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Bernard Lewis Questions The Armenian Genocide

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Bernard Lewis Questions The Armenian Genocide

By Jonathan WilsonTue, 01/08/2008 – 23:13

Dr. Bernard Lewis is a world renowned British-American historian on Islam, the Middle East, and the Ottoman Empire. He was a professor in Princeton University’s Near East Studies department. In this video, Dr. Bernard Lewis through decades of research states that the killings of Armenians during World War I cannot be classified as genocide. He has advised Western Governments on Middle Eastern policies.

Dr. Bernard Lewis is described as the West’s leading historian on the Middle East.

In the Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing, Martin Kramer considers that, over a 60-year career, Dr. Bernard Lewis has emerged as “the most influential postwar historian of Islam and the Middle East.”

Dr. Bernard Lewis on Armenian Genocide – Youtube Video

Bernard Lewis Speaking on Armenian Allegations

Bernard Lewis Armenian Genocide Youtube Video

It is interesting to note that objective historians like Bernard Lewis are all over the world, but very few have the courage of Bernard Lewis to speak the truth when so many historians are bullied and intimidated by the infamous ANCA (Armenian National Committee of America) and the Armenian American Assembly lobbyists which use hate campaigns, propaganda, and invest a lot of money in scholars, organizations, and politicians to support their crusade of Anti-Turkism. They also organize hundreds of volunteers to protest and flood politician offices to pressure them into following their political agendas.

Objective historians like Bernard Lewis are what will bring peace to the world and ethics to the field. If you’re a historian, do the research, analyze both sides, go to both Armenian perspective websites as well as Turkish perspective websites, watch all the documentaries from both sides, and I guarantee you the truth will show itself as clear as day that the Ottoman government did not plan out a mass extermination campaign, and only stopped the violence through a relocation order that may have saved hundreds of thousands of Armenian and Turkish lives during World War I.

Ethnic conflicts are terrible, they cause thousands of deaths (as they did in 1915), and governments struggle in differentiating between who is a rebel and who is a civilian. During World War I, the best solution proposed was to relocate hostile populations; this of course, was not good for the innocent Armenians among the guilty Armenians, but it was a last resort after many amnesties for Armenian revolts and uprisings.

There are many genocides in the world, but only one gets recognition without any solid proof, that is the Armenian Genocide, yet the subject is debated amongst academics and historians around the world. Through decades of propaganda it has started to settle into peoples minds who did not read books on the issue. This is the same kind of tactics the Islamofacists use to brainwash millions of Muslims to believe in their extreme revision of history and religion.

Hatred should not be preached on anyone, and no one should preach hatred or oppress other peoples’ views even if they differ from your own.

Dr. Bernard Lewis’s Books

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