Turkish ambassador to Azerbaijan: Turkey’s aim is to liberate Nagorno Karabakh

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Turkey wishes liberation of the occupied lands of Azerbaijan.

pic53108Turkey will not open borders with Armenia, unless the lands are liberated, said Turkish ambassador to Azerbaijan Hulusi Kilic, speaking at the round table on the topic “Azerbaijani-Turkish relations in the regional geopolitical context” organized in the Center of Strategic Studies.

“20% of Azerbaijani lands have been under Armenian occupation for already 18 years. Evil wishers attempted to make the two fraternal states argue, spread information about the possible opening of the Turkish-Armenian border. Yet Prime Minister’s visit to Azerbaijan has made the situation clear.

The world got convinced that Turkey will never leave Azerbaijan and open borders with Armenia unless the territories are liberated from occupation”, noted the ambassador.


Source: www.today.az, 12 June 2009

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7 responses to “Turkish ambassador to Azerbaijan: Turkey’s aim is to liberate Nagorno Karabakh”

  1. Mr.Ambassador,

    Please talking about Armenian or the other occupation, rememeber about Turkish occupation of the North Cyprus!!!

    REMEMBER FOREVER: Armenai cannot occupite its ancestral land – ARTSAKH.

    Also, please use the correct words: it is NOT OPENNING of the BORDERS, IT IS CANCELLING OF BLOCKADE!!!

    Best regards,

  2. Fahrettin Altay Pasha Avatar
    Fahrettin Altay Pasha

    They are our borders, we can do with them what we like. We can open them, close them, allow trade, disallow trade, for Turkey and its growing economy, we are not reserved to one little border which promises nothing but terrorism… what can Armenia bring to the table? – NOTHING!
    I vote the UN change the name of Armenia to Amnesia.

    The UN agrees Armenia committed attrocities in Karabag. The UN also agrees Armenia is illegally occupying this teritory. Its not yours… get out!

    Also, the Turkish Ocupation of Cyprus as you well know was an operation to stop the killing of innocent Turkish Cyptiot nationalsits by the greater plan to join the island with Greece. They had started ethic cleansing and the world wanted to watch. Turkey had to put a stop to it after pleeding with the world to intervene. This is the reason Ayse went on holidays… I wish she would again!

    To quote what I read in one of the other forums…. Turkey doesnt need Armenia, Armenia needs Turkey.

    Let bygons be bygons, appologise to the entire Turkic people of the world and we can continue… who knows, maybe you may become the “Sadika Millet” again..

  3. Fahrettin Altay Pasha!!!



    P.S. We vote the UN change the name of Turkey to barbarous and GENOCIDE DENIALIST!!!

    ARMENIA NEVER NEED TURKEY and border openning!!! Since 1993 we live in blockade and will continue our life without damned open borders. To be truth, the majority in Armenia daoesn’t want to have open border with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  4. Robert Avatar

    Hey SONA,

    First of all, you mention incorrectly, the “occupation of Northern Cyprus” by Turkey. If you would take the time to do even a minimal amount of research, you wouldn’t always look so ridiculous and idiotic on these sites! Cyprus gained independence from Britain in 1960. It was to be governed jointly by the Turkish and Greek Cypriots. Also in 1960, Greece, Turkey and England agreed to and signed the tri-lateral defense treaty for Cyprus, stating that if any one of the signataries committed any hostile actions against the other, then the other had the right to uni-laterally defend its citizens by any means necessary! However, even in the 1950’s, Greeks began treating the Turkish Cypriots as second-class citizens. In 1960, the Greeks developed the AKRITAS PLAN in Athens. This was a secret plan by the Greek military to competely occupy Cyprus and ethnically cleanse the Turkish-Cypriot population! A copy was discovered and presented to the UN. The UN published it in numerous articles and journals. The Greeks were caught red-handed and were disgraced and humiliated! But this didn’t stop them. In 1964, the Greek-Cypriot terrorist organization (EOKA-A, and then later, the EOKA-B) attacked the home of a Turkish-Cypriot doctor (who was gone for a house call), slaughtering his children in their bathtub with machinegun fire, then raping and mutilating his wife in their bedroom! This was the beginning of the many mass atrocities committed by the Greeks against the Turkish-Cypriots. The red-bearded devil, the butcher of Cyprus, a.k.a. Archbishop Makarios, was now the learder of all of this terroristic actions directed at the Turks. via his orders, thousands of Turkish-Cypriots were either murdered in their villages, or taken out and murdered elsewhere (later, in 1974, numerous graves will be uncovered to produce the bound and gagged bodies of these murdered Turkish-Cypriots)! Turkey tried several times to enforce the Treaty, but in the 1960’s, President Johnson, under the influence of his part-Greek wife (Lady Bird), sent the 6th fleet to prevent any attempts by Turkey to stop the massacres of her people by the Greeks. Finally, on July 24, 1974, the Greek government, run by a military junta, tried to overthrow Makarios. Turkey knew that there would be a bloodbath directed against her people. Turkey tried to contact the US, but President Nixon was embroiled in Watergate and fighting for his political life (he would resign the following month). When the British wouldn’t do anything, Turkey excercised her LEGAL right, via the Treaty, to liberate the tormented Turkish-Cypriots! She did what she had to do to protect them. The Greeks have been pissed off ever since because they lost and were humiliated. They keep trying to pass off the LEGAL liberation and intervention as being illegal (of course, they can never back up their statements!). No one buys this line from them any more. Gee SONA, do their actions sound FAMILIAR??

