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erd cairo
Erdoğan is desperate and finished as a political leader. He has that inappropriate smirk-sneer on his increasingly sullen face. His credibility is finished. His judgment has been horrific and criminal. His tragic flaw has been fully revealed during his weeklong death spiral. From his beginning ten years ago, he has been surrounded by flatterers and outright nincompoops. I heard his “key advisor” on Aljazeera Saturday. He constantly argued with the interviewer then lied about not using pepper gas when the live feed from Istanbul clearly showed the canisters bombarding  Taksim Square during the police retreat. There are many more examples. Erdoğan has attracted lamentably low quality people. Deliberately of course, to feed his capaciously overwhelming ego. In Turkish, such a yes-man or yes-woman is called a “dal kavuk” literally a diving turban. It was coined to describe the palace toadies of the sultan who scraped and bowed  to him while securing their wavering turbans on their heads.
Erdoğan’s stumble-tongued advisers protected him from ever confronting the real impact of his behavior, actions and words. Instead of polishing him, they allowed him to cultivate his tough –guy image. But in the real world he came across as just another street thug. a made-in-America puppet with no capacity to moderate his behavior. He was always unable to act appropriately in public, scowling, sneering, spewing his stoop-shouldered, pugnacious vitriol. Every day he grew more distorted and weird and last week he became just another jerk with lots of power and not a trace of humanity. And now even the dead have wised up to him.


And so he has crashed, still in full arrogant-mode, unaware of himself as a disaster. His now famous rant-week was tantamount to a political psychotic break, and maybe more. What he does now is what he knows: to threaten and name-call. The enormous throngs opposed to his fascist rule are “marginal groups.” They are “looters” and “plunderers.” Actually, he and his henchmen and henchwomen are exactly that, looters and plunderers, and are well on their way to being marginalized. Erdoğan is what he has been all along, a one-trick pony, an undereducated ruffian who betrayed his nation for favor, fame and fortune. He sits in the middle of his own demise like the Turkish youth sit in the gas-drenched, blood-soaked streets gasping from pepper gas, bloody, bruised, beaten by his nazi robo-cops. But the kids get up. But Erdoğan, like an idiot yelling at the moon, rants about building more mosques, bridges, canals, all irrelevant monuments to his own deluded magnificence. He is deaf and blind to reality.

The man has nothing except money. And that will kill him. His divisiveness and abysmally poor judgment have destroyed any notion of gaining a presidency of anything. His Middle East ambitions, bizarre from the outset are finished. The USA effectively dumped him and his manically dangerous foreign minister Davutoğlu three weeks ago when Kerry announced intentions for a Syrian peace conference. So for Erdoğan, no more White House smiley-face visits. No more USA boondoggles with his hundred businessmen friends in tow all working their deals. No more Syria invective. Assad has prevailed, kicking his butt in the world arena, making him and Turkey look like buffoons and criminals both. And the monstrously ludicrous Ergenekon fiasco will soon collapse.

He’s a beaten man, this Erdoğan. He exhibits the eccentric end-game behavior of Mubarak with the vicious police violence, gang attacks and claims of foreign influences. Strange isn’t it that the man imposed and supported by foreign powers on the Turkish nation now fingers as enemies his former staunch allies? But then remember what he did to former friends Gaddafi and Asad? Physically he looks beaten, ashen-faced with the out of sync gestures of Richard Nixon during his own last, dark days. And his rage is at its peak at the worst, most visible times. Witness his awful press conference yesterday with the Reuters journalist.

Now, with the entire world focused on Turkey, he stumbles, fumbles and stares down his audience like a street corner bully. He continues on his own obstinate journey and that’s why the violence from his gangster police worsens by the hour. The cops are his alter ego. And violence is what he knows hence they know. It’s the last hope of a desperate man to retain power and relevancy. He is worry-wracked man, this prime minister. He knows the jig is up with all the not so secret deals, bank accounts and CIA involvement. It’s a lot to handle even for a normal egomaniac. Erdoğan is either heading for a genuine psychotic break or a public statement or incident so humiliating to the Turkish Republic that he has no alternative but to give it up. Of course, I could be wrong. And if so, that’s when the real “fun” will begin. For what if the remnants of the so-called Turkish Army (the real army is in jail courtesy of Erdoğan) ) is called to reestablish order? Maybe it will take a lesson from the valorous resistance movement, screw up its courage and arrest Erdoğan for treason. It would certainly be an appropriate charge and the force used would surely be proportional. Both of these adjectives would have to be explained to the former prime minister and his former advisors. But I am sure they know what treason means. All will be revealed shortly.

Cem  Ryan, Ph.D.

Istanbul, 4 June 2013


“My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:

Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!”

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

Of that colossal wreck,  boundless and bare,

The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Percy Bysshe Shelley Ozymandias

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