Only 25% of Britons believe evolution

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An opinion poll was conducted in Britain. But the result came as a shock to Darwinists. The level of belief in the theory of evolution, in Darwin’s homeland, Britain, where Richard Dawkins’ atheist and Darwinist propaganda is most intense, emerged at a mere 25%. Britain’s best-known dailies immediately carried the story. This important and major development came as a real shock to Darwinists. It was the loudest declaration of Darwinism’s defeat.

The result of the survey, carried out nationwide on the Guardian website on 2 February, 2009, was announced as follows: “Only 25% of Britons believe Darwin’s theory of evolution”. This headline, which reflected the poll findings, was altered within a few hours.

This defeat being carried in the headlines was unacceptable to the Darwinist dictatorship. For that reason, the headline to the report carried in the publications in question was swiftly changed in a matter of hours.  The new report did not repeat that the level of belief in Darwinism was very low. The poll findings were distorted. The genuine report, which was carried for a brief period of time, was suddenly changed. Once again, people had been deceived under the influence of the Darwinist dictatorship.

The incident did not end there. The results of this poll in Britain must have been particularly unwelcome, for Darwinists lost no time in resorting to another method in order to cover them up. “We have conducted a new poll,” they said. They gave the result of the poll they claimed to have conducted among 2000 people to the press. Under the influence of the Darwinist dictatorship the captions in the British press were swiftly altered. The British people were announced to be “evolutionist” by this false poll based on the opinions of 2000 persons.

The fact is that this was a dirty trick by the Darwinist dictatorship that has taken the whole world under its sway and deceived people for many years.

These intrigues have long been an effective technique for this sinister dictatorship that strives to spread Darwinist propaganda. Formerly, Darwinists used to draw pictures of imaginary ape ancestors, discover perfectly complex fossils of extinct life forms and claim that these were transitional fossils and maintain that a whole country was evolutionist, and people would duly believe them. That was because Darwinists kept the real scientific evidence carefully hidden away and nobody knew that Darwinism was a lie. They imagined that the equine series they saw in museums and the peppered moths they read about in school books were true, and were duly convinced because they knew nothing more. Whatever the Darwinist dictatorship said, went.

But then something happened that Darwinists never expected.


The fossils so carefully hidden away were suddenly revealed. THERE WERE 100 MILLION FOSSILS THAT PROVED CREATION.  These all belonged to perfect, flawless and complex life forms, and many were living fossils. People realized that a tiger is the same today as it was 50 million years ago. A squid is the same today as it was 100 million years ago. And people also realized THAT NOT A SINGLE TRANSITIONAL FORM FOSSIL EXISTED.  Most important of all, they realized THEY HAD BEEN DECEIVED. The scientific facts were before their eyes. There was now no way of deceiving people by holding back the scientific proofs. Unable to produce any scientific evidence, and thus forced to rely on propaganda alone, Darwinism was abandoned.

Demagoguery and propaganda are old Darwinist techniques. But that age is now over. It has no more influence over people who are now aware and have seen the scientific evidence.  People are abandoning evolution in droves and turning to belief in Allah (God). This is now showing itself very clearly and with powerful evidence in all countries. That is why Darwinists are in such a panic and such despair.

Darwinism has been totally routed. It has been demolished. The Darwinist system that regarded people as ignorant and insignificant has realized that it can no longer deceive them. Nobody falls into the traps of the Darwinist dictatorship any more. They can make as much propaganda as they like, but nobody in the world really believes in Darwinism any more.

Mar 17, 2009

Source:, Mar 17, 2009

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5 responses to “Only 25% of Britons believe evolution”

  1. This is a not a news from Guardian, just another a piece of rabid antiscientist publications in Turkey signed by Harun Yahya penname. That piece unfortunatly puts in doubt the standardts of Turkish forum.


    Christopher Booker is troubled by the fervour surrounding the 200-year anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth.

    By Christopher Booker
    Last Updated: 5:55PM GMT 07 Feb 2009

    [darwin’s photo]
    Darwinians refuse to accept how much they don’t know

    As councils ran out of the grit they had failed to stockpile because they fell for the Government line that climate change made it unnecessary, Britain was last week doubly-carpeted, partly by snow, partly by a blizzard of tributes to Charles Darwin. What did these have in common? In contrast to the centenary of Darwin’s death 26 years ago, what has been noticeable about this homage, not least on the BBC, is how relentlessly reverential it has been.

    One would never have guessed from the adulation heaped on the great man by the likes of Sir David Attenborough that there is something very odd about Darwin’s theory. He did not, of course, originate the idea that life on earth had evolved. This notion went back to the ancient Greeks, and was accepted by many of Darwin’s predecessors, including his own grandfather Erasmus. The novelty of Darwin’s thesis was his claim that evolution could be explained solely by the process of natural selection, whereby an infinite series of minute variations gradually turned one form of life into another.

