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Forbes Report Boosts Istanbul 2020 Bid

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A Forbes report citing the Turkish stock market’s “astounding 56 per cent” growth naming Turkey the best performer in its 2012 Periodic Table of emerging markets, has boosted Istanbul’s bid for the 2020 Summer Olympic Games.

The report alludes to Istanbul 2020’s promise of bridging the ancient with the ultra-modern as it highlights the “fantastic transformation” that has taken place in Istanbul in recent years.

Istanbul 2020 says the news comes just as TUIK, the state-run statistics body, announced that Turkey’s jobless rate fell to 9.2 per cent last year, the lowest it has been since 2005 and amongst the lowest in Europe.

Hasan Arat, Chairman of Istanbul 2020 said, “this latest article in Forbes really sums up the mood of optimism in Turkey, and especially in Istanbul. We are on an upwards trajectory right now and we are nowhere near the top of our arc. Istanbul 2020 is capitalising on Turkey’s strong economic situation and we have the 100 per cent backing of every level of government and our powerful public sector. This is Turkey’s first sports bid in history to have been launched personally by the Prime Minister, and $20 million in sponsorship represents the largest private sector investment in a Turkish sports bid ever. Istanbul 2020 has matched a 20-year desire with commitment and capacity”.

Ugur Erdener, IOC member and President of the Turkish NOC added, “Istanbul is now ready to deliver a Games founded on technical excellence. The country’s economic strength has laid the foundations for us to host more and more sports events to world-class standards. We are still listening and we are still learning every time we stage competitions, and this would help us create the ideal conditions for elite athletic performance in 2020”.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) will be inspecting Istanbul’s 2020 bid on a four-day visit beginning March 24.

via – Forbes Report Boosts Istanbul 2020 Bid.

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