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Outrage over Turkey’s move on continental shelf

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THE GOVERNMENT condemned on Monday a note verbale sent by Turkey to the United Nations delineating the continental shelf between it and the breakaway state in the north of the island.

“The government considers this action unacceptable and unequivocally condemns it,” government spokesman Nicos Christodoulides said. “This is an action that also takes place in the midst of negotiations for the solution of the Cyprus problem, which, undoubtedly, are affected in a negative way.”

The Note Verbale, dated April 10, 2014, to the Secretary General of the United Nations, concerns the submission of the geographical coordinates of what Turkey considers to be its own continental shelf and the continental shelf of the breakaway Turkish Cypriot state, which is only recognized by the neighboring country.

It concerns an agreement of delineation between the two, which was ratified by Turkey through Law 6344, dated 29 June 2012.

It was signed in New York on September 21, 2011.

The issue of the submission of this illegal ‘agreement’ by Turkey to the United Nations is been investigated by the Permanent Mission of the Republic in New York, and the government is taking all the necessary actions to prevent the creation of new, illegal, fait accomplish, the spokesman said.

George Psyllides

Comment by:

Dipl.-Ing. Küfi Seydali

What is the excitement all about? If the so called RoC, the purely Greek Cypriot administration can make unilateral agreements with Israel, why can’t the TRNC make agreements with any other neighboring country? The Greek side seems to be using the term “illegal” rather selectively. There is nothing the RoC can do to stop the TRNC signing agreements binding only for herself. So much more reason why the Greek Cypriot leadership should harry up and find a mutually acceptable solution to the 50 years old Cyprus Conflict.

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