    One great stumbling block to his argument is that evolution has repeatedly taken place in leaps forward so sudden and so complex that they could not possibly have been accounted for by the gradual process he suggested – “the Cambrian explosion” of new life forms, the complexities of the eye, the post-Cretaceous explosion of mammals. Again and again some new development emerged which required a whole mass of interdependent changes to take place simultaneously, such as the transformation of reptiles into feathered, hollow-boned and warm-blooded birds.

    Years ago, a good illustration of this was Attenborough himself claiming to ‘prove’ Darwin’s theory by showing us a mouse and a bat, explaining how one evolved into the other. He seemed oblivious to the obvious point that, as the mouse’s forelegs evolved by minute variations to wings, there must have been a long period when the creature, no longer with properly functioning legs but as yet unable to fly, was much less ‘adapted to survive’ than it had been before.

    As even Darwin himself acknowledged, these jumps in the story might have seemed to render his thesis â absurd’. He might therefore have recognised that some other critically important but unknown factor seemed to be at work, an â organising power’ which had allowed these otherwise inexplicable leaps to take place. But so possessed was he by the simplicity of his theory that, brushing such difficulties aside, he made a leap of faith that it must be right, regardless of the evidence. In this he has been followed by generations of ‘Darwinians’ who have found his theory so beguiling that, like him, they have refused to recognise how much it cannot explain.

    What is fascinating about the Darwinians is their inability to accept just how much they do not know. Armoured in their certainty that they have all the answers when they so obviously don’t, neo-Darwinians such as Richard Dawkins rest their beliefs just as much on an unscientific leap of faith as the â Creationists’ they so fanatically affect to despise. It is revealing how they dismissively try to equate all those scientists who argue for ‘intelligent design’ with Biblical fundamentalists, as their only way to cope with questions they cannot answer.

    Something strikingly similar has been taking place over the belief that the world is dangerously warming, due to the rise in man-made CO2. For a time the believers in this theory seemed to have the evidence on their side, as CO2 levels and temperatures rose in apparent harmony. But lately all sorts of evidence has been put forward by serious scientists to suggest that this theory is seriously flawed, not least the fact that recently falling temperatures were not predicted by any of those computer models on which the advocates of global warming rest their beliefs.

    It becomes increasingly obvious that, like the Darwinians, the warming supporters are so convinced by the simplicity of their theory that they are unable to recognise how much they do not know – and like the Darwinians their response has been to become ever more fanatically intolerant of anyone who dares question their dogma. This might not matter so much if they hadn’t, on the basis of their faith, persuaded so many of the world’s politicians to propose measures which threaten to inflict a real economic disaster on the world.

    At the end of David Attenborough’s tribute to Darwin last week, he showed the staff of the Natural History Museum reverentially moving the statue of Darwin into pride of place amid the Gothic columns of the Dinosaur Hall, like the altar of a cathedral. It has replaced the statue of Richard Owen, the great 19th century biologist who not only created the museum and coined the term â dinosaur’, but on purely scientific grounds was one of Darwin’s most trenchant critics. Seeing him replaced by Darwin is a warning of what happens when science ceases to be scientific and becomes a substitute religion. The symbolism of the change is more perfect than its perpetrators know.

  3. Poll reveals public doubts over Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution

    Belief in creationism is widespread in Britain, according to a new survey.

  4. I am sick of this bullshit rhetoric on refuting Evolution. Scientists are the ones who admit how much they don’t know and are open to criticism, whereas creationists are arrogant enough not to admit it, and when they can’t comprehend something due their own lack of knowledge they come to the conclusion that it can’t be understood by anybody and attribute it to divine intervention. And on top of that they don’t tolerate criticism of their faith. Creationists are so recalcitrant and insincere that they use any evidence that actually proves Evolution as proof to the contrary. How stupid is that? This is how far detached from reality they are and how much they are ignorant of the scientific methods, deduction , reasoning and inquiry skills that brought the enlightenment of human kind from the dark ages.


    In 1859, 150 years ago, Darwin said the following in his book the Origin of Species:

    WHY, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see Innumerable transItIonal forms? Why is not all nature in confusIon instead of the species being, as we see them, well defIned?

    Innumerable transItIonal forms must have exIsted, why do we not fInd them embedded In countless numbers In the crust of the earth?

    Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links?

    Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory.(Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, pp. 172, 280)

    Darwin’s words he uttered 150 years ago have now come true!

    Now, as Darwin said in the 19th century, there is actually NO SUCH THING AS A TRANSITIONAL FORM.

    More than 100 million fossils have been unearthed in the Earth’s crust. Yet NOT ONE OF THEM IS A TRANSITIONAL FORM.


    IN NO GEOLOGICAL FORMATION or STRATUM IS THERE ONE TRANSITIONAL FORM FOSSIL that shows the alleged connection between living things.

    Above all, new sciences have shown that CELLS, CHROMOSOMES and PROTEINS ARE EXTRAORDINARILY COMPLEX.

    It has been discovered that DNA possesses ENOUGH INFORMATION TO FILL ONE MILLION ENCYCLOPEDIA PAGES and it is IMPOSSIBLE for such a marvelous structure TO HAVE COME INTO EXISTENCE BY CHANCE.

