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Conservative candidate for Mayor of London Zac Goldsmith

me zac andteam2
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me zac andteam2On the 21th of January, I had the privilege to join Major Candidate Zac Goldsmith’s team “BacZac2016”  and I have to say Zac is a hard working, dynamic and down to earth individual who has a lot to offer as a Conservative Candidate for Major of London.  Furthermore, he has a very dynamic team to support him at this elections.

Here is the information about his campaign.

Back Zac’s Action Plan for Greater London

Over the next four years, if elected as Mayor, Zac Goldsmith will work with the Government to:

Start fixing London’s housing crisis by:

Doubling home building to 50,000 a year by 2020 and ensuring development is in keeping with the local area

Giving Londoners the first chance to buy new homes built in London

Ensuring a significant proportion of all new homes are only for rent and not for sale

Improve the capacity and reliability of London’s transport system by:

Ensuring the Night Tube goes ahead, starting Crossrail 2, and growing the rail network

Bringing suburban rail services under the Mayor’s control to increase and improve the service

Protecting the Freedom Pass

Improve London’s living environment by:

Protecting the green belt from development

Tackling air pollution with tougher rules on HGVs, and encouraging greener vehicles and safer cycling

Creating more green spaces and cleaning up local parks so they are safe to visit and enjoy

Make London’s streets safer by:

Protecting neighbourhood police teams and keeping them on the street

Tackling the root causes of crime in local communities

Putting more police on public transport at night

All paid for without increasing Mayoral council tax.

Local Council plans to abolish 15 mins free parking in the Waltham Forest were also critised by the conservative party supporters.

Furthermore Conservatives candidate for London Mayor, Zac Goldsmith, said earlier this year it was a “real backward step” to abolish the scheme.

He said: “Charging local residents for parking when they visit their local shops sends the wrong message and discourages people from supporting local businesses which are such a vital part of our community.”

On the Right Conservative Candidate for Mayor of London

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