Dear Friends,
We would like to invite you to the ‘Best Practices during UBI Advocacy’ meetings for ECI-UBI 2020 (and for UBI Movement); which are Zoom based and on third Monday of each month at CET 20:00 (GMT 19:00 during the Winter Time). The agenda and the Zoom link of the coming meeting (21st of December, 2020) is given below;
- Monday, December 21st, 2020, at CET 20:00
Guest : Dr. Valerija Korosec (Slovenia) (An Independent Researcher of the U3BI)
Topic : ‘Slovenian UBI Advocacy Experience within the Framework of the ECI – UBI Campaigns 2013 and 2020’
>>> Zoom link details : ‘Best Practices during UBI Advocacy’ 3rd Meeting – Monday, November 21st, 2020, at CET 20:00 (GMT 19:00)
Meeting ID: 860 0476 0266
Passcode: 284827
We would like to thank all our guests in advance for their valuable contributions.
Now, it is time to invite more friends to our meetings.
The meetings will also be recorded and shared through social media and youtube, especially for other UBI Advocates who were not able to participate.
All the best,
Ali Mutlu Köylüoğlu
Citizen’s Basic Income Research Development Culture and Dissemination Society
+90-532-314 95 20
Dr. Valerija Korošec, is an independent researcher of the U3BI paradigm shift, its conditions and possibilities.
On theoretical level, she integrates U3BI approach (the unconditional uniform universal basic individual) system with the ‘Trade’ and ‘Democratic’ system as a way of ‘upgrading’ the concept of social market system. In this conceptual framework any human social institution obeys the rule to firstly apply the basic level of redistribution of common goods in ‘U3BI manner’: guaranteeing common goods in unconditional, uniform and universal form on at least the basic level (U3BI). Secondly, to obey the rule of fair evaluation and reward of work-time contribution and thirdly, to allow free competition in a was that it does not impede the first two layers. In domain of democratic politics and social policy and free market system she has built some political pragmatic proposals in upon this ‘new’ conceptual approach.
In the last five years she also ‘diversified’ the idea of Universal Basic Income into the idea of UB – items, income, services, UB job guarantee and shorter working week as examples of a U3Bparadigm shift.
In 2010 she published an algorithm for a budget neutral introduction of basic income in Slovenia. She is still regularly invited to present her proposal in Slovenia: THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA (2011), The Committee on Labor, Family, Social Affairs and the Disabled of THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY, to Trade Unions Confederations etc.
In 2015 she presented this three-dimensional system at the conference “Slovenia 2030” – Change for an efficient social state, organised by Borut Pahor, President of the RS (“Slovenia 2030” – Change for efficient social state organized by the president of RS, Borut Pahor in 2015).
In february 2019 she presented the MEFISTO, EUROMOD microsimulation of this approach in the field of child benefits, at the Universal Child Grant conference in Geneva organised by UNICEF and ILO in 2019. (PWP presentation is attached.)
In September 2019 she, as a key note speaker, presented the Universal-Trade- Democratic (#zaUTD; in engl.U3BI) concept in domain of energy poverty – The question of energy regulations – at the 16th International Conference on EEM (European Energy Market) in Ljubljana.
In April 2020 she was ‘the ghost’ writer for dr. Marko Jaklič, who was a member of Lahovnik’s group of councellors (all male) of PM Janez Janša at the outbreak of Covid-19 when she wrote New #zaUTD Social Deal for post-Covid19 Slovenia.
In September 2020 she wrote the (bellow attached) letter as a follow up of her question and suggestion to Mr Nicolas Schmidt in a videoconference ‘roadshow’, when he consulted with Slovenian social partners and stakeholders on the upcoming Action Plan to further implement the European Pillar of Social Rights.
Dr. Valerija KOROŠEC was three years (June 2017 – June 2020) official coordinator of the Slovenian Universal Basic Income Network (UTD Section) at the Society for the Development of the Humanities and is the representative of Slovenia in the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) and the European Network for Fair Work Sharing Network. She was the (ghost) chief coordinator of signature collection for the European Civil Initiative on Universal Basic Income in 2013. In 2020 she again participated (as a ghost chief coordinator) in the European Civil Initiative on Universal Basic Income, where Slovenia is again – the best.
Valerija Korošec, Ph.D. in Post-modern sociology, M.Sc. in European Social Policy, works for the Slovenian Government analysing the EU social policy, data on poverty, gender equality, SDGs, Human Development Index, Social Progress index, Prosperity index etc. In 2010 she published an algorithm for a budget neutral introduction of universal basic income in Slovenia.
Dr. Valerija KOROŠEC was born in 1966. She is married mother of two and lives in Slovenia.
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