> Islamic Organizations Launches Counter Campaign To ‘Reclaim’ Meaning of ‘Jihad‘
asagidaki resimler kampanyada kullanilan afislerdir.. / below are the posters used in anti-islam and anti- Turk campaign
19 posts categorized “AFDI My Jihad awareness ad campaign #myjihad”
Friday, February 22, 2013
AFDI #Myjihad Ads go up on Chicago Buses!
Finally, after months of wrangling and First Amendment violations, our AFDI jihad campaign hits the streets of Chicago to counter the deceptive and misleading Hamas-CAIR #myjihad propaganda.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, February 22, 2013 at 11:30 AM in AFDI My Jihad awareness ad campaign #myjihad | Permalink | Comments (11)
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Wednesday, February 20, 2013
All Your #MyJihad Are Belong to Us!
Dear Mr. Persoon:
I am in receipt of your letter (attached) to my client claiming trademark rights in the alleged mark “MYJIHAD” and variations thereof. I write to you today in reference to your client’s two trademark application files, nos. 85807023 and 85807003.
Specifically, I wish to point out to you that these applications contain materially false representations. First, as you know, neither mark was used in commerce as of September 26, 2012, as represented in the applications. The use of #myjihad in September 2012 relates to the use of the phrase in a public twitter campaign to popularize and to promote the use of #myjihad by the public. See, e.g., . Such use is the opposite of a proprietary claim in a trademark.
And, as the Daily Herald story linked above indicates, there is a more fundamental misrepresentation in the trademark applications. The phrase MYJIHAD is merely the combination into a compound word of two generic terms “my” and “jihad.” As such, the term MYJIHAD is not properly subject to trademark protection. See, e.g., In re Gould Paper Corp., 834 F.2d 1017, 5 USPQ2d 1110, 1111-1112 (Fed. Cir. 1987) (holding that SCREENWIPE was generic as applied to premoistened antistatic cloths for cleaning computer and television screens). Indeed, the use of the phrase “my jihad” to describe a jihad personal to the speaker (whether the referenced “jihad” is of the violent variety or of the non-violent struggle variety) is a common expression and has been used historically long before your client’s use. See, e.g., the Lexis-Nexis search of the term attached (beginning from item no. 76 et seq.).
Moreover, even if the term is not determined to be generic, it is at best a descriptive mark that cannot be trademarked without secondary meaning.
Finally, you are no doubt aware that my client acquired the website URL myjihad.us before your client even incorporated.
As such, please be aware that if your client does not withdraw these applications, we will file the appropriate letters of protest and follow up with the necessary administrative and legal steps to resist this blatantly inappropriate claim to trademark rights in the proposed marks.
David Yerushalmi*
American Freedom Law Center℠
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, February 20, 2013 at 10:55 AM in AFDI My Jihad awareness ad campaign #myjihad | Permalink | Comments (10)
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Sunday, February 17, 2013
PuffHo Shows Its Desperation — Anything to Discredit Geller
The enemedia tools at the PuffHo are so threatened by the truths I tell that they are resorting to ever baser tactics to discredit me. For decades publications like Time and Newsweek used flattering photos of those they favored and unflattering ones of those they hated to subtly manipulate their readers into falling into line behind their political positions — but there is nothing subtle about this Puff Ho shot of me here. Preston Maddock, who interviewed me for this story, was apparently so wildly afraid that his readers would see the truth of what I was saying that he had to run this dracula shot of me, which they must have sifted through thousands of shots to find. It is so over the top as to discredit them. Anyone speaking makes thousands of expressions, of course, and can be made to look evil by means of a still photo caught by an attentive photographer — but this one is so obviously designed to demonize me that it reflects far more on the Huffington Post than on me. The Puff Hos have hereby departed from any semblance of honest journalism, and become the Der Sturmer of our times. Bravo!
This article is about our ads going up in DC, yet the only ads they show are the Hamas-CAIR pro-jihad ads.
Help us run these ads in Chicago, San Francisco, and DC donate via Paypal to [email protected] or tax-deductible to [email protected]. Your contribution will go to our work for freedom.
Mailing address:
1040 1st Avenue
BOX 121
NY NY 10022
“Pamela Geller Bringing D.C. Metro New Round Of Anti-Islam Ads?” Huffington Post, February 15, 2013WASHINGTON — Ready for the next round of jihad-related Metro ads?
