Update from Sacramento Legislation

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Dear friend,

I am about get a heart attack because I am sick and tired of being mistreated by the California legislature. I wish this mistreatment is directed to me as a person. I would lick my wound and get over it in a short period of time.

Because I am representing Turkish interests, I take any misconduct against me as an insult to my nation and nationality. That gives me chest pain.

AB 961

Today hearing on AB 961 as Turkish group we are unfairly treated. Chairmen of the B&P committee were extremely unjust and prejudiced against us. I discussed AB 961 with B&P bill analysis twice in person and many times on the phone. She was supposed to state our views in the bill evaluation. Instead, she only stated our names as oppositions, not a word of our view on the bill AB 961.

At the hearing, chair women intentionally created stressful environments for us. It was very upsetting for me. If I was alone at the hearing I wouldn’t let her get away from it. I would strike back. Because of the group of Turkish people was going to testify, I did not want to create a chaotic atmosphere for our group. I can not and will not stay silent against this unjust treatment and prejudiced action against us. I am going to write a letter to B&P chairman, bill evaluators and cc it members of the committee to let hem know about my feelings. This letter will present only my opinions on the hearing process. Because people in our group might not agree with my approach, if anyone would like to share his or her opinion on this issue, I urge them to write to B&P chairman.

A good thing about AB 961 is it helped us to unite. I am extremely happy to see all of these Turkish people who came to the hearing. (See attached picture) I would like to thank Ergun bey and other community and business leaders from this fantastic group. I would like to thank Attorney Bruce for his excellent and passionate presentation on the committee hearing. If we were at the court, we would have won the case. But California legislature works and decision making is political. The next hearing on AB 961 might be next Tuesday April 28th, on Judiciary committee.

SB 234

SB 234, as amended, Wyland. Curriculum: oral histories: genocide.

On 29th of April we will have the hearing for SB 234 in senate Education committee. We must challenge this bill.

We need to write letters to Senate education Chairman and committee members. You can get all the information abut the Senate Education Committee from the following link

After the Senate Education committee bill, if it passes, it will go to the Senate floor for vote. Therefore, we need to write letters to every senator individually and give them a brief explanation and ask them to vote NO on SB 234. You can reach senators from the following link

AJR 14

AJR 14 is introduced by Krekorian. “Armenian Genocide Day of Remembrance”. Yesterday 27th March had hearing on AJR 14 in Assembly rules committee. I would say that we had a small but significant victory.

CA legislative, for the first time, had two assembly members who did not support the bill. “Armenian Genocide resolution” used to pass unanimously every year. Assembly members who voted yes on AJR 14 raised serious concerns abut the resolution. I would like to thank Metin Mangir and Savas Tumer. They came with me in the Rules committee hearing and supported me. They calmed me down after the hearing because I was very upset with my representative, who voted against me. I am going to write her a letter to express my disappointment. Remember the Liberty Song  -By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall!- 

Respectfully yours,
Karahan Mete

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8 responses to “Update from Sacramento Legislation”

  1. We need more Turkish immigration lawyers to help us bring over more family members and increase the Turkish constituency in this nation. Raise our kids with a solid grasp of the language, culture and values to represent us effectively in the future! Until these happen we are a small minority and difficult to be heard.

  2. Your attempts are well intended. However, until we Turks get beyond this severe case of APATHY, not much will happen! Believe me, I’ve been trying for many years. We need to fight fire with fire! We need to follow every Dashnak Armenian event with a counter-event! If they protest in front of our embassiy in Washington, D.C., or our Consulate in LA, we need to protest in front of their embassy and Consulte at the same time…WITH FULL MEDIA COVERAGE!!!

    We need to get off our collective lazy butts and bring lawsuits against the 41 states that have slandered Turkish and Turkic peoples via the falsities within each state’s proclamations (which have gone unchallenged for far too long!), and get them to rescind their previous proclamations as an additional out-of-court settlement. We must approach the governors of the other 9 states with a well written proclamation of our own, and have each state’s respective governors to officilaize them.

    I have always advocated the use of a watchdog group/committee to continuously monitor state legislative activities, as well as the city councils for major cities (i.e. the unethical and illegal attempt by the Mayor and an Armenian City Council member in Las Vegas, NV to give public land to the local Armenian community so that they could erect a genocide memorial at the heart of Las Vegas. Luckily, the ever vigilent Turkish community in Northern NV was able to stop them in their tracks). We also need to get as much public education to air on the TV and Radio (PBS, NPR, Networks, Cable TV stations, etc.) so that we can educate the ignorant public about the truth. We mustn’t allow the Armenians to even breath! We need to constantly be on their backs and shadow their every move and respond with a counter-response.

