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Turkish FM calls on Arabs to work in Istanbul

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Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has stated, Turkey and the Arab world exceeded the “psychological barrier” of the past decade, Anadolu Agency reported.


“As intellectuals, politicians and businessmen, we rediscover each other,” he added.

Delivering a speech at the “Turkey and Arab world: Strategic Meeting Point Istanbul” titled panel discussion at the 8th Turkish-Arab Economic Forum in Istanbul, Davutoglu stressed the economic aspect was really important in relations.

Davutoglu said, statesmen could sit down and advance a vision however if they do not encourage businessmen, the vision would not be sustained and added, “We need a common market. Leaders can meet up in palaces however public meet in markets. Real life happens in markets. Us, as intellectuals, politicians and businessmen, we rediscover each other.”

He underlined, Turkey seeks for “maximum economic integration” in the region and noted, the platform of that would be cultural.

Davutoglu highlighted that Istanbul was the city of Arabs from the stability and market culture, multiculturalism and economic integrity point of view and said, ” Istanbul is all of ours. Come and work inIstanbul. Istanbul is becoming a global capital.”

Moreover, he stressed that Turkey was trying to be careful to act in unison with Arab world and Arab Union over the Syria issue.

via Turkish FM calls on Arabs to work in Istanbul – Trend.Az.

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