The ongoing saga over anti-Islamic advertisements in the district will soon open a new chapter that reads a lot like an old chapter.
The Washington City Paper reports that the American Freedom Defense Initiative, the organization that stirred up controversy last fall in Washington and New York with its anti-jihad advertising campaigns, has purchased more ad space in the D.C. Metro for a new promotional campaign.
The ad buy would be the latest in what has become something of an advertising war between the AFDI and the “My Jihad” campaign, which is sponsored by the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
The Huffington Post reported in January that My Jihad ads were being put up in four Metro stations — Shaw-Howard U, Waterfront, Rockville and Dunn Loring-Merrifield — promoting cross-religious understanding through “a public education campaign that seeks to share the proper meaning of Jihad as believed and practiced by the majority of Muslims,” according to the organization’s website.
Pamela Geller, president of AFDI, told The Huffington Post in an email that My Jihad “is a deceptive campaign designed to distract from and obscure the true meaning of jihad that Muslims the world over understand.” She believes that her new advertisement campaign will “show the reality of jihad.”
The new ads will play off of the My Jihad campaign, using similar font, color and design, to invoke a completely different interpretation of “jihad,” which, according to Geller, involves misogyny, anti-Semitism and “persecution of non-Muslims.”
One of the ads displays images of Osama bin Laden and of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, with a quote from bin Laden that states, “The first thing that we are calling you is to Islam.” Underneath the quote the ad reads, “That’s His Jihad. What’s yours?”
The earlier controversy erupted in September of last year when AFDI bought advertisements in 10 subway stations across New York City. The MTA had rejected similar ads earlier in the year, but the AFDI successfully sued on First Amendment grounds.
Similar ads were initially rejected by the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, but in October a federal judge ordered [PDF] the ads be displayed.
Those ads prompted a response from CAIR, who sponsored the My Jihad campaign in January.
Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesperson for CAIR, told HuffPost that no second set of My Jihad ads are in the works, and that he’s not concerned about Geller’s latest ad buy.
“It’s a free country, and she’s free to be a bigot and a hate-monger if she wants to be,” he said. “We would hope intelligent people would recognize it for the hate-mongering it is and make appropriate conclusions about the motivations of the sponsors.”
Riders might have a while longer before they have to draw any such conclusions. Asked when the AFDI ads would be going up, a spokesperson for Metro told The Huffington Post on Friday afternoon that “As of now, we have no signed agreement.”
Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, February 17, 2013 at 01:09 PM in AFDI My Jihad awareness ad campaign #myjihad | Permalink | Comments (10) | TrackBack (0)
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Monday, February 04, 2013
“Morally Reprehensible” Chicago Transit Caves,
AFDI #myjihad ads Will Run
It took months and plenty of sturm and drang, but the CTA finally caved and accepted our #myjihad ads. It is disturbing that a government agency is working hand in hand with a Hamas group, but that is indeed the low state of the world at this point in the war.
Here is the white flag. Look at how the city of Chicago calls our defense of freedom, of minorities, women and children, Jews, Christians, and Hindus racist, intolerant and “hatred.” They have the indecency to call us “morally reprehensible.” Oh, the irony. They are morally reprehensible for denying us our First Amendment rights. They are morally reprehensible for carrying water for the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. They are morally reprehensible for abandoning religious minorites, women and children living under the boot of the most oppressive and extreme ideology on the face of the earth.
Our ads are like the silver cross to their Dracula. And the jihad-aligned media can’t get enough of the Muslim Brotherhood lie. Another glowing piece ran yesterday at CNN International. Look here. This is the same CNN whose Peter Bergen is telling us not to overstate the threat of al Qaeda. (Link thanks to Larry.)
Help us run these ads in Chicago, San Francisco and in DC. I have them going up wherever Hamas-CAIR runs their propaganda. Please donate via Paypal to [email protected] or tax-deductible to [email protected]
Mailing address: 1040 1st Avenue, Box 121 NY NY 10022
Daily Caller has the exclusive:
Lawsuit forces Chicago to accept anti-jihad bus ads Neil Munro
The Chicago Transit Authority has agreed to display plain-spoken anti-jihad ads on city buses, following a lawsuit by the American Freedom Law Center.
City officials initially rejected the American Freedom Defense Initiative’s anti-jihad ads, even after the city accepted bus ads that touted a sanitized portrayal of jihad as exercise and education rather than warfare.
