Turkey as a Ally in Obama’s Foreign Policy

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The Middle East Institute of Columbia University
SIPA Turkish Initiative


“The Resurgence of Turkey as a Central Ally in Obama’s Foreign Policy”


Nicole Pope

Former Turkey Correspondent for the French Daily Le Monde and the Co-author of “Turkey Unveiled: A History of Modern Turkey”

Thursday, April 23rd
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Columbia University International Affairs Building, Room 404 (Street level)
420 West 118th street (at Amsterdam Avenue)

Directions: 1 train to 116th street. Walk east through the campus to Amsterdam Avenue
Campus map: http://www.columbia.edu/about_columbia/map/
Zoomed map: http://www.columbia.edu/about_columbia/map/international_affairs.html

Free and open to the public

Refreshments and baklava will be served

Obama recently made the first country visit of his presidency to Turkey. The strong parallels between Turkish foreign policy andObama’s new foreign policy appear to indicate a prominent role for Turkey in achieving major U.S. foreign policy objectives during the Obama administration.  Is Turkey indeed re-emerging as a central ally for the U.S.?

Nicole Pope is a Swiss journalist and writer, based in Istanbul since 1987. She is co-author of “Turkey Unveiled: a history of modern Turkey” and worked for 15 years as Turkey correspondent for the French daily Le Monde. Her articles have also been published in numerous other international publications including The Economist, The International Herald Tribune, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times and The Independent. Nicole worked for the International Committee of the Red Cross in Baghdad (1982-83) and in south Lebanon (1983-84). She has also lived in Tehran, Bahrain and Cyprus.

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2 responses to “Turkey as a Ally in Obama’s Foreign Policy”

  1. b nelson Avatar

    In view of recent Turkish history, especially starting with the emergence of Islamic orientated parties, we must ask the question; is Turkish State being sacrificed for the world religions? This point is unfortunately overlooked in most of the commentaries on this and related subjects.

    Turkey is an independent and a sovereign state in the first place and than a predominantly Moslem country.
    President Obama’s visit to Turkey may have smoothed over some of the sharp edges in the difficult relationship between the two countries, however this may not resolve the fundamental differences in the two countries own interests. No change in the occupant of the White House is likely to reverse or stop the foreign policy of US regarding Turkey. This is crystal clear from President Obama’s speech to the Turkish Parliament and his question and answer session with university students.It was disappointing that none of the students from an elite group had asked President Obama the most important question –perhaps they were not allowed! I ask it here; what is the current situation regarding the US policy of trying to steer Turkey towards ‘moderate Islam’ of Bush years and that where he stood with this approach himself?

    It is true and pleasing that President Obama made a lot of references to Ataturk, the Secularism of Turkey and Turkey’s westward orientation. However with the same breath he went onto re-emphasise the same old concepts of Turkey’s special geography, cultural identity and because of this, it’s uniqueness in enabling Islam, Jewish Faith and Christianity to have better relationships but also what concessions it might have to make! This is mainly, as we all know, to do with the major problems US is having to deal with itself. The direct or indirect involvement in the Middle East, namely Iraq, Palestine and Israel, Iran, Armenia and somehow the Greek Orthodox Church’s demands in and around Istanbul can all be seen within this package let alone the highly feared Islamic terrorist threat.
    Another words what might suit US in the world arena, especially in the Middle East must always come before what is in the best interest of a sovereign, independent and secular country which happens to be predominantly Moslem.
    Turkey’s independence and secular credentials have never been so seriously under threat since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the occupation by the allies at the end of the First World War. Anytime now, Turkey is about to loose sovereignty over Northern Cyprus, thanks to the back stabbing of EU in allowing Southern Cyprus become a member before resolving the Cyprus issue in the UN.

    Turkey is under another threat in it’s south eastern border from the inevitable establishment of a Kurdish State in Northern Iraq where the leaders are in alliance with the PKK terrorists. The PKK are sworn to carving up a separate state for all the Kurds in south eastern Turkey.

    Unsurprisingly President Obama did not answer the question put to him by a student about the establishment of an independent Kurdish State in Northern Iraq but sufficed to say that US respected Turkey’s borders.

    President Obama’s position on the Armenian genocide claims only confirms the threat to the Turkish Nation’s dignity and place in history. All around the world the politicians are given into the pressures of Armenian Diaspora- Australian Parliament has just accepted this term and claim– as if they are the authority in historical research and knowledge! It is so difficult to understand how a disputed and protracted historical issue like this could be resolved by politicians in parliaments and the Congress while there is the option of leaving it to the historians and historical research under the eye of independent observers. Therefore we can only assume that what is so important as the votes of the lobby groups – sometimes more so than the truth and principles- can not be any different for President Obama.

    Finally the most important threat to Turkey today is the efforts in undermining and destabilising the Nation’s well established secularism and modern legal base. Forces both within and outside Turkey continue relentlessly to attack Ataturk’s legacy to Turkish people by both financially and strategically supporting religious and semi-educational elements and organisations. These elements introduce, under the label of so called ‘liberal thinking’, ways of dismantling of Ataturk’s reforms and legacy which President Obama praised so much. The outcome of these influences has been so far to create an atmosphere of anti secularism, religious oppression, violation of human rights and curb on free speech.

    President Obama must be aware of the hand of the CIA and other institutions’ protection and exploitation of a Turkish national called Fetullah Gulen who resides in comfort in the US but is awaiting a trial in Turkey. This individual has established schools and foundations both in Turkey and in Turkish Communities in Europe to instil the so called ‘liberal and moderate Islamic teaching’ which is contrary to both the secular principles and the sovereignty of the Turkish State. It would be very helpful to know where the financial backing of these schools and foundations are coming from.

    If we were led to believe that US and President Obama no longer supported the so called ‘moderate Islam’ concept and it’s dangerousness in destabilising Turkey, we should expect Fetullah Gulen to receive no more favours, his funds stopped and ousted from the country.

    Finally if US and EU are serious and genuine in their recently declared respect and support for Turkey, they should stop treating it first and foremost as a Moslem country to be utilised and sacrificed for the world religions and the benefit of their own countries and start treating it as an independent, sovereign and a secular state. The only way the secular and independent Turks could believe their genuineness is when they stop supporting and appearing on the same platform with the corrupt and anti secular AKP leaders.

  2. mok10501 Avatar

    This type of short notices on such events( particularly if you are living in New York, and wanted to attend) does not help at all. Date of the meeting is April 23rd, and this summary mail arrives on April 24th. Is there a better way to inform our members ahead of time? Thanks for your attention.

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