    SONA, if you would take the time to review a little history, you would find that in over three thousand years, Armenians have only had control of this “Ancestral Lands” for a total of about 40 years! There were others who were there long before you!

    Finally, if Armenia is such a great a place, then why is there a constant exodus of people trying to leave Armenia on a daily, weekly and monthly basis? Also, why is the one country that they almost all choose to immigrate to is Turkey? Many of these Armenians then choose to stay there and make it their new home! Why do you think that is so SONA??

    As usual, your arguements are meritless and, once more…to be ignorned!!

  5. Fahrettin Altay Pasha Avatar
    Fahrettin Altay Pasha

    SONA, You get ZERO for originality!
    You are angy, when you calm down, you will accept that you need the border open. And you need it now! The last 10 years has been exceptionaly hard on your economy.
    Once opened, you will receive economical boost (now that the US has cut your aid!), you will receive many Turks who buy and sell across the border, most importantly, you will receive an open corridoor to the West and Europe. It must be difficult being a landlocked nation….

    All this will happen. Right after Armenian troops vacate the occupied terroritories of Azarbeijan.
    Then you must appologise to the Turkic World for being such a pain in the ass, and individually you must appologise to every family member of those slain Turkish diplomats which you gunned down in cold blood!
    And dont forget you also need to drop the Armenian Gencoide false accusations too!
    Its not amusing anymore!

  6. Fahrettin Altay Pasha,

    You are the graet cynic. WHO WILL APOLOGIZE FOR OUR PAINS?????????????????????????????????????

    What you have gained since 1993, when you have closed the border. NOTHING!!!

    Mr. Robert,
    you wrote: “SONA, if you would take the time to review a little history, you would find that in over three thousand years, Armenians have only had control of this “Ancestral Lands” for a total of about 40 yea rs! There were others who were there long before you!”

    🙂 🙂 🙂 Who were before us you or your younger brothers – azeri??????????
    🙂 🙂 You make me laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Armenians as old as the world, our ancestors were here and in the Western Armenia looooooong before you and azeri. Read the books, illiterate turk! Read Strabo, Herodot, Encyclopedia Britanica and many books and never write such NONSENSE 🙂 🙂

    I am afraid, that one nice day turks will insist they lived in Konstantnopolis before Byzantines or your main mosque was built by turks 🙂 🙂 🙂 Even your sacred place, object of worship is not build with the hands of turks…………………..THINK ABOUT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    P.S. I leave your turkishforum, I don’t like to contact with poorly educated people. I used to to communicate with highly educated people. They are interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Fahrettin Altay Pasha Avatar
    Fahrettin Altay Pasha

    You fool! Even Armenian historians cant agree on how long you have been in Anatolia and when you migrated to Anatolia. All your theories just like the bogus Genocide claims are based on unsabstantiated talk. Nothing to lay your claim on.
    You all think you descended from Hayk, but this is as true as pigs flying. I do love how you all refer to it as Western Armenia…. have respect for the borders which are internationaly recognised. You are a petty bunch!
    Its interesting that you point out our mosques were built by non Turks and non Muslims. Isnt this a sign and proof of how each citizen of the Ottoman Empire was treated as an individual and free, without any prejudice? Further proof can be seen when you look at some of the oldest Mosques built at the time. Many of them have Jewish and Christian designs. If this isnt a sign of each citizen living under Ottoman Rule being free of opression then what is?
    How many mosques and foreign schools, hospitals, etc in Armenia??????? Do you have just one?

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