Armenians support the anti American Hezbollah in Lebanon

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In Lebanon’s Patchwork, a Focus on Armenians’ Political Might

26armenian 600 Bryan Denton for The New York Times

Supporters watched a speech by Hagop Pakradounian, a politician from the main party of the Armenians, Tashnaq, on May 9 in Beirut, Lebanon.

By ROBERT F. WORTH Published: May 25, 2009

BEIRUT, Lebanon – Their political apparatus is a model of discipline. Their vast array of social services is a virtual state within a state. Their enemies accuse them of being pawns of Syria and Iran.

26armenian2 190 Bryan Denton for The New York Times

Hagop Havatian, a Tashnaq official, under a portrait of the party’s founders. The party operates in 35 nations.

They are the Armenian Christians of Lebanon, one of the Middle East’s most singular and least-understood communities. And if they sound a bit like Hezbollah, the Shiite militant group based here, that is no accident.

Last month, the main Armenian political bloc decided to support Hezbollah’s alliance in the coming parliamentary elections in Lebanon against the pro-American parliamentary majority. Because of their role as a crucial swing vote, the Armenians could end up deciding who wins and who loses in what is often described as a proxy battle between Iran, Hezbollah’s patron, and the West.

That fact has brought new attention to the Armenians, a distinct and borderless ethnic group that is spread throughout the region much as the Jews once were. In Lebanon, they have their own schools, hospitals and newspapers. They speak their own language, with its own alphabet. Their main political party, Tashnaq, operates in 35 countries and has a secretive world committee that meets four times a year. Their collective memory of the genocide carried out against them in Turkey from 1915 to 1918 helps maintain their identity in a far-flung diaspora.

“There is a sense of invisible nationhood across borders,” said Paul Haidostian, the president of Haigazian University, the Armenian university in Beirut.

In fact, their political enemies here accuse the Armenians of siding with Hezbollah in order to protect the substantial Armenian populations in Syria and Iran. But the Armenian political leadership says it is fully independent and has no ideological sympathy for either of Lebanon’s two main political camps.

Instead, the Armenians say, they are voting with the opposition for reasons that are entirely local and pragmatic: it offered them full control over the parliamentary seats in Armenian-dominated districts. The other side did not, said Hovig Mekhitarian, the chairman of the Lebanese branch of Tashnaq.

“We want candidates who represent our community,” Mr. Mekhitarian said. “We are not with the opposition, and not with the majority.”

That dynamic is common enough in Lebanon, a checkerboard of mutually suspicious sectarian groups that are usually more concerned with protecting their own interests than with advancing any broader national or regional agenda.

But even in Lebanon, the Armenians stand out for their independence. During the 1975-1990 civil war, the Armenians refused to take sides. Tashnaq discouraged its members from leaving the country (though many Armenians did leave), in deference to Lebanese patriotism. Officially, the party is socialist, but its only real credo is survival.

Mr. Haidostian said: “I remember when I used to get stopped at a checkpoint, they would ask, ‘Are you Christian or Muslim?’ I would say ‘Armenian,’ and it was like a third category. They didn’t know what to do.”

Despite the risks, many Armenians say they find Lebanon a uniquely accommodating place, largely because its weak state allows them to live almost as a separate nation. “There is something tentative about Lebanese identity, and in that questioning Armenians have found a comfortable space,” Mr. Haidostian said.

Although there have been Armenians here for centuries, they first came in large numbers after the genocide. Later wars and crises led to more migration, increasing the size of the Lebanese Armenian community to 240,000 by the 1970s. The creation of the independent state of Armenia in 1918 had provided refuge to some, but its small size and role as a Soviet client state after 1920 set limits on its role as an Armenian homeland.

In Lebanon, the Armenians had an unusual mix of freedom and insecurity, allowing them to practice their religion and culture, but also limiting their assimilation into the general culture. In the United States, Armenians often marry outside their group and are less likely to speak their own language; here, they remain far more distinct.

The Beirut neighborhood of Bourj Hamoud is a kind of miniature Armenia, with shop signs written in Armenian script and a dense, familial culture of working-class shops, homes and restaurants. The Lebanese branch of Tashnaq is based there, flying the party’s distinctive banner bearing a pen, a shovel and a dagger – representing ideology, work and struggle. There is also a rich network of schools, orphanages, retirement homes and hospitals. Schoolchildren learn three languages (and three different alphabets), and start on a fourth language in the fourth grade.

Maintaining this independence requires political skill. During the civil war, Bourj Hamoud was trapped geographically between Christian and Palestinian areas, and its leaders had to work hard to avoid becoming a target for either side.

Recently, that neutrality has been difficult to preserve. Tashnaq has long been a de facto Syrian ally, partly because of Syria’s former military domination of Lebanon. After the Syrian withdrawal in 2005, it remained in the Syrian political camp, mainly because it blamed the other side for an electoral law that divided Armenian districts and reduced its power.

This spring, Saad Hariri, the leader of the pro-American parliamentary majority, tried to mend fences with Tashnaq, which controls the vast majority of Armenian votes. He had good reason: last year the electoral law was revised in a way that restored the Armenians’ power.