The center’s anti-jihad ads are “morally reprehensible — advocating racism, hatred and intolerance of cultural diversity,” said a Feb. 4 letter from Karen Seimetz, the general counsel of the city’s bus authority.
Read the rest here.
To which my lawyer, David Yerushalmi of the American Freedom Law Center, responded:
Dear Ms. Seimetz:
Thank you for your letter of today’s date. To the extent that the indemnity you will ask my client to sign is commercially and legally reasonable and indeed an agreement required of all advertisers, I don’t imagine that will be an issue.
As to you prefatory comment about my client’s ad being morally reprehensible, I must note that you provide no basis for your professed moral outrage other than conclusory language about advocating racism, hatred and the like. For a lawyer employed by a state entity, your comments are both inappropriate and logically inept. My client’s ad advocates no such thing. That suggests, of course, that your commentary is a political cover for the CTA, which in turn speaks to the lack of intellectual integrity and moral rectitude of both the CTA and its spokespersons.
Be that as it may, the CTA has capitulated grudgingly, apparently, to the First Amendment of the Constitution. And, apparently, we have my clients to thank for that.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, February 04, 2013 at 08:14 PM in AFDI My Jihad awareness ad campaign #myjihad, Atlas media | Permalink | Comments (33) | TrackBack (0)
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Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Pamela Geller, WND Wednesday Column:
Islamic supremacists’ legal #my jihad
The thugs at Hamas-CAIR are fighting bloody hard to silence defenders of truth and freedom. The bodies are still be tallied in the global jihad in Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Israel, Indonesia, Niger, Nigeria, et al, while Hamas-CAIR attempts to call jihad anything other than what it is. I lay it out in my Wednesday column at WND.
Like some over-excited puppy, The Puff Ho is practically wetting itself over the Hamas-CAIR ads (here). Why are these useless idiots covering for ethnic cleansing, slaughter, misogyny, Islamic Jew hatred and kufarophobia? Where is the rational outrage over jihadists?
Using the Twitter hashtag #MyJihad, the organization encourages people to share their struggles — or rather, their jihads — online (as one Twitter user wrote, “#myjihad is to greet everyone I meet, even random strangers, with a smile”).But Pamela Geller, the woman behind the “Defeat Jihad” ads who mocked the My Jihad campaign on her website, has also adopted the #MyJihad tag:
Pamela Geller#MyJihad in Turkey: Christian woman repeatedly stabbed, a crucifix carved onto her naked corpse: The horror. #My…January 29, 2013 5:30 pm via twitterfeed Reply Retweet FavoriteGeller told HuffPost that in light of the My Jihad campaign, she plans to run more of her own advertisements throughout town. But Dan Stessel, spokesman for the D.C. metro, claimed that there is “no advertising agreement signed for an [American Freedom Defense Initiative] ad run.”
In a 2011 Gallup poll, 48 percent of Muslims reported religious or racial discrimination in the past year, often sparking concerns that Islamophobia may disadvantage and mislabel ordinary American Muslims.
Are they still pushing that bunk? Its been roundly and repeatedly debunked (here and here). Remember this notorious hate crime (but actually a honor killing by her family)? Where’s the mea culpa?
Hamas-CAIR has run their ads in Chicago, San Francisco and now DC. I am still waiting for approval from Chicago, San Francisco and now DC. We submitted them first week of December. I am not going away. Our ads will run.
Islamic supremacists’ legal jihad
Exclusive: Pamela Geller covers latest Hamas-CAIR attack on anti-savagery ads
The Chicago branch of the Hamas-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is trying to stop my organization’s campaign countering their bizarre jihad propaganda, threatening suit to keep our ads that tell the truth about jihad from running. Hamas-CAIR once again moves to silence the freedom of speech of those who stand against the jihad and Islamic supremacism. They are bent on imposing Shariah restrictions on criticism of Islam.
It all started when Hamas-CAIR developed a new propaganda ad campaign, a psyop, that kicked off on Chicago buses and is now running in San Francisco and Washington, D.C., as well. “#MyJihad” is a deceptive campaign designed to distract from and obscure the true meaning of jihad. It depicts smiling, attractive Muslims saying, “My jihad is to stay fit despite my busy schedule”; “my jihad is to build friendships across the aisle”; and the like.
