Myth of Armenian claims against Turks

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Name of the book: Lies,Lies and More Lies
Author: Col Masud Akhtar Shaikh (R)
Reviewed by: Col Ghulam Sarwar (R)
Published by: Encore, Islamabad
Pages: 250

A reputed Pakistani scholar of the Turkish language and literature, Col Masud Akhtar Shaikh is the proud author of sixteen books and some of these are translations from Turkish literature. A few more books, I understand, are in the pipeline. Besides, writing books on Turkish literature, he has carried out an indepth analysis of the Armenian issue and in the process has exploded the myth of the Armenian genocide by the Ottoman Turks. He has convincingly brought out that the issue of genocide is a total hoax and has nothing to do with facts on ground. He holds that this “hoax” was woven by some Christian powers during World War I, as a part of their vicious propaganda against the Turks. Col Shaikh, on the other hand, makes us believe that the myth of Armenian genocide by the ottoman Turks, was designed to cover up the genocide of the Turks at the hands of the Armenians.

It is extremely deplorable that the propaganda against the Turks has so successfully been launched that the world has seriously started believing that the Armenians were the most oppressed nation in the world and that the Ottoman Turks had mercilessly subjected them to genocide and for this, the Turkish Republic should accept responsibility. The learned author feels that it is high time that this myth is exposed threadbare.

From the narrative, we learn that knowing that the Ottoman government would not easily agree to further disintegration of the Empire, the Americans had adopted the policy of terrorism on an extensive scale. Gradually, the terrorist operations engineered by the Armenians had become so frequent and so widespread, that it had become almost impossible to keep a count of the number of Turks killed by the Armenians. It was also difficult to assess the value of Turkish assets that were destroyed by the latter. To put facts in their proper perspective, the author makes us believe that during the Ottoman Empire, there was no bar or prejudice against the employment of Armenians in any government or ministry. Also, there was no objection to their elevation to the higher echelons of the bureaucratic hierarchy. This situation continued right upto the end of World War I. This fact was borne out by the Report of the Commission led by General Horbord, and presented to the American Senate. This Commission had carried out a study on the status of Armenians in Antolia and Russia at the end of the Great War.

The report had stated that the Turkish people and the Armenians had been living side by side on friendly and peaceful terms. In fact, the Armenians had lived in peace and prosperity for many centuries as the loyal citizens of the Ottoman Empire, enjoying full confidence of the Ottoman Rulers. However, starting from the last quarter of the 19th century, this situation had started undergoing a drastic change in relation between the Turks and the Armenians. Thus, through cunning mechanism of the Big Powers, the age-old brotherly feelings between the two communities were gradually replaced by feelings of mutual hatred and acrimony. With regard to geo-political importance of Turks, the author brings out that all along history, Turkey had remained the centre of attraction for various powers, because of its extremely important strategic and geo-political location. Obviously, it had served as a bridge between Europe and Asia. To add to its importance, we see that it controlled two highly important straits, the Dardanelles and the Istanbul straits (Bosophorus), which provided passage between the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. It was located at a nodal point where the natural energy resources of Asia, Caucasus and Middle East intersect each other. In view of this enviable position, Turkey has always been the centre piece of plots and conspiracies hatched against it by big powers. Further, we learn from the narrative that Armenia is in dire need of economic developments, both in the industrial and the agricultural sectors. For this, it has to rely on outside help in terms of technical know-how, heavy equipment and machinery and external investment. With the present strained relations with Azerbaijan, Turkey, Georgia and to some extent, Iran, it would be futile on the part of Armenia to expect desired goodwill from any of these countries. In view of above constraints, what Armenia needs in the immediate future is a friendly Turkey, a friendly Azerbaijan and a friendly Georgia. All these neighbouring countries can be of a great assistance to Armenia in its economic and social development as well as its security as an independent nation. It is in Armenia’s own interest to realise that no attempt at reconciliation can be successful unless the outside powers, namely Russia, America and France realise that their respective national interests can be served better if durable peace prevails in the region. By contributing towards accelerated economic and industrial development of the region, these powers can also reap rich dividends in terms of greater opportunities for secure investment in the whole region. International development and financial agencies would also be encouraged to invest substantial funds for speedy regional development. This done, hopefully, within a short period, Armenia would no longer remain a permanent liability for Russia and America, as well as for rest of the Christian world, as it has been for the last many decades. So, in the interest of Armenian people, it is imperative that Russia, America and France, voluntarily lend their support in paving the way for inter-state reconciliation in the region.