Lebanese Christians represent the swing vote in this election, and the 160,000-strong Armenian community is by far the most unified subgroup of those votes. If Mr. Hariri could have persuaded Tashnaq to vote with him, the balance might have tipped in his favor to defeat Hezbollah and its allies.

He did not succeed. Mr. Mekhitarian said Mr. Hariri had not offered enough. “He was really only offering one seat, and he wanted our support in 15 other seats,” Mr. Mekhitarian said.

Members of Mr. Hariri’s party who took part in the negotiations offered a slightly different account. They said Mr. Hariri offered to satisfy Tashnaq’s demands on parliamentary seats, but only if the party would commit firmly to supporting him before and after the elections. It would not do so, they said.

That is not surprising. In a sense, the Armenians cannot afford to make such political commitments. Like the Druse and other minorities in Lebanon, they believe they must subordinate all ideological principles to a nimble defense of their community.

“In politics, you can’t always be neutral,” said Hagop Pakradounian, a Tashnaq member of Parliament. “But we try to maintain links to all sides.”

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10 responses to “Armenians support the anti American Hezbollah in Lebanon”

  1. Robert Avatar

    Samuel Weems said it best in his fascinating and well researched book…”The major import of Armenia is foreign aid, while the major export of Armenia is Terrorism!”

    It should come as no surprise that Dashnak Armenians support terrorists. Look at what they’re doing in Lebanon right now. They shamelessly support and train the PKK to attack and murder innocent Turks in Southern Turkey. They have their own terrorist groups (ASALA, JCAG, etc.). They were traitors to the Ottoman Empire when they sided with Russia and formed a 5th column, ultimately being the cause of 2.5 million deaths! They’ve invaded their neighbors several times in history (Azerbaijan three times (most recent in 1992), and Georgia once), always seeking land grabs at other people’s expense! Their motto is “By Any Means Necessary!”. They’d sacrifice their own people to acheive their goals (indeed they did just that during WWI, massacring their own people in their village, after which they blamed the Turks by easily conning their fellow Christian missionaries in the region, who of course, believed them without question)! Are their actions anti-American? Well, history has PROVEN that one can never TRUST an Armenian, especially a Dashnak Armenian! Would they stoop so low as to use America for their own gain? I believe that is truly a distinct possibility. They have been manipulating the US Congress for decades, as well as the education system, to garner opposition to Turkey and Turks, as well as Turkic peoples! Certainly they are capable of anything! With all of the global improvements in Turkish relations with other nations, the Dashnak Armenians are in a virtual panic! They are becoming ever more desperate in their brazen actions! As everyone with even a basic education can tell you, the Dashnak Armenians are terrified of the TRUTH being revealed to the world. That truth being, of course, that for the past century, Armenians have been lying to the Christian nations of the world about an alleged “genocide”, so as to get these nations to ultimately do the Armenian’s “dirty work” (e.g. Land Grabs), and to get a constant supply of hand outs (foreign aid). Armenians have perpetrated the biggest “con job” of the 20th century upon the world’s Christian Nations! Slowly, these nations are opening their eyes and learning the truth! This is the beginning of the end for the Armenian’s con game, and they know it! So, to keep the gravy train intact, they will stop at nothing! Let us all keep a vigilent watch over these “people”! None of us would certainly want to have yet another “knife” stuck in our collective backs by these Dashnak Armenians, now would we?!!

  2. Robert,

    You re a remarkably uninformed poster.

    It is not surprising that a single Armenian party in Lebanon would support Hezbullah to form the government. That is the way coalitions are formed. The Armenians of Lebanon,or more particularly the Tashnag party, do not represent most Armenians there or elsewhere.

    Neither the Tashnag party there nor Armenians elsewhere have helped Hezbullah carry out the terrorist acts against Israeli citizens. However, Turkey has done so. In August, 2006, Turkey allowed transhipment through its borders of arms originating in Iran and syria for use against Israelis.

    The balance of your genocidal rage against Armenians faithfully depicts an unpleasant and retrograde fascist mentality in many of your countrymen. t is truly amazing that fully 29 per cent of the material onthissite is devoted to the hatred of Christians in general andArmenians in particular.

  3. Robert Avatar


    How quickly you have forgotten the mass atrocities committed by Dashnak Armenians against the Jews, not only during WWI, but also during WWII. Armenians have repeatedly claimed that they are the true Arryian race, and have even been annoited and blessed as such by Adolph Hitler! From 1935-1944, Armenian magazines and news papers in Berlin constantly published vile anti-semetic material as they euphorically supported Hitler’s plan for extermination of the Jewish peoples! Let’s not forget the 20,000+ Armenian volunteers who made up the infamous 812th Nazi Battalion (lead by the homicidal nut case named General Dro, of WWI fame, as he ordered and took part in the massacre of thousands of Moslems and non-Moslems), which operated in the Northern Caucusus and the Crimea region. They hunted down thousands of Jews and, those that they didn’t torture and murder outright, they had sent to the concentration camps for certain death!