  3. Young Turk Avatar
    Young Turk

    I was there at the hearing today. This was my first visit to Capital (Sacramento), and I must say it was very discouraging to see at least three Armenian chairman or Armenian cause supporters who were making sure their agenda was clear, and that their fellow chairmen followed them in supporting this bill. I knew from their look how nervous they were as they kept staring at me (I was wearing a big red T-Shirt with our Turkish flag on it). Perhaps, they thought they would not get much of the opposition to show up to the hearing. Well we were there, and we made our presence felt. I believe we are on the right path. We do not have many Turkish American lawyers, or Turkish American politicians in the right posts yet to fight for our rights. However, we are getting smarter and we do have a young generation of Turks who were born or raised here that want to practice law, and or want to get involved in politics. We will eventually be heard, and our rights will be better defended soon. I think our grass-root movement is just the spark we need to grow, nourish, and develop into a big lobbying machine. We must actively support it, and help it grow so our future generation will not have to bear the pains we are going through. I believe we are on the right track. Let’s keep on pushing on harder and harder till we prove them wrong.

  4. I’m proud of you Young Turk!! We must have many more like you fighting for the cause! You are not a slave to apathy, as is many of our countrymen, unfortunately! Keep up the great work!! Our time for victory is getting closer! One can almost taste it! Never say die!

  5. Similar to Young Turk and Mr. Mete, I was at the hearing on Monday. I suggest everyone to take a break from work and go to one of these hearings – it puts a lot of things in context. Helps you better understand what the battlefield looks like, what the rules of the game are and the best way to respond, oppose, support the bill in question. It does not even have to be about alleged AG, just pick a topic and pay a visit to Sacramento. State capital building is easy to get around and people will help you find what you are looking for. In case you are interested in finding more about the bills, latest status, dates of hearing, http://www.aroundthecapital.com is very useful – signing up literally takes 5 seconds and you have access to many details hearings; you can ‘bookmark’ bills and receive email updates when changes take place.

    Young Turk – Shoot me an email and let’s grab drinks, dinner one of these days. I had to run out after the hearing so could not get your contact info but I believe you have my business card.

  6. In case you are looking for some context around what California law says about alleged AG, go to http://www.aroundthecapitol.com/code/ and search for “genocide”.

    My takeaway from this whole thing was quite simple, no matter how hard we all think that it might be – unless we remove alleged AG as defined within California law, we will have to fight these type of battles every year and we will lose most of them. Even if we show up with 100 people in opposition, since CA law already recognizes the events as genocide, we will have the lower hand. Committee members simply look at the CA law and go with as defined. This battle may take years but we need to start somewhere.

    Best way to get on the offense is educating people more about World War I – we ought to have relatives of 2,150,000 Ottoman civilians killed during World War I somewhere around CA. Karabagh would be next.

  7. Young Turk Avatar
    Young Turk

    I think Ozer is right. We should locate some of the survivors, or younger siblings of Ottomon civilians that were killed, and challenge California to a hearing with all the facts, witnesses, etc. We need to put pressure on Californian law makers, and remove this Armenian G bs. I had goose bumps everytime I heard the word AG in the hearing. How dare you let them use that word California. We should form a coalition and take them to court and challenge them. I need more folks to help me or help us do that. Let’s get started with this. Who can help me with that? This is, by far, the most important thing we must do. We must appeal, and we must have them remove it. We are also tax payers in this state, and we have equal rights. I need more Turks to come and join together to get this done. C’mon help me form a unity where we can fight them in court. Your input, advise in this manner is needed now. We can not wait any longer as the only survivors that we may have may decease soon. Let’s act now.

  8. Anonymous Voice Avatar
    Anonymous Voice

    Agreed my friend. I am a Republican Turkish American myself who is planning to major in Political Science in College, then start some sort of business over time, and run for political office one day. It is not the numbers that matters, it is the “Quality” that matters. We need more Turkish Americans running for Congress, US Senate, State Senate, State Assembly, Gubernatorial and other political offices. Our political groups (ATAA) have to demand their civil rights of freedom of expression and free speech in State Assembly, State Senate, and Congressional Hearings. If there terror groups come back, we cannot be silenced either. We have to stay the full cold hard facts so that there will be a fair and just resolution to normalize Turkish-Armenian relations. There are more Greek and Armenian descended politicians and Greeks/Armenians in general are hell bent in disrespecting the rights for the Turkish Republic to exist. There agenda is not about so-called “Human Rights”, it is about a racist warmonering agenda to wipe Turkey off the map and it is also an agenda to viciously vilify every single thing Turkish.

    But luckily, we are slowly gaining power via grassroots and our voices has been slowly heard by many people in Congress. Even though they are at risk frequently, we are gaining power via grassroots. 10 years ago, the Genocide resolutions were 40 YES – 7 NO and now, the resolutions are 23 YES – 22 NO. Think about it, Immigration Reform Activists were castrated for being racists and now, people are curbing Illegal Immigration in the USA.
    As a Republican Turkish American, never give up, go to every single Congressional, State Senate, State Assembly, and US Senate hearing and make your voices heard. If you hear an vehemently racist dishonest anti-Turkish resolution being passed in the legislation, you have to come up with a very constructive argument to counter it. Use effective grassroots and use constructive arguments to speak your mind. Stating your views about the full facts about Turkish related issues is not “Hate Speech”. What I consider hate speech is Greeks and Armenians calling Turks “Mongols” “Savages” “Pigs” “Subhumans” and showing disgusting racist films like “Midnight Express” is racist. Stating the whole truth about what happened between 1915-1922 is NOT racist.

    Do not be scared and never give up my friends!

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