Source:, May 24 2009

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15 responses to “Myth of Armenian claims against Turks”

  1. So called scholar Col Masud Akhtar Shaikh is not as honored as the scholars-members of IAGS!!!

    The International Association of Genocide Scholars passed a resolution in 1997 unanimously recognizing
    the Ottoman massacres of Armenians as genocide.

    Raphael Lemkin, who created the concept of genocide as a crime of
    international law, did so in large part on the basis of what happened to the
    Armenians in 1915!

    Armenian Genocide was the template for all modern genocide –Adolph Hitler was so
    impressed with the Turkish extermination of the Armenians that it figured
    in his own genocidal plans, as he exhorted his military advisors in 1939,
    “who today, after all, remembers the annihilation of the Armenians?”.

  2. The Armenian Genocide is corroborated by the international scholarly, legal, and human rights community:
    1) Polish jurist Raphael Lemkin, when he coined the term genocide in 1944, cited the Turkish extermination of the Armenians and the Nazi extermination of the Jews as defining examples of what he meant by genocide.
    2) The killings of the Armenians is genocide as defined by the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
    3) In 1997 the International Association of Genocide Scholars, an organization of the world’s foremost experts on genocide, unanimously passed a formal resolution affirming the Armenian Genocide.
    4) 126 leading scholars of the Holocaust including Elie Wiesel and Yehuda Bauer placed a statement in the New York Times in June 2000 declaring the `incontestable fact of the Armenian Genocide’ and urging western democracies to acknowledge it.
    5) The Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide (Jerusalem), and the Institute for the Study of Genocide (NYC) have affirmed the historical fact of the Armenian Genocide. 6). Leading texts in the international law of genocide such as William A. Schabas’s Genocide in International Law (Cambridge University Press, 2000)
    cite the Armenian Genocide as a precursor to the Holocaust and as a
    precedent for the law on crimes against humanity.
    /Letter of IAGS to Mr. Erdogan, 7 June, 2005/

  3. Robert Avatar

    ANNA…How many times must you be corrected? Do you really enjoy making yourself look so foolish? Do you have a masochistic desire to be ridiculed? You obviously do!!

    The IAGS is made up of NON-SCHOLARS (pseudo-scholars, faux scholars) who have little experience in this field! They have repeatedly admitted that the vast majority of the information which they have received is STRICTLY FROM ARMENIAN SOURCES!! Some are on record as saying that they really know very little about the situation other than what they have read from Armenian documents! Many TRUE SCHOLARS scoff at this alleged group of so-called experts as being nothing more than a sham…so much so that real scholars in many countries do not give them any credibility! It’s amazing how many times you, and your Dashnak ilk, keep re-introducing this debunked gropu over and over. Someone famous once made a very appropeau comment regarding something very similar, which I’ll get to in a minute.

    A full-page ad was taken out in the New York Times newspaper, with the signatures of 69 of the top TRUE scholars, stating that there NEVER was a “genocide”! These are scholars who have researched this topic for decades, some making it their life’s work! These are neutral, un-biased professionals who are NOT paid agents of Turkey, as you Dashnaks love to claim ad nauseum!!! They are experts at seeking and ultimately finding the truth. This is something that, of course, terrifiies every Dashnak Armenian! God forbid if the truth should ever come out, eh!! This takes care of your second letter.

    Now, in your first letter, you mention Raphael Lemkin, the U.N. and Adolph Hitler and his “supposed” comment that he is alleged to have made. Let’s start with Mr. Lemkin, shall we.

    1). Raphael Lemkin knew of the Armenians solely from what he had read in the biased western press and the hearsay of missionaries and Armenians. Lemkin’s prejudiced “personal opinion” is no substitute for historical fact! Lemkin, by his own admition, never sought opposing comments or documentations!

