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Islamic State Praises San Bernardino Shooting

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Will we ever hear if these Muslims were affiliated with Islamic State?

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Earlier Wednesday, our own Faye Higbeewondered if the tragic shooting in San Bernardino, California, was related to terrorism. A report cited by Pamela Geller would seem to make the question even more relevant.

Citing Vocativ, Geller said that ISIS sympathizers praised the attack on Twitter.

Devout Muslims, she said, are rejoicing.

According to James King and Adi Cohen, ISIS radicals on Twitter celebrated the shooting with the hashtag #America_Burning. The terror group, however, has not taken credit for the shooting.

Three lions made us proud. They are still alive, one supporter tweeted in Arabic.

The Twitter account has since been suspended.

King and Cohen added:

God is great and he the one to be praised for that, another supporter posted in the forum in Arabic. This is hell with gods will. But the hashtag was primarily used on Twitter where one ISIS extremist taunted the United States with a tweet that read Let America know a new era #California #America_burning.

The tweet is still live as of this writing.

God is the greatest, another person added. May god spread fear in the homes of the Crusaders.

According to reports, one shooting suspect was identified as Syed Farook a father, husband and devoutly religious Muslim.

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