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Cyprus / Turkey: The destabilisation of the Middle East gains momentum!

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Following America’s destabilisation activities in the Middle East, Russia and Israel together with the Greek Cypriots are now contributing to a flaggarant escalation in the region.

Source: Oda-tv (transl: Joint military exercises by 3 countries)

The Eastern Mediterranean is boiling! After America (Joe Biden’s visit to Cyprus), the Russians are now performing naval exercises between Cyprus and Syria. The Israeli Air Force, on the other hand, is carrying out joint operations with the Greek Cypriots over Cyprus’ airspace.

One of the reasons for all this is that the Greek Cypriots are claiming exclusive
rights to all hydrocarbon deposits around Cyprus, ignoring Turkish interests
completely. The Greeks have been carrying our seismic studies, drllings and
even sold shares to many interesting parties such as Italy, Korea, etc.
However, ss soon as the Turkish side announced the start of seismic studies
in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Greeks withdraw from the peace negotiations, and almost begged Russia (Meeting of Anastasiades with Vladimir Putin) and Israel to carry out simultaneous military exercises in this same region.

 Seismological Studies Ship Barbaros

It looks as if the trio (Russia, Israel and Southern Cyprus) are speculating that
Turkey being busy with the Syrian (Kobane) crisis, will draw back and allow them to enjoy the energy sources of Cyprus which belong to both Greek and Turkish Cypriots.

What they oversee, however, is that Turkey has a huge military presence in Northern Cyprus which is capable of dealing with adventures of any kind. Besides, the Turkish Air Force is 3 minutes away. Particularly the Russian fleet will be trapped in the Mediterrenian with no supplies as their passing through the Bosphorus depends on turkish permission. Israel is also making a terrible mistake joining forces with Russia and ignoring America’s NATO interests in Turkey.

  Küfi Seydali



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