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The Adventures of Travel Cat: At an Istanbul Mosque || Jaunted

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Kitty cats. They rule the internet and, whether we realize it or not, pretty much the world too. Ever noticed how cats sometimes stake out the coolest spots in a city? This new feature—Travel Cat—focuses on exactly that. Submit a photo to be featured by tweeting or Instagramming it to us (details below).


Travel Cat spotted in: Istanbul, Turkey.

This week’s Travel Cat is from Instagrammer @aksakosha, who shares a very different perspective of a local cat in what we’re coming to realize is like cat-city, Istanbul. His comment, “Доброе утро, сказал рыжий турецкий котик,” translates to the very cute little message of, “‘Good Morning,’ said Turkish red cat.”

How to submit your own Travel Cat photo to be featured:

· Have a pic of a cute cat in an interesting world location.

· Tweet it to us @Jaunted with a few words on where you took the snap.

· OR Instagram it to us by posting the pic and including us (@Jaunted) and #TravelCat in the description

· Or you can always just email us the old-fashioned way.

If your kitty makes the cut, we’ll feature it on Travel Cat (every Wednesday!) and link to your Twitter/Instagram/Facebook—whatever social network you get down with the most.

[Photo: @aksakosha]

via The Adventures of Travel Cat: At an Istanbul Mosque || Jaunted.

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