    2). The U.N. has never “recognized the Armenian Genocide as the type of crime” defined in its genocide convention. A 1985 subcommittee vigorously debated the issue, after having been made aware of the facts, and refused to recognize it! In order to clear the record in response to Armenian propaganda claims, U.N. spokesman Farhan Haq stated on October 5, 2000: “(The) U.N. has not approved or endorsed a report labeling the Armenian experience as Genocide!”.

    3). As for the alleged Hitler Armenian quote…Even an Armenian scholar, Dr. Robert John, summed up this Hitler quote as a “forgery!” There were four versions of this Hitler speech, and the unsigned and undated one containing this statement was repeatedly rejected by the Nuremberg authorities, “embellished” as it might have been (noted historian William Shirer), and containing other dubious references such as obese Gehoring’s jumping on a table and dancing wildly. The infamous L-3 document was an altered version of the two originals found in confiscated military records (captured by American troops at Saalfelden, Austria). The AP jounalist, Louis Lochner, worked for the London Times. He produced a very crudely forged document (L-3) supposedly showing Hitler using the Armenian reference, and tried to submit it to the Nuremberg Tribunal in 1945. The two captured original and authentic documents are, respectively, detailed notes of the August 22, 1939 meeting taken down by Admiral Hermann Boehm, Chief of the High Sea’s Fleet, who was in attendance; and an umsigned memorandum in two parts which provides a detailed account of Hitler’s August 22, 1939 remarks at Obersalzberg. This was the chief document introduced by the prosecution at Nuremberg. In addition, a third eyewitness account of the Obersalzberg meetings is found in the detailed diary kept by General Halder. NONE OF THESE THREE EYEWITNESS VERSIONS CONTAINS ANY REFERENCE WHATSOEVER TO ARMENIANS! Neither of the Obersalzberg speeches introduced to the Tribunal as evidence (US-29/798-PS and US-30/1014-PS) contains any reference to Armenians! In fact, L-3 , which was submitted to the Tribunal by Armenians, was thrown out three times by the Tribunal as being a FORGERY!!!

    I’ll leave you with this quote to ponder upon:

    “The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it!”

    – Adolph Hitler

    ANNA, perhaps next time you will take the time to learn something and not just carry on (tow the line) the same old tired Armenian Dashnak BS that’s been proven so many times to be forged, fabricated or falsified! Then you may not look as foolish as you most obviously do now!!!

  4. Mr. Robert,

    I have a strong credo: “NEVER ARGUE WITH FOOL…because nobody could see difference”!!!

    I cannot come down to your level, Mr Robert!!!!

    P.S. I just find out the only genuine scholar is Col Masud Akhtar Shaikh! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  5. Robert Avatar


    Yours is the typical Armenian Dashnak response which we have all come to expect! When you and your people have been defeated and have been subjects for thousands of years by different empires, well really, what can you say? When you finally realize that Armenia has nothing of any real substance to offer the world, when compared to the rest of the planet, you shrink in abject despondensy! When you are forced to painfully see that the years of brainwashing by your AYF, etc. (which have been merely BS Dashnak propaganda) is easily torn apart by hard facts to reveal the underlying truth, where can you hide? When the world’s archives are wide open for public review and complete examination, with the GLARING exception of the archives in Yerevan and the Armenian Revolutionary archives in Boston, MA, which remain to this day CLOSED to the world, well really now, how many shades of crimson can your face turn from shame and embarressment? Oh yes, silly me…because terms such as SHAME, HONOR, DIGNITY, TRUTH, CHARACTER, DECENCY, RESPECT, MORALITY can not be found in, and are not part of, any Armenian lexicon, your face can not (by definition) turn any color of shame now, can it! Let’s see now…what are those choice terms which you Armenian Dashnaks love to use and practice on a daily basis (and have done so for almost a hundred years)? Oh yes…DECIET, DISRESPECT, LIES, CHARACTER ASSINATIONS, ASSAULT, INTIMIDATION, SCAMS, BRIBERY, POLITICAL PAYOFFS, FORGERY, FRAUD, FABRICATIONS, VICTIMIZATION, DISTORTION, FALSIFICATIONS, ALTERATIONS, DEMONIZATION, ARSON (you all do LOVE to fire-bomb the homes of authors who write the truth, don’t you?!!), SLANDER, LIBEL, INSULTS, THREATS, TERRORISM, TREASON, RACISM, COLD-BLOODED MURDER/HOMICIDE!

