Turkey’s ambassador to Azerbaijan reacts to the reports about closing of Turkish mosques

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Baku. Kamala Guliyeva –APA. “The Turkish mosques in Azerbaijan were not closed”, said Turkey’s ambassador to Azerbaijan Hulusi Kilic, APA reports.

Kilic said the embassy’s counselor for religious affairs also denied the reports about the closing of Turkish mosques in Azerbaijan. “The people are going to these mosques for Friday Namaz”, said the ambassador. “The mosques are open. Unfortunately there are such reports, which sadden us. Unfortunately some newspapers also publish such wrong reports”.

The ambassador said the Turkish mosques were opened in Azerbaijan 15 years ago. “If these mosques are open for 15 years and the people were going there to pray, it means that it is the people’s will to open these mosques”.

Source:  en.apa.az, 23 May 200

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