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In this photo provided by Egypt’s state news agency MENA, Greek Cypriot leader Nicos Anastasiades, from left, Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi and Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras shake hands to pose forphotos after a press conference in Cairo, Egypt, Saturday, Nov. 8, 2014.


Greek Cypriot Leader Nicos Anastasiades on Nov. 8 accused Turkey of “provocative actions” that he said are hindering the island’s peace talks and compromising security in the eastern Mediterranean.

Last month Greek Cyprus suspended its participation in UN-led peace talks with Turkey amid tensions over Ankara’s determination to search for oil and gas in the same region where the Greek Cypriot government has licensed exploratory drills in an exclusive economic zone.

“Turkey’s provocative actions do not just compromise the peace talks, but also affect security in the eastern Mediterranean region,” Anastasiades said during a visit to Cairo.

“For the (peace) negotiations to succeed Turkey needs to show positive intention and adopt a constructive stance through positive and effective steps in this direction,” he said, according to a translation.

The Greek Cypriot leader was speaking at a joint news conference in Cairo with his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras.

Since Oct. 20 a Turkish survey vessel has encroached Cyprus’s exclusive economic zone off the island’s southern coast, according to Nicosia.

Ankara had issued a notice that a Turkish seismic vessel would carry out a survey until Dec. 30 in the same area where the Italian-Korean energy consortium ENI-Kogas is operating.

Ankara opposes the Greek Cypriot government’s exploitation of offshore energy reserves before a deal is reached to solve the decades-long division of the east Mediterranean island.

Anastasiades, Samaras and Sisi were at a summit in Cairo on Nov. 8 to discuss regional security and economic cooperation.

  Kufi Seydali


The Greeks are once again playing with fire! It should not be forgotten that General Sissi of Egypt is a military dictator. It is also worth remembering that in 1974 it was the military Dictators in Athens who overthrew Makarios with the aim of declaring ENOSIS (Union with Greece). What disaster that brought upon all Cypriots is well known. The Greeks should also decide on which side they stand! On one hand they claim to be  strategic partners of the USA (Joe Biden) and on the other hand play Roulette with Putin. They recently carried out joint exercises with  Israel and now sign security agreements with Egypt! Common sense tells us that such a complex game is bound to go wrong.


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