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Armenia: Multifaceted Links to Russia and Incentives from the West

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350px Armenia 2002 CIA map

Armenia (Pop: 3  Mio); Turkey (Pop: 76 Mio)


It looks as if Armenia has her nickers in the twist. There are so many parallels between Armenia and Greece, it’s unbelievable! They both see themselves as historical enemies of the Turks. Both chose to remember the Turkish retaliations but not their own aggressions. And again both are economically ruined and desperately in need of help and cooperation.

What are these similarities and parallels, one may ask? First of all, they both have a Turkish enemy as a result of which they become dependent on foreign powers for their defence and survival!

Secondly, they both wish to have the warm support of the western world, but, at the same time have difficulties distancing themselves from Russia.

In the case of Greece, the tie is of religious origin (Orthodoxy). Greece is also in the lucky position of being NATO and EU member. The position of South Cyprus (Greek part of Cyprus) is also comparable with that of Armenia. Greek Cyprus is EU member but not NATO member, however, like Armenia far away from the West and dangerously close to Turkey.

Mr. Sassounian says; “Armenia has multifaceted links to Russia” without going into any detail, except the military connection. He goes on to list 3 essential questions which make her EEU (Eurasian Economic Union) membership imperative! 1). Her occupation of Karabagh and resulting Azerbajani attitude. 2). Russia being her main source of weapons, and 3). Russia being her biggest trading partner, and of course the Armenian migrants in Russia.

The conclusion to be drawn in both the case of Armenia and Greece, is that choosing peaceful coexistence with the Turks would solve most of their problems, and reduce their dependence on foreign powers. Both the West and Russia have only one objective; to maintain their hegemony and sell their weapons in order to keep their industries going. Consequently, maintaining the status quo of the Turks being the historical enemy of both Armenia and Greece, serve only their own interests and not those of Armenians and Greeks!

I doubt it very much, Mr. Sassounian, if the two of us shall live to see a paradigm change in this poisonous triangle. Just think about two things Mr. Sassounian; 1- Why did the White House discover that famous carpet now? and 2- Why is Russia suddenly so interested in the Cyprus conflict? Think, think, think.

  Küfi Seydali


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