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download (1)We hereby declare before the world and before history the establishment of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus as an Independent State.

·        On this historic day, we extend once again our hand in peace and friendship to the Greek Cypriot People.

·        The two Peoples of the island are destined to co-exist, side by side.

·        We can, and must, find peaceful, just and durable solutions to all our differences, through negotiations on the basis of equality.

·        The proclamation of the new State will not hinder, but facilitate the establishment of a genuine federation.

·        The new Republic will not unite with any other State.

·        The new State will continue to adhere to the Treaties of Establishment, Guarantee and Alliance.

·        The good offices of the UN Secretary-General and negotiations must continue.

·        The new state will not allow any hostile activity against any country on its territory.

·        It shall attach the greatest importance to the preservation of peace, stability and of the balance of power in the region.

The resolution unanimously passed by the Turkish Cypriot parliament underlined that the Turkish Cypriot side, ‘firmly adhered to the view that the two peoples of Cyprus were destined to co-exist side by side and could and should find a peaceful, just and durable solution through negotiations on the basis of equality’.

It also expressed the firm conviction that the proclamation of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus would not hinder but facilitate the re-establishment of the partnership between the two peoples within the federal framework and also facilitate the settlement of problems between them.

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