    It has been realized that atoms – the most basic building blocks of everything –HAVE A PERFECT ORDER AND COMPLEXITY.

    This glorious order and unique, flawless artistry on Earth has been revealed as, again just as Darwin said, THE GRAVEST OBJECTION THAT WOULD BE RAISED AGAINST HIS THEORY.

    Contemporary Darwinists have confirmed the truth of this legacy:

    Niles Eldredge (Paleontologist at Harvard University):
    Indeed, the sudden appearance of a varied, well-preserved array of fossils, which geologists have used to mark the beginnings of the Cambrian Period (the oldest division of the Paleozoic Era) does pose a fascinating intellectual challenge.[1]

    Derek W. Ager (Paleontologist at University College, Swansea):
    The point emerges that if we examine the fossil record in detail, whether at the level of orders or of species, we find – over and over again – not gradual evolution, but the sudden explosion of one group at the expense of another.[2]

    Mark Czarnecki (Evolutionist paleontologist):
    A major problem in proving the theory [of evolution] has been the fossil record, the imprints of vanished species preserved in the Earth’s geological formations. This record has never revealed traces of Darwin’s hypothetical intermediate variants — instead, species appear and disappear abruptly, and this anomaly has fueled the creationist argument that each species was created by God.[3]

    Carlton E. Brett (Professor of Geology at the University of Cincinnati):
    Did life on Earth change steadily and gradually through time? The fossil record emphatically says “no.”[4]

    Dr. Colin Patterson (Evolutionist Paleontologist and Curator of London’s Natural History Museum):
    You say that I should at least “show a photo of the fossil from which each type of organism was derived.” I will lay it on the line — there is not one such fossil for which one could make a watertight argument.[5]

    David B. Kitts (Professor of the History of Science at Oklahoma University):
    Evolution requires intermediate forms between species, and paleontology does not provide them.[6]

    Mark Ridley (Zoologist at Oxford University):
    In any case, no real evolutionist . . . uses the fossil record as evidence in favor of the theory of evolution as opposed to special creation. . .[7]

    Steven M. Stanley (Professor of Paleontology at the University of Hawaii at Manoa):
    The known fossil record fails to document a single example of phyletic evolution [the evolution of a species’ entire population into a new species] accomplishing a major morphologic [structural] transition and hence offers no evidence that the gradualistic model [of evolution] can be valid.[8]

    Hoimar Von Ditfurth (A German Professor of Neurology and Psychiatry and Evolutionist Science Writer):
    When we look back, we see there is no need to have been surprised at our failure to find those transitional forms searched for almost painfully. Because the great likelihood is that such transitional stages never existed.[9]

    Tom Kemp (Curator of The Zoological Collections at Oxford University:
    In no single adequately documented case is it possible to trace a transition, species by species, from one genus to another.[10]

    Dr. Colin Patterson (Evolutionist Paleontologist and Curator of London’s Natural History Museum):
    [Stephen Jay] Gould [of Harvard] and the American Museum people are hard to contradict when they say there are no transitional fossils.[11]

    We therefore congratulate Darwin!

    From the scientific proofs of 21st century, it now appears that Darwin was very foresighted indeed! 150 years ago, he said, “There is even not one single transitional fossil.” And now, millions of fossil specimens confirm that there is NOT ONE SINGLE TRANSITIONAL FORM FOSSIL WHATSOEVER! Darwin’s legacy has been proven right! On the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth, we congratulate Darwin on his prudence and on this important prediction.

    [1] Niles Eldredge The Monkey Business: A Scientist Looks at Creationism, Washington Square Press, New York, 1982, p.44
    [2] Derek A. Ager, “The Nature of the Fossil Record,” Proceedings of the British Geological Association, Vol. 87, 1976, p. 133
    [3] Mark Czarnecki, “The Revival of the Creationist Crusade,” MacLean’s, 19 January 1981, p. 56
    [4] Carlton E. Brett, “Stasis: Life in the Balance.” Geotimes, Vol. 40, Mar. 1995, p. 18
    [5] From a letter dated 10 April, 1979, quoted in L. D. Sunderland’s Darwin’s Enigma: Fossils and Other Problems, 4th edition, Master Books, 1988
    [6] David B]. Kitts, “Paleontology and Evolutionary Theory,” Evolution , Vol. 28, September 1974, p. 487
    [7] Mark Ridley, “Who Doubts Evolution?,” New Scientist, Vol. 90; June 25, 1981, p. 831
    [8] Stanley, Stephen M., Macroevolution–Pattern and Process, San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Co., 1979, p. 39
    [9] Hoimar Von Ditfurth, Dinozorların Sessiz Gecesi 2, [“The Silent Night of the Dinosaurs 2”] p. 22.
    [10] Thomas S. Kemp, Mammal-Like Reptiles and the Origin of Mammals, New York: Academic Press, 1982, p. 319
    [11] Colin Patterson, letter to Luther Sunderland dated April 10, 1979, quoted in L.D. Sunderland Darwin’s Enigma, p. 89

    Jan 11, 2009

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