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Why double standard of USA, UK ?

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We as Muslims strongly condemn Russia’s invasion against Ukraine. We are against the killing of civilian people, innocent children, infrastructure, hospital, buildings etc by Russian missiles, bombs, rockets, supersonic missiles etc
I urge countries that have good relations with the conflicting countries such as Turkey President Tayyab Eurdgan should come forward to make sincere and serious mediation efforts to immediately end the destructive war, between Russia and Ukrainian, in which millions of civilian people are badly suffering

Professor Ather Adnan

Questions from the civilized nation people of America, Britians and European countries?

(1)Why American, Britians and EU didn’t condemn Israel attack/invasion on innocent civilian Palestinians people, living in Gaza ?

(2) Why USA and NATO troops took part in a coalition invasion against Iraq in 2003, to overthrow Saddam Government ?. They are responsible for more than one million innocent Muslim civilian casualties in Iraq as well as in Afghanistan.

(3) American Britians NATO forces are responsible of Civil war in Iraq, Syria as they divided middle East into sectarian bases.

(4) Why American Britians EU didn’t condemn Indian agrression in Indian Occupied Kashmir, where more than one million civilian people are killed by indian armed forces ?

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We as Muslims strongly condemn Russia's invasion against Ukraine. Why double standard of USA, UK ?

Professor Ather Adnan well-known Educationist and International Ambassador of Love Peace and Humanity

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