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Letter to Mr. Sassounian from Kufi Seydali, our Advisory Board Member

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Land of the Rising Sun: Fertile Ground for Armenians

150621_136705656485445_258174371_nMr. Sassounian!

I must say, you continue to surprise and shock me at the same time!

You are fossil, or better said, a living sample of a rare germ against which no Japanese mask would help. You continue to spread the disease of hate and death.

When I first read the title of your essay and the entering paragraphs, I thought; look here, the old Sassounian is filling a gap in his general knowledge by visiting Japan, instead of constantly attacking the Turks.

However, my joy was short lived as I read about the true purpose of your visit!

I bet, your Japanese hosts were too polite to tell you the truth, but I guess they didn’t believe a word about the bit regarding “peaceful- conflict- resolution”.

You, Sir, who after 100 years, are still looking for more blood and laying the foundations of future conflict and war, have no right to lecture on peaceful resolution of conflicts. How did you justify the illegal occupation of Karabag? How did you explain the continued suffering Armenian forces together with the Russian army have inflicted upon the Azeris? Hundreds of thousands dead and millions displaced!

Indeed I was amused by your claim to have met Japanese CEOs in order to discuss business and investments in Armenia! I am sure the Armenian Ambassador was equally amused.

The only positive lesson to be derived from your report, is that both the Turks of Turkey and Azerbaijan will need to take your damaging activities much more seriously. Thank you Mr. Sassounian for your valuable lesson.


Kufi Seydali

Kent, UK.

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