    You make the statement that Armenians have not helped Hezbullah carry out terrorist actions against Israeli citizens. PROVE IT!! You must understand that Armenians lack something very important, known as “CREDIBILITY”! Various intelligence have tracked Armenians (usually splinter Armenian terrorist groups such as ASALA, etc.) for the past decade and how they have been training the Kurdish terrorist group PKK to attack and murder innocent Turks, mostly in Southern Turkey! So, you see JDA, no one believes anything an Armenian has to say! Your past actions speak very loudly and constantly point the finger of hypocracy right back to yourselves! As the world slowly learns more about the century-old lies by the Dashnak Armenians against the Christian nations, committing the largest con job of the 20th century, you will see more anti-Armenian sites and material coming forth. But it won’t be from Turks or even Moslems…it will come from duped Christians who are angry at what Armenians have done to them, from Jews who are tired of being manipulated by Armenians in a feable attempt to join their BS cause of a non-existant “genocide”! Mark my words…this you shall see, and sooner than you think! Your world of deceit and lies are starting to collapse all around you! Your downfall will be, not by us or any outside forces, but by your own hand via the vile seeds which you chose to plant for material asperrations and gain! It’s simply a matter of time now.

  4. Robert,

    Unable to respond intelligently or intelligibly about Hezbullah, and more specifically about how Turkey allowed the transhipment of Israeli-killing weapons through her borders in 2006, you frantically change the subject. But you fare no better.

    The 20,00 or so Soviet Armenians who were recruited from German POW camps were among millions of Soviet prisoners who joined the German Army auxilliary units rather than starve to death in confinement. They were joined by order-of-magnitude larger numbers of Ukrainians, Georgians, Azeris, Tatars, and various Turkic peoples who were al in the same sorry boat. But you decline to note that about 14 per cent of the Armenian civil population – roughly 225,000 died in the Soviet army fighting fascism.

    By contrast, the history of Turkey is nothing to brag about. Five days before the invasion of the Soviet Union, Turkey signed a non aggression pact with Hitler to secure Hitler’s southern flank. She ignored an earlier treaty with Britain to render assistance if Greek or British interests were attacked. She then bravely sat out the war until Allied victory was assured, at which time she courageously said she supported the Allies. Had Turkey simply refused to sign the pact, Germany would not have been able to throw the Wehrmacht at the Soviets, as her southern flank would have been open. A case can be made that the pact Turkey signed sealed the death warrant for European Jews.

    As for the treatment of Jews, i recommend you read the Gottstadt work in these pages, excerpted from Bild. Turkey, starting in the 1923 era made Jews unwelcome, persecuted them as a matter of state policy, and refused to accept back at least 10,000 Jews seeking renaturalization durng the War, resulting in their deaths at the hands of the Germans.

    It is true that every nation had Nazi sympathizers, including many Moslems: the Albanians, Palestinians, Kosovars, and “East Turkestanis” come to mind, along with French, Norwegians, Flemings and Walloons. Concentrating on Armenians is truly ridiculous given the broader context. Turkey had her own popular Nazi sympathizers and anti semites, notably the still popular Alparslan Turkes.

  5. DEAR JDA!!!

    Just remind your opponent that during the WWII Armenians had 5 (five!!!) Marshals in the Soviet Army , fightig against fascism.

    By the way, they all were from Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh)!

    Take this into your consideration!!! Armenian land – Artsakh is famous for its brave heroes!!!

  6. DEAR JDA!!!

    Just remind your opponent that during the WWII Armenians had 5 (five!!!) Marshals in the Soviet Army , fightig against fascism.

    By the way, they all were from Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh)!

    Take this into your consideration!!! Armenian land – Artsakh is famous for its brave heroes!!!


  7. Jacob Avatar

    This “ROBERT” can’t even be a real person. It must be a bot designed and operated by the Turkish government (or at best their clerk) to spread its lies on the internet. No one outside Turkey buys this B.S.

  8. the comments here about the PAST are not of much substance

    the PRESENT story and facts show that Armenians continue to side with groups that are:

    – anti-Western
    – anti-Israel
    – anti-Azeri
    – anti-European

    and in many documented cases there is evidence of support to “terrorist” groups including

  9. International cooperative intelligence has shown for the past several years that monies collected from Armenian and Greek orthodox churches go to ex-Armenian terrorists to supply arms and help train PKK terrorists to murder Turks! Their base camps are in Syria and Lebanon.

  10. lets make it clear who armenians allied with

    armenian republic allies with russia against azerbaijan and hence western interest
    armenian republic allies with iran against azerbayjan and hence western interest
    armenians in abhazia allies with russia against georgia/azerbaijan and hence western interest
    armenians in georgia allies with russia/armenia against georgia/azerbaijan and hence western interest
    armenians in lebonan allies with hezbuallah against israel/west oriented party in lebonan and hence western interest
    armenians in russia allies with russia/armenia against west/georgia/azerbaijan

    most importantly:
    armenians in west (especially us, france, …) allies with russia/armenia/iran against georgia/azerbaijan/turkey and hence western interest

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