Move from Senate ahead of Obama visit

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US lawmakers pressure Obama on Armenian issue

WASHINGTON – While it is not clear whe Obama for America ther United States President Barack Obama will keep his promise to recognize the Armenians’ claims of genocide, a group of pro-Armenian lawmakers formally introduces a resolution calling for the US government’s recognition, as this year’s April 24 statement looms on the horizon

A group of pro-Armenian U.S. lawmakers Tuesday formally introduced a resolution calling for the U.S. government’s recognition of the Armenians’ claims of genocide.

Democratic congressmen Adam Schiff and Frank Pallone and Republican congressmen George Radanovich and Mark Kirk authored the legislation, and 77 out of 435 lawmakers in the House of Representatives, Congress’s lower chamber, cosponsored it.

This number was considerably smaller than the over 160 original cosponsors who had backed the last similar resolution introduced in the previous House in January 2007.

The legislation’s introduction came less than three weeks before President Barack Obama’s planned visit to Ankara and Istanbul.

During last year’s presidential election campaign, Obama had pledged to recognize the Armenian killings as genocide, if elected.

Moral obligation

But it is not clear if he, in his expected April 24 statement on Armenian deaths, will qualify the killings as genocide, or if he will support the latest House resolution.

Turkey warns that any formal U.S. recognition will damage bilateral relations in a major and lasting way.

Supporters of the resolution argue that the United States has a moral obligation to recognize the killings regardless of the foreign policy implications.

“The facts of history are clear, well documented, and non-negotiable,” said Schiff.

U.S. Armenian groups welcomed the resolution’s introduction and urged Obama to keep last year’s promise.

“We look, in the coming days and weeks, for the president to honor his pledge, to fully support this legislation, and to raise the discourse in Washington on the Armenian genocide from the level of Turkey’s threats and denials up to the level of the core moral and humanitarian values of the American people,” said Aram Hamparian, executive director of the Armenian Narional Committee of America.

“This legislation is an opportunity for the United States to assume a leadership role in genocide affirmation and genocide prevention,” said Bryan Ardouny, executive director of the Armenian Assembly of America.

To pass, the resolution needs to be approved first by the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and then in a House floor vote. But even if it passes, it will not have a binding effect for the U.S. administration’s policies and will reflect “the sense of Congress.”

April 24 statement

It is not clear when the resolution could come to the Foreign Affairs Committee’s agenda.

At a time when Turkey and Armenia are working on a package to normalize their relations, most analysts agree that Obama is not expected to qualify the Armenian killings as genocide in this year’s April 24 statement.

“At this moment, our focus is on how, moving forward, the United States can help Armenia and Turkey work together to come to terms with the past,” said Mike Hammer, spokesman for Obama’s National Security Council. The last resolution was passed by the House Foreign Affairs Committee in October 2007. But it was then shelved and never came to a House floor vote following efforts by then-president George W. Bush’s administration’s efforts to stall it.


US lawmakers pressure Obama on Armenian issue
11 Mar 2009 22:36:15 GMT

Source: Reuters

By Susan Cornwell WASHINGTON, March 11 (Reuters) – Several U.S. lawmakers have written to President Barack Obama urging him to follow up on campaign statements and label the 1915 massacre of Armenians as genocide. The pressure on Obama comes ahead of an expected presidential trip to Turkey, which has warned that such declarations by the United States would damage relations. Turkey denies that up to 1.5 million Armenians suffered genocide at the hands of Ottoman Turks during World War One. Turkey accepts many Armenians were killed, but denies they were victims of a systematic genocide. Ronald Reagan was the only U.S. president to publicly call the killings genocide. Others avoided the term out of concern for the sensitivities of Turkey, an important NATO ally. Four members of the House of Representatives urged Obama to make a statement ahead of the 94th anniversary of the killings on April 24. “As a presidential candidate, you were … forthright in discussing your support for genocide recognition, saying that ‘America deserves a leader who speaks truthfully about the Armenian genocide and responds forcefully to all genocides.’ We agree with you completely,” the letter said. It was signed by Democrats Adam Schiff of California and Frank Pallone of New Jersey, and Republicans George Radanovich of California and Mark Kirk of Illinois. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, on a visit to Turkey last week, said Obama would visit “within the next month or so” in his first trip as president to a Muslim country. During Clinton’s visit, Foreign Minister Ali Babacan said Turkey would consider mediating between the United States and Iran over Tehran’s nuclear program. The foreign minister also said in a recent television interview that he saw a risk that Obama would describe the Armenian deaths as genocide, because Obama had done this during his campaign. But Babacan said the United States needed to understand the sensitivities in Turkey. Another consideration for Obama will be that both Turkey and Armenia say they are close to normalizing relations after nearly a century of hostility. Other members of the administration, including Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden, have in the past supported calling the Armenian killings genocide. Democratic aides said they also expected several lawmakers to reintroduce a resolution branding the massacre of Armenians as genocide. Armenian-Americans have been pushing for passage of similar proposals in Congress for years. Two years ago, a resolution was approved in committee but dropped after Turkey denounced it as “insulting” and hinted at halting logistical support for the U.S. war effort in Iraq.

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