    WAKE UP!!!


    Roza on behalf of SONA, ANNA & JDA

  7. dear robert, PASHA, ERGUN ET AL,


  8. Robert Avatar


    You’ve just described yourselves!! Since you are one and the same, why bother making multiple comments when one is all anyone needs! You have nothing, can do nothing, and are nothing that can ever even be thought of as being taken seriously, let alone being intellectual (and yes, I do consider myself an intellectual!).

    You’ve been humiliated so much on this site, from so many different topics, by so many different people, that I find is fascinating that you can even show your face(s) on this site at all! You truly are shameless!

  9. Fahrettin Altay Pasha Avatar
    Fahrettin Altay Pasha

    JDA – Roza’s Ideas??????? What Ideas? To date, I have not heard any ideas from Rosa. All ROSA says is we are denialists…. Same old game…. if you argue the fact, your a denialist and deserve to burn in hell…
    Its a shame really. One day you will realise just how much Armenia needs Turkey.
    Turkey on the other hand needs not Armenia.
    I am going to Antalya for a swim…. where will all the Yerevanians go for a swim??????

  10. Don’t worry Mr.Fahrettin Altay Pasha,

    We have wonderful LAKE SEVAN!!!

    Our Lake Sevan is also the biggest natural reservoir of fresh/sweet/water in the region.

    You wrote: “…and yes, I do consider myself an intellectual! You are profundly mistaken! Intellectual never behaves like you….

  11. Robert Avatar


    First of all, ROZA (a.k.a. The RAT) asked me (with some misspellings) if I thought of myself as an intellectual. I simply answered her/his question. Since you are obviously NOT an intellectual, how would you know how one would behave?

    Secondly, the two rivers that come through Armenia and flow into Azerbaijan to give them their water is ALWAYS so heavily pollutted from the raw sewage purposely dumped in there from Armenian toilets, with little, if any, effort to clean it up before it ends up in the river. These were stipulations that Armenia agreed to when it received their usual yearly American tax-payer paid foreign aid handouts! So what did they do with the money that was suppossed to be earmarked to build treatment plants and clean up the rivers before they reached Azerbaijan? NOTHING!! Just another example of dashnak Armenian corruption while they continue to hurt others! So why are you dashnaks so surprised when so many more of the people of the world, as they learn more about the crap that you all do, come forth and say how they don’t like you and that how they now realize what kind of liars you dashnaks really are!! You are your own worst enemies!!

  12. When I write Mr. Robert and you continues to write ANNA=RAT, it is obvious YOU ARE NOT INTELLECTUAL!!!

    Intellectual is more than to be literate…

    Also it means I AM a NOBLEWOMAN as compared with you, MR. RO-BERT!!!

    Don’t be a ROUGH…

    Be gentleman!!!

  13. Mr. Robert wrote: “… and say how they don’t like you” πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    Please tell me, MR. ROBERT,

    WHO LIKE TURKS??? WHO? Sarkozy? Angel Merkel? Greeks, Jews, Kurds? Bulgarians? WHO ????????

    Victor Hugo liked you so much, that said: “From here has passed turk…” (which means ruins….)

    Now I understand, Hugo has met with turks like Robert.

    Because if he meets turks like Akcham, Pamuk or Chengiz Aktar he would have another opinion!

    Mr.Robert, human beeings like you is a shame for any nation!

  14. Robert Avatar

    First of all ROZA, we are all so used to dealing with the same person who uses so many diferent names on sites (The RAT in AraRAT), that everyone naturally believes that JDA, SONA, ANNA, You are one and the same. THAT ROZA, is how one deals with RATS! It has nothing to do with being an intellectual, a nobleman, or a gentleman (which, for your edification, are social titles which must be earned! Since deceit, vulgarity, lying, graft, oppression, defamers, insultive, murder, respect, dignity, assault, intimidation, manipulation, fabrication/falsifiers, racists, arsonists, envious, shameless, denialists, bribary, arrogance, etc. are virtues which the Dashnak Armenians are most noted for, I’m afraid that they can not, in all social circles and the rules of social constance and grace, will NEVER know the meaning of earning such titiles as gentleman, nobleman, etc.)!

    Secondly, you asked “WHO LIKES TURKS???” Actually, each nation will have dissenters, corrupt officials, oppressors, those of poor character whom can be bought off quite cheaply and rather easily, to do and say what they are told! As dashnak Armenians, you of course, are well aware of dealing with such “individuals” by having done business with these types for 100 years! An intellectual and nobleman/noblewoman, would tell you in a moment that a simple examination of world history would show that for centuries, those aforementioned people which you listed (Greeks, Jews, French, etc.), did indeed live in peace with us for centuries! You very Armenians were liberated from the tryanny of being slaves and over-taxed subjects of the greedy Byzanntines for centuries! For at least five centuries, the mere mention of the word Turk and Ottoman was synonymous with a generous, gracious and fair people! The Jews of Spain can attest to this! There are many such examples all throughout these times in world history. Voltaire, Napolean, Mozart, Beethoven, General Macarthur, President Kennedy, the Japanese, the Koreans, etc, are just examples of those WHO LIKES TURKS!! Please refresh my memory in that just HOW MANY LIKE ARMENIANS??? What exactly, have they, as a nation, ever contributed to this world (other than terrorism!)? I can’t seem to recall any famous quotes by any famous people (military, artist, etc.) holding Armenia in a bright light! Do you? I don’t seem to remember just when the last Opera or March was EVER composed by a famous composer in honor of Armenia or Armenians? Would you be so kind as to enlighten me in regards to this simple request? For centuries, as is even now, many a great king and general has bestowed repeated accolades upon the Turkish soldier and the Turk in general for their generosity, fairness and kindness on the battlefield! It’s been a well known fact for centuries that a Turk will ALWAYS welcome a person into their homes and treat them with the utmost of graciousness and hospitality! Turks have earned the respect of being great warriors! This has been proven time and time again throughout world history (from almost eight centuries ago, through battles of WWI, the Korean War, the War on terrorism (less than two weeks after 9/11, three commando units were deployed to Afghanistan from the US, Britain and Turkey!)!! You ask the average person where Turkey is on a map, the majority will be able to point it out. On the other hand, ask them where Armenia is, chances are excellent that not only would they not be able to identify your backwater country, but that they probably will have never even ever heard of it!

    One could easily go on and on discussing the earned accolades for Turkey, but this would merely be lost upon a dashnak Armenian such as yourself! Since dashnaks Armenians have a tremendous envy, a severe jealousy, inferiority complex and low self-esteem, all they can do is what simian primates in the world’s zoos do…throw verbal fecal material at something and someone far greater than yourselves! It’s the only way you seem to be able to cope and, dare i say, stay sane! Truly, dashnak Armenians are excellent sociological test cases!

    ROZA (a.k.a. The RAT), you can, in no shape or form, could ever be considered a NOBLEWOMAN! You are simply just not in the same league! So get a life and stop wasting OUR time!!!

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