The Islamic supremacists of Hamas-CAIR say that their MyJihad campaign is designed to respond to our Quran ad and fight “bigotry” and “Islamophobia.” According to the Chicagoist, CAIR-Chicago’s executive director, Ahmed Rehab, who originated the campaign, “told the Sun-Times the term ‘jihad’ has been twisted by groups such as Geller’s so that its true meaning is obscured and the word is most closely associated with ‘holy war.’”
Yes, Muslims are blowing things up and murdering infidels around the world today because I “obscured” the “true meaning” of the word jihad. What’s even worse is that enemedia reporters eagerly swallow Rehab’s garbage and never, ever call him on it. But in fact the real bigotry, the real hatred, is coming from devout Muslim jihad terrorists around the world every day: over 20,000 jihad attacks since 9/11, each one with the imprimatur of a Muslim cleric.
And so we countered. We created a jihad campaign speaking about the true meaning of jihad. Our new campaign focuses on how jihadists use the texts and teachings of Islam to justify violence and supremacism. It uses actual quotes by jihadis and Islamic supremacists, including Osama bin Laden and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, as well as statements from Hamas TV and one of the victims of the Fort Hood jihad massacre.
One ad depicts Osama bin Laden and the burning Twin Towers along with a bin Laden quote explaining why he took down the Twin Towers: “The first thing we are calling you to is Islam.” Another quotes an eyewitness to the jihad mass murders of Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, noting that he was shouting “Allahu akbar” as he murdered 13 Americans at Fort Hood. Another quotes a Hamas TV music video including the lyric, “Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah.” A fourth quotes Times Square jihad car bomber Faisal Shahzad saying that jihad involving “weaponry” was “an obligation and duty in Islam on every Muslim.”
This usage of jihad as killing non-Muslims is much more influential and widespread among Muslims worldwide than the benign and whitewashed understanding of it being pushed by Hamas-CAIR. Also, the fact that some Muslims don’t think of jihad as involving violence does not cancel out the fact that many do. Our AFDI campaign shines the light of truth to break through the fog of CAIR’s deceptions.
So what did CAIR do? They commenced legal action in their jihad against free speech. I received a “cease and desist” letter from Rehab (Mr. Jihad), claiming ownership of the phrase “my jihad.” Tell that to the millions of Muslims waging jihad in the cause of Islam.
Read their lawyer’s letter.Litigation jihad – that’s Ahmed’s jihad, what’s yours? Yes, now CAIR claims to own #myjihad despite the fact that I registered myjihad.us four days before they registered any use of the phrase “my jihad.” Hey, Ahmed, you owe me money!
The imperialistic and supremacist group is claiming ownership of holy war and what amounts to a Twitter hashtag (#myjihad). Is that a first? They love using American law to crush American freedoms. In this case of parody (as in most things), Hamas-CAIR Chicago is overreaching and out of control, but there is always some hungry lawyer eager to line his pockets with myjihad dollars (and AFDI’s).
Hamas-CAIR has been encouraging people to use the hashtag #myjihad – did they really think they could control who, what, where and when? Typical Islamic supremacism.
Read more at https://www.wnd.com/2013/01/islamic-supremacists-legal-jihad/#rJbzUZXWtyPPIT8x.99
You know the drill. Read the whole thing.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, January 30, 2013 at 10:06 AM in AFDI My Jihad awareness ad campaign #myjihad, Atlas Articles, WND Geller Columns | Permalink | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Hamas-CAIR Chicago goes legal, claims it owns “my jihad” (lol)
CAIR Chicago is trying to stop our counter campaign to their bizarre jihad propaganda. Silence freedom of speech. Sharia enforcement.
I received a “cease and desist” letter from Hamas-CAIR’s Ahmed Rehab (Mr. Jihad), claiming ownership of “my jihad.” Tell that to the millions of Muslims waging jihad in the cause of Islam.
Litigation jihad — that’s Ahmed’s jihad, what’s yours?
The imperialistic and supremacist group is claiming ownership of holy war and what amounts to a hashtag (#myjihad). Is that a first? They love using American law to crush American freedoms. In this case of parody (as in most things), Hamas-CAIR Chicago is overreaching and out of control, but there is always some hungry lawyer eager to line his pockets with myjihad dollars (and AFDI’s).
