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richard de graff


         I have been writing newsletters since 1980, and at one time, I had over 400,000 readers, including the Turkish Forum US. Then in 2012, something changed. Customers decided not to sell when I suggested they do. Suddenly, they knew more than I did, and something was entirely wrong.

         The Dodd/Frank ACT made what illegal legal in 2010 was. Over two years, it took the financial authorities to determine what questions to give on their continuing exams for registered representatives, now called Financial Advisors. The test was not on basic information about securities but on protecting management from customer lawsuits.

         Financial Advisors were not allowed to think for themselves anymore. Everything we did had to be approved by a manager or a superior, from telephone calls to mailings and, above all, any personal messages.

         I was dead in the water, and I saw “the big one” coming and had to resign from my beloved profession to warn investors.    

My observations of the 1940s to the 1960s showed that honest wealth was a poor choice except if you owned a company.

I had to downsize my lifestyle, and my son and daughter accomplished this visited me on the weekend and canceling my newspapers, renegotiating my several cable television packages and credit cards – you name it, they did it. Thank God!

My writings have met with comments like “that is a good idea, but nothing else happens that that is why I am depressed about my letters. And that is it. Nothing has changed. Am I whistling dixie all by my lonesome?

It all started with LBJ robbing the Social Security Trust. What HAPPENED? Nixon had to take us off the Gold Standard.

Bear Stearns had a monster margin call in the silver futures market, and Jami Dimon and JP Morgan bought them up, giving Jamie a window to amass a fortune in Gold and Silver by illegal means. The result is that The Federal Reserve Bank of NY removed Jamie from their Board of Directors. The bank has been convicted five times in the RICO Act, which was for the MAFIA NOT BANKERS. Big deal. Jamie is now a millionaire, JP Morgan has doubled its dividend, and the price has doubled.

Citizen Kane steps forward (Donald Trump). Everyone comes down on him, and he is impeached twice for minor violations. It is a crucifixion all over again

Part of the Communist/Socialist Mantra is to set citizens up in trials and sue them until they lose exhaustion and financial dismemberment. That happens in every country before the dictator takes over.

Our New President, Joe Biden, is as crooked as they come. Using Donald Trump as a guide for impeachment, he should impeach several guilty so often that his ashes are smoldering. Yet nothing has happened because his Vice President would be President, and the Speaker of the House would be next in line. They, too, are impeachable.   

For starters – Inflation. Simple. Restart the Keystone Pipeline and stop interfering with the oil companies. Supply and demand will run their natural course. Meanwhile, over 6000 products that we use have an oil derivative, and that oil derivative reduced price will bring the overall cost down, which knocks a few pegs off the inflation stool.

Stop Congress from running the economy. That is causing a recession.

 Since Donald Trump was President, no one has gone to prison. Instead, they have cushy jobs.

When some lie and try another cover-up for them, the lies start to morph and get so large that now everyone is lying, and Governments accustomed to not fabrication do not know when we are telling the truth or lying.

Foreign nations have removed the honor of holding their gold for them and now are holding their gold. Could this be that a former Secretary of The Treasury was selling gold short and using their gold to sell to a buyer? Then the Treasury repurchases the gold at lower prices and returns it to the foreign nation without them knowing it and pockets the profit. That is illegal and treasonable. Do we have a penalty for treason?

If Hunter Biden received a billion-plus dollars from China, what did uncle Joe give them? What has he been investing in if they gave him to invest? I do know this. The COMEX approved Depository in Delaware has been almost a daily delivery since Joe Biden has become President, and before that, it was dormant. Where are all those silver bars being delivered?

Almost everyone accepts the 2020 election and that President Trump lost. Why did Fox News go off the air election night? Did they know about the wrong about the election? At 7 pm, I turn to Fox TV News to watch the election results. Judging by the rally sizes during the campaign, I thought he would win by a significant margin. Fox News can not legally mention the name of George Soros on their television network just until a few days ago. (Newt Gingrich on FOX TV said George Soros and a compliance officer interrupted and told him to desist.) ( I believe because  of a legal settlement.)  

Today, almost everyone in Government is lying or, at the very least – fibbing.

Illegal immigrants are entering this country in droves, and the communist/socialist liberals are hoping that they will be abler to vote. Confident District Attorneys funded by George Soros will approve their voting status.

Law and order are just lip service because these politicians want to replace them with their National Guard.

Because LBJ robbed the Social Security Trust Fund, Congress backed him with IRAs to backstop Social Security. The Treasury has a $50 billion slush fund to support our markets. The whole purpose of Investing is to help free enterprise.

Congress demolished bond covenants. President Trump got into all kinds of trouble when he called the Puerto Rico Government crooks, and they were. Then a hurricane wiped the island out, and they are still trying to recover.

Here is the bottom line. Our debt does not hold water anymore because of the broken covenants. Bond covenants are a long-term deal – which means until all that bond debt has matured.

Foreign nations are too busy buying their debt instead of ours, so with the help of a few solvent insurance companies, the Federal Reserve is forced to buy our debt, plus they must buy debt that other charter banks want to sell tendered to them.

Sooner than later, our Federal Government will not have funds to pay the pledges over the years, plus all the money they want to spend right now.

There was, and I am not sure now, but I know one central banker, instead of buying debt, has bought over 15% of certain leading stocks. The central banker has not yet sold, and others will sell, and the central banker panics and sells that treasury slush fund could liquidate it.

Say goodbye to your IRAs. This Government owns silver bars, and so does Jamie Dimon, and I believe his compatriot(?) GS( That does not stand Goldman Saks).

WE have the makings a financial Hiroshima. The dead ones that hold securities: the few remaining will be avoided, shunned for surviving, and ostracized by the remaining public.

The winners will be the ones holding silver and gold coins for swapping to rebuild communist/socialist countries that could have a revolution where the people form democracies of their own.

Nations will hold Nuremberg-type trials to rid the world of all forms of dictatorships. Few will survive and become like the British Monarchy.

Federal employees must speak the English language and have a good idea of what their job entails. I suggest that all federal employees pass qualifying exams on whether they are qualified and at which level. Those underqualified should be given the opportunity to an education program after they are demoted to a lower position or even dismissed. All applicants must be US citizens or one pending approval of an application.

The security business is not like a casino. Still, an opportunity for a company or any municipality to gain funds from the public to IMPROVE their surroundings or expand their businesses could grow our economy.

Rating agencies should ascertain the amount of risk the investment would be.

There should be legal savings banks that conservative citizens can de[posit their savings without undue risk.  

An excellent way to avoid this disaster is after a congressional election. The majority are new members without any coattails or obligations should be able to make draconian decisions as far as having IRA FUNDS CONVERTING BACK INTO THE Social Security Trust Fund without any gimmicks. ALL AMOUNTS OF Monies THE TRUST SHOULD BE BUYING US TREASURY BONDS ONLY.

That means we should be balancing our budgets. We should be canceling all entitlements programs where funds were not entitled to by taxes for individuals, as is our Social Security and Unemployment programs.

The Government should stop trying to manage our businesses and rely on entrepreneurs and the law of supply and demand.

The primary step to stop inflation is not higher interest rates but for Congress to reinstate the Keystone Pipeline and other gas programs to make the US an exporter and not an importer. It creates jobs for everyone and should lower the price of over 6000 products that use gas and oil as an ingredient again.  

So my depression is the fact our ship of state is heading for the waterfall with no skipper.

Cheerio !!!

buy current silver coins
Richard C De Graff

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