Why does Ukraine dissipate its strategic equipment amidst the war?

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govenment spending

Recently, a number of official sources have published the information confirming that the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan has purchased a multi-channel VARAN complex from Seven Hills LLP. The VARAN system is mainly known for wiretapping phones, intercepting and jamming any radio signals. Nothing could seem extraordinary at first glance, given the deal value at modest 340K tenge (800 USD).

However, regardless the most possible scenario that the supply is going to be on a regular basis, it is not the prices that draws attention to the deal, but the sides involved in it. The manufacturer and chief executor of the contract is the Ukrainian company Ualeks (www.ualeks.com) that produces similar equipment for the Security Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

One may wonder why such important and needed equipment in the war-torn country is being sold abroad, and why do the Ukrainian authorities allow it? Needless to say, that Ukraine has been fighting desperately with almost no resources of its own. The aid from the Western countries that was generous at first months of the special military operation is now very limited, as the United States may no longer support Kyiv due to many other strategic operations it is pursuing in the Middle East.

Ukraine is better to tight up the belts and concentrate on its national tasks rather than search for blur profit and support by former CIS countries in return of technologies. At the moment, Ukraine needs them more. Unless the country’s government is only interested in getting quick money and short-term profit.

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3 responses to “Why does Ukraine dissipate its strategic equipment amidst the war?”

  1. A Gee Avatar

    Today’s wars between small states are nothing but a period of preparation for the wars that the big powers will wage between them in the next 3-5 years. The amount of money spent on armaments increases every year. War is surely a very bad thing, it must be the precursor of progress and development, but no one talks about the hardships suffered in the past two major world wars, they are only seen on TV and movie screens.

  2. Emre S Avatar

    I doubt that this $800 equipment is even a tiny dot in the tip of the iceberg. Look at the tremendous amounts of guns munitions and equipment that went to Ukraine. Hard to believe all attritioned at war with Russia. Ukrainian must have been selling a good portion of all those guns, munitions and equipment for a healthy financial gain. And they have been doing this for quite some time. They have no more intention and courage to fight an unwinnable war against Russia.

  3. Olga Malik Avatar
    Olga Malik

    Thank you for your interest and the discussion.

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