FETULLAH — Protesters want Islamic cleric ousted

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Second Protest against Gulen was carried out on Saturday Aug 31, 2013.

Americans as well as Turkish Americans gathered around the “Most Dangerous Islamic Cleric Alive” mansion.  Many speakers took the stage to explain his wrongdoings. Members of the press and TV interviewed the demonstrators and the speakers.

The protesters repeated earlier accusations against Gülen, arguing that he is connected to the government now leading Turkey and is seeking to Islamicize the country. Speakers also discussed charter schools affiliated with the movement across the U.S. and said Gülen is using American tax money to spread his message.

Retired Admiral Turker Erturk came to speak from Istanbul and said he wanted to be part of the peaceful protest.

“I think our mission is to send a real message to the American people,” he said, exposing Gulen.

Sharon Higgins, of California, told protesters she has done extensive research on Gulen affiliated charter schools in the U.S. She has said she favors public school districts against the privatization of education with charter schools.

Dr. Paul Williams, who devoted an impressive amount of time to document about Gulen’s ambition was at the rally to speak about his findings.

Dr. Williams’ research can be found on this site under “Files: Gulen”.

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