Turkey’s state radio begins broadcasting in Armenian, Kurdish

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ISTANBUL – Turkey’s state run Television and Radio Corporation, or TRT, has launched Armenian and Kurdish channels in the latest in a series of planned foreign language broadcasting mediums being launched by the state.

Kurdish radio programs began on April 1, while Armenian radio programs began on April 2.

Radyo 6 will air in Kurdish 24-hours a day, TRT said in a written statement. 

Armenian programs would be broadcast everyday between 7.00-7.30 a.m. and 6.00-6.30 p.m. as part of “The Voice of Turkey” radio, the statement added.

The move comes as Ankara and Yerevan continue to engage in a normalization process between the two neighbors that for decades have had no diplomatic relations.

Turkey also recently took steps to boost the cultural and democratic rights of Kurds with the Jan. 1 launch of TRT-6, a TV channel that airs in Kurdish 24-hours a day.

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2 responses to “Turkey’s state radio begins broadcasting in Armenian, Kurdish”

  1. Mehmed Ilyas Avatar
    Mehmed Ilyas

    It is a reasonable step to promote relations among Turkish, Armenian and Kurdish people. A few literary steps needed taken by the country to promote its stablility and national integrity.
    1- Turkey needs a secondary language program in literature and arts for Kurds in own Kurdish region also including Persian and Kurdish.
    2- Turkey also has not to let die its Ottomon language and alphabets.
    We write Ankara but the capital needed be Istanbul.

  2. mok10501 Avatar

    To Mr. ILYAS;
    Turkey is a Republic and its capital is known to everyone except for the Persians, Arabs, Greeks, Kurds and Armenians for different reasons. The Ummah’s nostalgia having Ottoman Empire back is a pipe dream and it will never happen as long as the Turkish Defence Forces are arround to protect the ATATÜRK’s ( Our’s) Republic. Instead of asking Istanbul to be the capital of Turkey you should be asking your Ummah to protest the current AKP regime, including AKP assigned president Gül as to why they did not veto the Rasmussen to become NATO’s General-Secretary. Are you aware of who the Rasmussen is?

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