Power Struggle Erupts in Turkey’s Security Structure

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CIA yayin organinda yazan Eski Ozel Harpci Metin Gurcan, Turkiye  Rusya Iliskilerini Baltalamak icin yazdigi Metinde Dogu Perincek ve Vatan Partisini Hedef Aliyor

From: sefa m. yurukel [mailto:[email protected]]

Power Struggle Erupts in Turkey’s Security Structure

Two very different groups are vying to fill all the personnel holes Turkey’s purge punched into its military and intelligence agencies.

Dogu Perincek of the left-wing Turkish Workers’ Party smiles as he sits in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France, in 2015. AFP/Getty Images

By: Metin Gurcan, Columnist for Al-Monitor


Following the July 15 coup attempt, 93,000 civil servants were suspended from their duties in many of Turkey’s public institutions; investigations are ongoing for 40,000 of them. The key question now is who will fill those vacancies, especially in the military and intelligence bureaucracies.

One hard reality is that the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), despite its 14 years in power, has not developed a senior bureaucratic team that deals with security and intelligence affairs. Hence, a power struggle was inevitable at the senior echelons of the National Intelligence Service (MIT), the Gendarmerie Command, the Ministry of Defense and the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), where two distinct schools of thought or cliques are competing to fill the vacancies.

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