    You see ANNA, your response, just like the many similar responses from your Armenian cohorts, are quite predictable because they are made from sheer desperation and nothing more! All you are left with is to attack the person’s character, throw insults and make ludicrous comments and statements. The icons are a new touch for you, aren’t they ANNA? Cute (but pathetic)! Your own comment can now be redirected to describe you…”NEVER ARGUE WITH A FOOL!”. And yes ANNA, we really are at two very different levels, aren’t we (the only problem is your confusion in regards to direction)?!!!

    ANNA, it all boils down to this simple axiom…The truth hurts and you and your ilk simply can not deal with it (especially now when the world is starting to see the TRUTH for the first time in a century)! Looking at your history, all you are truly left with are the words of Bob Dylan (from his music), and to act on those words…”WHEN YOU GOT NOTHING, YOU GOT NOTHING TO LOSE!”. Doing so has spawned such “wonderful and interesting Social Groups”…such as ASALA and the JCAG!!

    Just as the lowely dog barks at the passing caravan, you Armenian Dashnaks are merely grasping at straws in your desperate attempt to keep the century-old con job, perpetrated upon the Christian nations of the world by your parents and grandparents, intact and away from the shinning light of truth and ultimate justice!!!

    Have a good day ANNA! 😉

  6. Dear Mr. Robert!

    I don’t want to break my credo.

    Iwould like just to focus your attention on the words of the famous people of the world!!! (I hope you consider them renowned or they are also NON-FAMOUS (pseudo-famous as IAGS scholars!) ???

    Theodore Roosevelt
    President of the United States (1901-1909)

    May 11, 1918
    …I feel that we are guilty of a peculiarly odious form of hypocrisy when we profess friendship for Armenia and the downtrodden races of Turkey, but don’t go to war with Turkey. To allow the Turks to massacre the Armenians and then solicit permission to help the survivors, and then to allege the fact that we are helping the survivors as a reason why we should not follow the only policy that will permanently put a stop to such massacres is both foolish and odious.

    …The Armenian horror is an accomplished fact. Its occurrence was largely due to the policy of pacifism this nation has followed for the last four years. The presence of our missionaries, and our failure to go to war, did not prevent the Turks from massacring between half a million and a million Armenians, Syrians, Greeks and Jews – the overwhelmingly majority being Armenians. Our declaration of war now will certainly not to do one one-hundredth part of the damage already done by our failure to go to war in the past; and it will enable us to render service of permanent value for the future, and incidentally to take another step in regaining our self-respect.

    Henry Morgenthau
    U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire (1913-1916)

    …When the Turkish authorities gave the orders for these deportations, they were merely giving the death warrant to a whole race; they understood this well, and, in their conversations with me, they made no particular attempt to conceal the fact.

    …I am confident that the whole history of the human race contains no such horrible episode as this. The great massacres and persecutions of the past seem almost insignificant when compared with the sufferings of the Armenian race in 1915.

    Winston Churchill
    Prime Minister of Great Britain (1940-1945; 1951-1955)

    In 1915 the Turkish Government began and ruthlessly carried out the infamous general massacre and deportation of Armenians in Asia Minor… The clearance of the race from Asia Minor was about as complete as such an act, on a scale so great, could well be. It is supposed that about one and a quarter millions of Armenians were infolved, of whom more than half perished. There is no reasonable doubt that this crime was planned and executed for political reasons. The opportunity presented itself for crearing Turkish soil of a Christian race…

    The Armenian people emerged from the Great War scattered, extirpated in many districts, and reduced through massacre, losses of war and enforced deportations adopted as an easy system of killing, by at least a third. Out of a community of about two and a half millions, three-quarters of a million men, women, and children had perished.
    But surely this was the end.

