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Bassoy’s Answer to Baydar’s Article

Armenian Genocide
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Turkey will once more mark the great
Armenian tragedy of 1915 — last century’s archetypal ethnic cleansing,
with systematic acts of genocide — in a mix of shame and shamelessness,
confusion and clarity, ignorance and awareness, denial and admission” is per se shamelessnes and ignorance turning a blind eye to the judgements of ICJ’s, and that of ECHR’s together with the Spanish and French Constitutional Courts’ verdicts on the non-occurred Armenian genocide! Events of 1915 were tragedies for both the Ottoman Muslims and the Armenians, initiated by Armenian killings of Muslims in Van and elsewhere , collaborating with the invading Tsarist Russian troops boastingly, as it was revealed in Paris by Bogos Nubar. Such Armenian brutalities are well known and detailed by the Dashnak terrorists themselves. Speaking in that article only of Armenian tragedy turns it into a hate statement against our Ottoman-muslim ancestors.

If the grand parents of the writer shamelessly committed genocide on Armenian subjects of the then Ottoman state, then they should be tried by a competent court in their absence, yet in his grand son’s presence, and must be duly punished, post mortem.
His article is a hate article of slander to my grand parents and to the Ottoman Muslim subjects- grand parents of millions of Turkish citizens which I fiercefulluy repudiate.

Yes, this is a hate article against our ancesters who have been intentionally and systematicle killed by the Armenian terrorists which were organized from İstanbul’s elite Armenians.
Ülkü Başsoy

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