Letters: Where is Erdogan taking Turkey?

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June 30, 2013
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Re “Turkey overreacts,” Editorial, June 18

Turkey has stood out as a Muslim nation that is democratic and pluralistic. It’s a member of NATO and has served as a bridge between East and West. Now it seems that Turkey is heading east.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s suppression of peaceful protesters and his desire to instill aspects of Islamic religious law are of great concern. Turkey is an ally, but it is becoming openly hostile to our principles.

The U.S. conveniently overlooked the occupation of part of Cypress by the Turks and their questionable actions against the Kurds. They still refuse to acknowledge that there was an Armenian genocide.

With Erdogan’s regime, we may be seeing an increasingly Islamic republic as a member of NATO. That is a frightening prospect.

Gilbert Stein

North Hollywood

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