    Elie Wiesel
    Nobel Laureate for Peace
    Holocaust Survivor
    Founding Chairman of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council

    Talat and Enver wanted to liquidate the Armenians of the Ottoman Empire…the savage butchery in Armenia, the first genocide of the 20th century…The cold and calculating brutality of the theoreticians of massacre, the scheming of rapaciousness and the bloodthirstiness of the fanatical killers, the spirit of sacrifice of the victims…The world is at war, but within this war another war is waged between a Great Power and a targeted, persecuted and oppressed minority.
    Deportations, forced marches, endless humilitation and mass murders aimed at the axtermination of a people in its entirety.

    P.S. I would like to remind you also Victor Hugo’s word’s: “From here have passed turks…” it means… you know very well what does it mean!!!

    Yerevan, REPUBLIC of ARMENIA

  7. Mr. Robert,

    I have very important advise for you: “Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you”!

    “History cannot be unlived, despite its wrenching pain, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again.” the great poet Maya Angelou.

    Mr. Erdogan finally admits that Turkey practiced ethnic cleansing: “…This was done with a fascist approach,” Erdogan said on May 23, during the annual congress of the Justice and Development Party, held in the western province of Düzce.

    Step by step Turkey will “clean” its brutal history!!!

    JUSTISE will WIN!!!

  8. Anna,

    You are corresponding with people whose chief regret is that they were not alive in 1915 so as to kill Christians. it is a waste of your precious time.

  9. Robert Avatar

    ANNA, ANI, & JDA:

    Since I have both of your attention, I shall take this time to let your own people make our case. By the way ANI, your quoting Maya Angelou cuts both ways, if you hadn’t noticed! Also, the correct spelling is JUSTICE.

    Although this is more for ANNA, since you other two are here, I shall include you as well (I don’t discriminate between males or females).

    Many pages could be written to respond to Anna’s comments/quotes which she listed. However, I will only cite two sources which pretty much sums everything up. When one side is repeatedly presented to Christian nations for 100 years, with no opportunity for the other side to be shown, the result becomes obvious! Morgenthau was a Turkophobe (let’s face it…he hated Turks and Muslims). He even tried to get President Wilson to declare war on Turkey! As ambassador to Turkey, he barely ever left Istanbul. He relied chiefly upon his assistant and his personal secretary for information outside of the city. As is well known, both his personal secretary and his assistant were both Armenians! Well, would could possibly go wrong here? Churchill was disgraced during WWI at Gallipoli. He lost the battle and went back to England in utter failure. He was removed as Admiralty of the Fleet. He had hated Turkey for that up to his death. Could there be any possible bias here? As for Victor Hugo, read his entire passage. You’ll also find that he writes postives about Turks. Beethoven, Mozart, Napolean, etc. have all praised Turks over the centuries via opera’s, marches, quotes, etc. I don’t see any praises by anyone throughout history for Armenians though. Do any of you?

    Okay, now let’s get to the nitty-gritty, shall we. The first Prime Minister of Armenia was Hovannes Katchaznouni. He was in power from July 1918 to August 1919. He was arrested in 1920 by the Bolshevicks when they came to power in Armenia. In 1923, he publishes his book manifest, entitled “The Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaksoutiun) Has Nothing To Do Anymore”. To this day, this book is banned in Armenia. In addition, all of the copies of his book have long since been “collected” from European libraries! In his book, he makes the following observations and statements about the Dashnakzoutiun Government:

    * It was a mistake to establish the volunteer units.
    * They were unconditionally allied with Russia.
    * They had not taken into consideration the balance of power which was in Turkey’s favor.
    * The decision of the deportation of Armenians was a rightful measure taken by the Turks.
    * Turkey had acted with an instinct of self-defense.
    * The British occupation once more aroused the hopes of the Dashnaks.
    * What they established in Armenia was a Dashnak dictatorship.
    * They had acted in pursuit of the imperialist demand, “From Sea to Sea”, and had been provoked.
    * They massacred the Moslem population.
    * The Armenian terrorist acts were directed at winning over the Western public opinion.
    * The fault was not to be found outside of the Dashnakzoutiun Party.
    * The Dashnakzoutiun Party had nothing else to do but to commit suicide.

