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jim stern
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 Good morning America! Sorry to disturb your sleep but….the Nazi Istanbul police (which you supply with weaponry) is again attacking the demonstrators with gas and water cannons. Again by a sneak attack early this morning. Another provocation. The same tired lies. The government mouthpieces are all over the compliant TV channels with their BS about “marginal groups.” Know this, America! I and millions of others are one “marginal group.” We are fighting against the dark-minded fascist forces, once heavily backed by a now not-so-sure America, that is the Islamic fascist government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan. He, like your other ex-puppet dictators, is now gassing and in some cases killing his own people. The air is full of his rancid invective, more appropriate for the Third Reich than the peace-loving Turkish people. As throughout history, the great lies being told by the fascists are laughable in their blatant stupidity. But that doesn’t matter because your ex-tough guy has the armaments. And you, America, allowed him to destroy the Turkish army. So we the people now face against the overwhelming strength of the fascists that you, America, armed to the
teeth. And we will continue our struggle to regain a secular, democratic Turkey. We will fight on secure in the justice of our cause, ever encouraged by the stirring words of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk…
“INDEPENDENCE OR DEATH!” YA İSTİKLAL YA ÖLÜM! These are fighting words, indeed. And so we “marginal groups” FIGHT!

Cem Ryan


11 June 2013


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