Hamas-CAIR has been encouraging people to use the hashtag #myjihad — did they really think they could say who, what, where and when? Typical Islamic supremacism.
And yes, they will be hearing from our legal team, David Yerushalmi and Robert Muise, AFLC.
Hamas-CAIR Cease and Desist Letter to AFDI
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, January 16, 2013 at 10:17 AM in AFDI My Jihad awareness ad campaign #myjihad, AFDI Quran ads, Litigation Jihad | Permalink | Comments (55) | TrackBack (0)
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Sunday, January 13, 2013
Ali Sina: “My Jihad Putting a Happy Face on Evil”
#myjihad #hateads
Dr. Ali Sina, founder of FFI (Faith Freedom International) and SION Board member, has written an important piece over at Islam Reforum eviscerating the Hamas-CAIR #myjihad ad campaign and highlighting our subsequent counter-campaign. Before posting this article, the FFI editors deleted some exceptionally gruesome pictures of murders, including dismemberment, carried out by Muslims, in order to prevent distress to their readers.
Read the whole thing. For readers curious as to the status of our counter-CAIR #myjihad campaign that we submitted to Chicago transit a month ago, we are still awaiting approval or rejection. An AFDI lawsuit fighting against this enforcement of the sharia appears imminent.
In response to the campaign of Pamela Geller () and Robert Spencer (http://www.jihadwatch.org/) exposing the evil Quranic verses of Islam – Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) started a MyJihad campaign displaying Happy Faces of young Muslims and their MyJihad personal struggles (greater jihad) masking the evil of the real jihad (lesser jihad) not of personal struggle but the conquest and extermination of non Muslims. (For pictures created by Joseph Goebbels aptly named Nazi Minister of Propaganda and Enlightenment masking Hitler’s personal struggle MyJihad against the Jews and pictures of young happy faces of fatherland pioneers masking the MyJihad of communism – read on.)
Ahmed Rehab, executive director of Propaganda and Enlightenment for CAIR-Chicago, and creator of the campaign, said the goal is to explain the very misunderstood and sometimes seemingly controversial concept of Jihad.
“Jihad in Islam simply means the struggle to a better place,” Rehab said. “Whatever barrier or burdens that you have in your life, you are asked, you are tasked to muster in the inner courage, the inner resolve, the inner determination to overcome those personal barriers, personal issues.”
He said the word has been misconstrued by Muslim and anti-Muslim extremists and it’s time to re-educate the public about Islam and its concepts. Often the term “Jihad” is associated with violence and those waging “unholy war.”
“The only two things that God judges you by in the tradition of Islam are the two things that you control, your intentions and your effort,” Rehab said. “Your intention being sincere and your effort being for the best. That effort is Jihad.”
Jihad is 24% of the Medinan Koran and 9% of the total of the entire Koran. Jihad takes up 21 of the Bukhari material and the Sira devotes 67% of its text to jihad
Amount of Islamic TrilogyText Devoted to Jihad (politicalislam.com)
Meccan Quran 0%
Medinan Quran 24%
Sira 67%
Hadith 21%
Total Trilogy 31%
Percentage of Koran Text Devoted to Jihad
Statistics gives us a measure of the claim that the real jihad is inner struggle, the so-called “greater jihad”, whereas the jihad of the sword is the “lesser jihad”. These quasi – greater jihad hadiths total 2% of the Bukhari hadiths that relate to jihad. Of course, the other 98% of the hadiths devoted to jihad claim that jihad of the sword is the supreme act. The statistical answer to the true nature of jihad is that the “greater jihad” of inner struggle is 2% and the “lesser jihad” of the sword is 98%. In other words, jihad is overwhelmingly violent and a little inner struggle.
In their greater jihad personal struggle to build friendships across the aisle – CAIR and ALL American Muslims must reach out in friendship across the aisle to Pamela and Robert and join forces with them to struggle against the 98% teachings of Islamic Jihad – the lesser jihad – that orders unholy war against non Muslims until they are totally conquered by Islam and either convert or submit to dhimmi status if peoples of the book or be murdered.
The 9/11 attacks, Ft Hood and Mumbai, London and Madrid massacres were all carried out by Muslims obeying the 98% of lesser jihad teachings of God and the Sunnah of Muhammad who ordered 62 lesser jihad massacres against kafirs and personally participated in 27. Since 9/11 there have been 20,133 (increasing daily) lesser jihad attacks by Muslims following EXACTLY the lesser jihad teachings. During the past 1400 years of Islam, 270,000,000 have perished in the Islamic holocaust lesser jihad. Millions of women were raped and enslaved.
