Turkey leader to press Obama for greater U.S. role on Syria

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Kendi ülken için isteyebileceğin hiç bir şey kalmamış Amerika’dan, Suriye’ye müdahele istiyorsun! Vizyonsuzluk bu olsa gerek.

Turkey leader to press Obama for greater U.S. role on Syria

President Obama is wary of intervening in Syria’s war. But Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan says he has evidence of Syrian use of chemical arms.

Turkish students protesting the bombing attacks in Reyhanli clash with riot police in Ankara, the capital. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan faces strong domestic pressure after the attacks, which are seen as a backlash for Turkey’s support for Syrian rebels. (Associated Press / May 15, 2013)

via Turkey leader to press Obama for greater U.S. role on Syria – latimes.com.

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