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Galip Baysan
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It can be said that Mustafa Kemal Ataturk’s influence in the world was increased since his death. What he did in Turkey provided a guiding beacon for many African and Asian nations which were fighting their wars of independence following 1923.
A French writer Marcel Savage was writing about him as follows.

“From Egypt to India, in all parts of Islamic world, he is hailed by peasants as the beloved subject of God, by religious leaders as the sword of fait, by statesmen as the revolutionary of the East.”

The Egyptian writer Musharrafa said “Ataturk’s value for the east is concrete and constructive, because he was shown us that our fiers that we would be crushed under the western culture are unfounded.”

We would like to present to you in summary comments made about Mustafa Kemal Ataturk by some of the well known leaders of the world.

“If Mustafa Kemal and his soldiers, whom you referred to as bandits and highwaymen, were here, we would have a statue made of each and everyone of them.” (French Premier Briand-1921)

“Think of an instance when the Renaissance, Reforms and scientific and cultural revolution of the West, the French Revolution and the industrial revolution all squeezed into the life span of an individual and imposed by law. Thus Ataturk carried out this revolutionary programme between 1920 and 1930, one which has not been implemented in any country. (British historian Prof. Arnold Toynbee)

Mustafa Kemal is not socialist, but he is obviously an able organizer, a progressive, well meaning and clever leader. He is fighting an independence war. I believe that he will be able to defeat the imperialists and the Sultan and his followers.” (Soviet Leader Lenin-1921)

“Gentlemen, it is not frequent that we see a genius coming through the centuries.İt is the misfortune of the Allies that this great genius happens to belong to the Turkish Nation.” (British Prime Minister Lloyd George)
“Ataturk is a leader who has taught us that a nation can create the means that would lead her to independence even when she is devoid and stripped of her strengths and capabilities. His first pupil is Mussolini and I am the second one. It is the great genius, creature of modern Turkey who presented her former allies, which had fallen down by a stroke of bad luck, the first magnificent example of development.” (Adolf Hitler)

“I asked the Soviet Foreign Minister Litvinov, while we were having a conversation, who he thought was the most interesting and the greatest statesmen in Europe? İn his reply, he said the greatest statesman of the Europe did not live in Europe but that he lived beyond the Straits, in Ankara and he was the president of the Republic of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal.” (USA President, Franklin D. Roosevelt)

“Kemal Ataturk or Kemal Pasha, as we knew him in the days of my youth was my hero. I was very touched when I read about his great revolution. I appreciated immensely his affords in trying to make Turkey modern state. This dynamism and perseverance affected one beyond description. He is one of the builders of the modern era in the East. I continue to be among his greatest admirers.” (Indian Head of State, Jawaharlal Nehru)

“Ataturk’s life and achievements will continue to be a source of inspiration not only for the Turkish nation but also for all the free nations of the world.” (Chinese Head of State Chiang-Khai- Shek)
“At a time when we were a spark without luster, with his glance we became a sun illuminating the whole world.” (Pakistan National Poet- Ikbal)

“In Pakistan, we regard Kemal Ataturk as not only one of the greatest statesmen of this century, but one of the greatest men of all ages.” Pakistan Head of State Eyup Khan)

Dr. M. Galip Baysan

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