CAIR must organize an immediate 5 million American Muslim (10 million greater MyJihad boots on the ground) march on Washington hand in hand friendship across the aisle with Pamela and Robert and all Americans to declare MyJihad against all the teachings of lesser jihad. They will renounce, denounce and demand an end not only to all jihad attacks from Muslims following (again) EXACTLY Islamic teachings not only in the United States (of which there have been many and thankfully although all have failed mostly because of incompetence, it is just a matter of time before luck runs out) but worldwide and renounce, denounce and demand an end to ALL these murderous lesser jihad teachings. At this great assembly – the largest in US history – MyJihad Muslims will declare MyJihad against not only lesser jihad but also:
The most important declaration of humanity in history:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
These are powerful, timeless words. They stand as a beacon for all humanity. These words are not only the Constitution of the United States – they are the Constitution of ALL mankind. EVERY HUMAN BEING has the full Constitutional, human right to equality and unalienable rights – Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
There can be no life without liberty and no liberty without life. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press are the very essence of liberty. These freedoms are the very essence of humanity.
MyJihad will call for these great rights to be immediately extended by ALL 57 Islamic countries to their non Muslim populations. CAIR and all MyJihad American Muslims will demand building friendships across the aisle and bring an end to the lesser jihad extermination of Christians that is murdering thousands and driving millions from their homes including Hindus and Buddhists.
5 million MyJihad Muslims building friendships across the aisle will stand as one and call for the abolishment from all Islam terms denoting non Muslims such as kafirs: polytheists, idolaters, atheists, agnostics, and pagans and extend total equality of kafirs with Muslims.
64% of the Koran, 81% of the Sira, and 32% of the Hadith: 60% of the entire Trilogy text is devoted to the destruction of the kafir.
5 million MyJihad American Muslims building friendships across the aisle will stand as one proclaiming democracy and freedom and demanding that all Mosques immediately ban Sharia Law from their premises and Islam including:
- The punishment for apostasy (changing or discarding one’s Islamic religion) is death. Fatwa 4400, Part No. 1, Page 334 & 335
- Mocking anything in the Qur’an or the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad is apostasy and therefore punishable by death.Fatwa 2196, Part No. 2, Page 42
- Criticizing Islam, shari’ah law or the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad is apostasy and therefore punishable by death.Fatwa 21021, Part No. 1, Page 414
- Any Muslim who states a preference for democracy rather than shari’ah law or questions anything in the Qur’an or Sunnah is a kafir (disbeliever), considered an apostate, and therefore sentenced to death.Fatwa 19351, Part No. 22, Page 239-248
- The punishment for theft is amputation of the right hand up to the elbow.Fatwa 3339, Part No. 22, Page 218 & 219
- The penalty for premarital sexual intercourse is 100 lashes with a whip and one year of exile.Volume 3, Part No. 3, Page 359
- The penalty for adultery between a married man and a married woman is 100 lashes with a whip and death by stoning.Volume 3, Part No. 3, Page 359
- The penalty for homosexuality is death.Fatwa 4324, Part No. 22, Page 53 & 54
- Non-Muslims living in lands ruled by Islamic law (shari’ah) must pay a poll tax (jizyah) in order to be subdued and feel subjugated to Muslims. Refusal to pay the tax grants Muslims the right to wage war against the non-Muslims.Fatwa 4461, Part No. 1, Page 215Volume 3, Part No. 3, Page 183-190
Waging war against non-Muslims (jihad), even those who are peaceful, is encouraged so that other religions and atheism will be purged from the earth.Volume 2, Part No. 2, Page 437-440
Building Myjihad Friendships Across The Aisle By Murdering Christians
You must read the whole thing here. **Graphic**
Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, January 13, 2013 at 02:07 PM in AFDI My Jihad awareness ad campaign #myjihad, The Truth About Islam | Permalink | Comments (9) | TrackBack (0)
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Thursday, January 10, 2013
Can jihad survive Pamela Geller?
Yes, I’m the problem. Tell that to the millions of victims of jihadi wars, land appropriations, cultural annihilations and enslavements. The wave of the hand and casual dismissal by tools like Alex Seitz-Wald of the oceans of blood, mass slaughter and the abject terror that Islamic war and Islamic rule inflict on humanity is monstrous.
