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Letter to Harut Sassounian

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Re: ” Turkey Still Haunted by Genocide A Hundred Years Later”

Mr. Sassounian,

As you do not seem to get tired of repeating your bogus genocide claim, I also enjoy repudiating your version of this unfortunate historical event. Your Parrot- type repetition, and the American Hollywood style show each year will soon come to an end, don’t you worry.

Since you shamelessly call the behavior of Turkish leaders psychotic, I wonder what we should call your behavior Mr. Sassounian! Avenger, blood thirsty, hater, rabid,…!!
There is absolutely no difference between you and the jihadist terrorists, and could it also be that your ancestors were responsible for their own fate? Just think about it.

We may all have our opinions of Prime Minister Erdogan, but, even you, should admit that the man has guts to jump over his own shadow and break barriers. He seems set to settle disputes which evaded solution for such a long time! He has already stretched out his arms! All you have to do is to grab his hands and work together in settling matters in an amicable way! Armenia has no other choice, unless she wants to remain prisoner of Russia! Armenia may have ties to its Christian cousins in the West, but happens to be surrounded by Muslim neighbors. The sooner she gives back the Azeri Territory she grabbed with the help of Russia, the sooner will be able to normalize her relations to her neighbors.

Your identifying Senators who voted (in their own country) against your bogus genocide resolution is shameless and undemocratic to say the least! What gives you the right to threaten democratic representatives of a country in which you are guest! Don’t tell me that you are American, because even the crows would laugh at that. Diasporas like yours are like parasites or cancers in the home countries they disgustingly misuse!

Finally Sir, please note that; Armenian efforts to pass such Resolutions constitute an unfriendly act similar to an act of war! You Sir, in your rich and warm nest in America won’t be a victim of such a war, if your vendetta eventually leads to one, which no one wishes except you, old warmonger.

Kufi Seydali

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