    I could write more, but this says it all. Now, finally, I shall close with an editorial which appeared in the Reno Evening Gazette on October 14, 1915 under the heading “AMERICA and the ARMENIANS”:

    [Having impossed a committee of well meaning but admittedly prejudiced American Missionaries, the same agencies that have been engaging in reporting Armenian outrages which never had been committed are now trying to mislead Christian charity in America and Switzerland into furnishing funds for the relief of the supposed victims of the unspeakable Turk.
    It would not matter, so far as the country at large is concerned, but unfortunately there is danger that a self-sufficient person like President Wilson will accept these stories of atrocities as truth, with no further evidence than the statements of Armenians who are directly interested in raising money for the support of themselves. Professional beggars who have bled their own countrymen for years are now trying to induce kindly Americans to support them, not caring whether the United States would or should not be embroiled with Turkey, and through Turkey with Germany. Ambassador Morgenthau appears to have fallen a ready victim to the smooth rascals that, by apocryphal tales of outrages, have procured contributions from their Armenian countrymen abroad and in this country, and have lived in luxury on the proceeds for the last 30 years.
    The Ambassador seriously notified the State Department that the Turks had slaughtered the “majority of the Armenians of Asia Minor”. This “majority” now turns out to be 32,000 known to be hostile to Turkey and therefore, dispossessed of their homes in Erzerum and Zeitun and interned in a district where they could be watched by Turkish troops – not killed, nor even dying. The English have done no more with German residents and even with English subjects of German birth, and the Germans have done the same with English residents of the German states.
    If this country, therefore, does not want to appear foolish before the whole world, it will refuse to be duped by impossible tales and will let the Armenians severely alone.]

    There are so many more newspaper editorials and articles stating similar news which can be cited, but I believe that you all get the idea!

    If you really want more, then debate us in an open public forum with full media coverage. I promise you that what you seen up to this point is only the very tip of an “iceberg” of evidentury documents which will be brought forth.

  10. koranist Avatar

    Koran confirms the Torah and Gospel and attacked the Talmud and the trinity. Real Islam is only Koran and the Sunnah was an invention by Imam Malik and Imam Shafi 150 years after Muhammad and was produced by the Qureishi tribes to replace the Koranic Islam. The Sunnah is Islam’s Talmud. Jesus condemned the Talmud and so did the Koran. The trinity was invented in the Council of Nicea 300 years after Jesus and has nothing to do with the Gospel.

    Support the Koranic Islam

  11. After Turkish-Armenia war in earlier part of 20th century, US appointed its special representative, an intellectual and former Ambassador to Philippines, Mr. Alexander Russell Webb (he has accepted Islam and complete name was Muhammad Alexander Russell Webb (buried in Rutherford, New Jersey, USA).
    His research/ investigation concluded there was no genocide of Armenian. Yes, Armenians lost lives but it was result of combat operations. Please read his report.

  12. Combat operations indeed. The gendarmes and special killing units carrid and used the weapons of war; the Christian women and children were slaughtered with them.

    I would urge the moronic Rashid to take action against the current slaughter of Pak Christians rather than cite non existent lunatics.

  13. Combat operations indeed. The gendarmes and special killing units carried and used the weapons of war; the Christian women and children were slaughtered with them.

    I would urge the moronic Rashid to take action against the current slaughter of Pak Christians rather than cite non existent lunatics.

  14. Chuckles the Clown (a.k.a. JDA),

    Boy, you are desperate, aren’t you! You actually responded to a post written over a year ago. Tell me Chuckles, is your life so pathetic that you must troll all over the internet just to respond to ancient posts? I know that you were working as a clown in a carnival tour. Did you get fired…again? Is that why you have so much free time? I see that your new favorite haunt is AW. Too bad my posts are almost always censored and deleted by their cowardly editorial board! Otherwise, I’d have you crying and running away back to you momma, just like I always do! Anyway, you’re just wasting your time posting here since you have zero credibility and you bore everyone. You’re already starting to put me to sleep. Seriously dude, get a life already!

  15. Chuckles,

    My error. I thought that you were responding to “Koranist”. Irregardless however, the rest of my post to you stands.

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