Salon wonders if “jihad” can survive Pamela Geller Robert Spencer at Jihadwatch
Alex Seitz-Wald of Salon is a bit of a dim bulb; on Tuesday he tweeted this:
He was referring, however, to my piece at Atlas Shrugs (which, incidentally, was about him and his ilk: “The Monstrous Moral Inversion of the ‘Islamophobia’ Industry”), which was not an interview at all, but a column. When someone on his side gently pointed this out, the intrepid journalist Seitz-Wald responded: “I’ll admit I didn’t even bother reading enough to determine if it was an interview or a column.”
In light of his confessed carelessness and obvious dim-bulb status, it is no surprise that he would fall for a war-is-deceit sharpie like Hamas-linked CAIR’s Ahmed Rehab, even if Rehab’s deception skills are decidedly second-tier. Salon is an indefatigable exponent of the Leftist/Islamic supremacist alliance, and so even if they had sent a more intelligent writer than Alex Seitz-Wald to do this story, Rehab wouldn’t have had to work very hard.
And ask Pamela Geller for comment in a story about ads she originated? Or me, who was involved in the process? Of course not! Salon has all the politically correct opinions; it doesn’t have to be fair and balanced!
“Can ‘jihad’ survive Pam Geller?,” by Alex Seitz-Wald in Salon, January 9:
So you want to rebrand a word. It’s hard to think of a more difficult rebranding project than “jihad.”Since Sept. 11, the term has become synonymous with terrorism and villainy — but now a group of Muslims is trying to reclaim the word from the extremists, and redefine “jihad” to mean something normal and peaceful and good. They realize this won’t be easy.
Which group of Muslims? Alex Seitz-Wald doesn’t tell you until much later in the article that it’s the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which the Justice Department named an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case. Nor does he mention, and may not know, that CAIR operatives have repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups. He says nothing about, and may not know, the fact that several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror. Nor does he mention, and may not know, that CAIR’s cofounder and longtime Board chairman (Omar Ahmad), as well as its chief spokesman (Ibrahim Hooper), have made Islamic supremacist statements, or that its California chapter distributed posters telling Muslims not to talk to the FBI.
Would such a group have an interest in obfuscating the meaning of jihad so as to foster the complacency of Americans? Alex Seitz-Wald doesn’t investigate this question.
The campaign hinges on the idea that “jihad” has two commonly accepted usages. One is the violent, physical struggle most of us are familiar with. The other, which many Muslims and Islamic scholars consider the more correct definition, refers to the inner struggle to do good and follow God’s teaching; Muslims strive to attain this every day. This is the “proper meaning” being promoted by My Jihad, a public education campaign recently launched on billboards and on buses in Chicago.
“More correct” is a marvelously weaselly phrase. Is the idea that jihad is violent struggle correct or not? Apparently even the war-is-deceit propagandists who saw in Seitz-Wald the easy mark that he is couldn’t bring themselves to tell him that violent jihad wasn’t correct in Islam; they could only go so far as to tell him that the interior spiritual struggle was “more correct.” Seitz-Wald doesn’t notice the incoherence: to say that 2 + 2 = 4 is not “more correct” than to say that 2 + 2 = 5; it is correct and the latter is incorrect.
But in Islamic law, jihad as spiritual struggle is not the correct or “proper meaning,” while violent jihad is incorrect; both are accepted understandings of the concept. A manual of Islamic law certified by the highest authority in Sunni Islam, Cairo’s Al-Azhar University, as conforming “to the practice and faith of the orthodox Sunni community” explained: “Jihad means to war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word mujahada signifying warfare to establish the religion. And it is the lesser jihad. As for the greater jihad, it is spiritual warfare against the lower self (nafs).” After thus acknowledging the spiritual, “greater jihad,” the manual never mentions it again, but goes on for many paragraphs about the “lesser jihad,” that “war against non-Muslims,” giving rules for the taking of prisoners, the legal status of captive women, the subjugation of the infidels, and more.
This legal manual stipulates that Muslims must make war “upon Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians…until they become Muslim or pay the non-Muslim poll tax.” It specifies that the warfare against non-Muslims must continue until “the final descent of Jesus.” After that, “nothing but Islam will be accepted from them.”
