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BUSTED – EYP Identifies Islamists in Greece That Communicated with the Caliphate In Secret Operation

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By Hellas Frappe on Tuesday, August 26, 2014



According to Petros Kasimatis from HellasForce, the “hawks” of Greece’s National Intelligence Agency have been in crosshairs recently with Iraqi Jihadists because they have been tapping into their conversations via satellite for the benefit of their allied forces. The wiretappings, which were part of a classified operation, were also conducted for Western intelligence agencies, and officials who are concerned about the ongoing developments in the Middle East.

The surveillance, says Kasimatis, was conducted from the Ministry of Order on Katehaki Street and according to the him covered an area that reached as far as Kazakhstan.

The wiretappings, he notes, provide officials with specific information (such as espionage and counter-terrorism data) and cover NATO areas that have been designated as being unsafe.

He claims that the operation, which was confidential for all intent and purposes, apparently yielded significant results and the evidence that has been gathered by Greek officials is apparently fundamental.

Who would of ever imagined that from the top floors of the Katehaki building Greeks cunningly intercepted the calls of Turkish Asians and jihadists? (It might sound incredible, but they did). Think about it. Who could ever believe that Greek officials were involved in such an important and effective national operation from the rooftop of the Ministry of Public Order? (No one we bet!)

The evidence that was gathered by Greek intelligence officials, points out the author, is not only impressive but it has allowed KYP to somehow “frame” Turkish speaking Asians and Muslims who have their own reasons -and intent- to conspire against our own country as well.

Over the next few days, the author pledged to publish various elements that were used by the Hellenic Police in a series of operations from the evidence that was gathered by EYP via these wiretappings, and of course HellasFrappe promises to follow his revelations and present the information as it is released.

There are very few times we commend our officials, but this time the commander of the secret service Mr. Th.Dravillas, our political elite and all other relevant officials involved in this case should be applauded for doing such a great job! If this operation helps to keep our nation safer then bravo to them once more!

From Petros Kasimatis
Original article in Greek – hellasforce
Translation – HellaFrappe Team

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