“The campaign is about reclaiming Islam, and not just ‘jihad,’ from both Muslim and non-Muslim extremists,” said Ahmed Rehab, the leader of the effort, in an interview. “Whether it’s the bin Ladens and the al-Qaidas of the Muslim world, or the Pam Gellers and Frank Gaffneys of the non-Muslim world, ironically — even though they come from the two opposite ends of the spectrum — they agree exactly on the same definition of ‘jihad’ and on the same worldview of Islam versus the rest of the world.”
Note that Rehab follows common and tired Islamic supremacist talking points in tarring as “extremists” both Islamic jihadis and those who resist them. He is trying to imply, with Alex Seitz-Wald’s willing help, that those who resist jihad are just as lethal, just as dangerous, as those who commit it. The goal, of course, is to intimidate people into thinking there’s something wrong with resisting jihad. To equate Pamela Geller, a political activist working to defend free speech, the freedom of conscience, and equality of rights for all, with Osama bin Laden, the mastermind of the murders of 3,000 people, is a monstrous smear. It sails right by dim Alex, who probably thought it was incisive if he thought about it at all.
Rehab is also trying to hoodwink non-Muslims into thinking that the view of jihad espoused by bin Laden and al-Qaeda is “extremist,” as if the mainstream understanding of jihad is the bicycling-through-the-meadows type he is pushing. And we, of course, are greasy Islamophobes who are, in our hate, endorsing the view of the “extremists.” He doesn’t tell the ever-credulous and starry-eyed Seitz-Wald, although he surely knows, that warfare against and subjugation of unbelievers is the mainstream Muslim understanding of jihad, as I detailed here.
In fact, the ads were directly inspired by Geller, the anti-Muslim blogger and activist, who has plastered her own billboards on subways and buses in New York. They label Muslims as “savages” and incite viewers to “defeat Jihad.”
“Anti-Muslim” equals in favor of legal equality, the freedom to change one’s religion or have none at all, and the freedom of speech as our fundamental bulwark against tyranny. The appellation says more about Alex Seitz-Wald than it does about Pamela Geller, and is designed to imply that she is motivated simply by race hate, even though Islam is not a race, and not by any legitimate concern for the principles that are threatened by Sharia.
The quoted ad only suggests that “all Muslims are savages” if all Muslims support the bloody jihad against Israeli civilians like the Fogel family, murdered in their beds by Islamic jihadists whose deed was then celebrated in Gaza. I expect that Ahmed Rehab does support that jihad, but for him and other Islamic supremacist writers in the U.S. to suggest that all Muslims do is more than a little…”Islamophobic.” Doesn’t the Vast Majority of Peaceful Muslims reject jihad violence, as we are constantly told?
“Everybody was talking about the ‘savage’ part, but to me, that’s just sort of an insult — she thinks I’m a savage,
If the shoe fits, Ahmed.
I think she’s an idiot, we’re even,” he said. “But the problem for me was the use of the word ‘jihad.’ When no one seemed to care about that, I realized that we have a problem.”
Indeed. One that cosmetics won’t conceal.
In billboards on buses and subways, smiling Muslims and non-Muslims share universal human aspirations, personalized by the individual “jihads” of the non-actor volunteers who share their struggles. In this context, a jihad is no more threatening than a New Year’s resolution. “My jihad is to stay fit despite my busy schedule,” one woman with a headscarf and a barbell says. Others deal with raising children, doing well at work, and making friendships with different kinds of people. To Rehab, jihad means that when you are “confronted with two choices, you make the right choice and not the easy one.”Ads have already gone up on buses in Chicago and San Francisco, and will soon go up in 10 other major American cities and a handful of international ones, including London, Sydney and Melbourne. There’s a website, Facebook page and Twitter hashtag where people can share their own personal jihads.
On Monday, Egyptian activists working with the group even unfurled a giant banner in front of the main church in Cairo wishing a Merry Christmas (Coptic Christians celebrate the holiday on Jan. 7) in contravention of hard-line Islamic proclamations that Christmas should not be recognized.
That may not sound so scary, but the opposition has been predictably vitriolic. The group’s Twitter and Facebook pages have received hateful messages from hard-line Islamists. Geller, predictably, is exercised.
She has written at least a dozen posts using the campaign’s #myjihad hashtag, which currently represent about two out of every three posts on the front page of her influential anti-Muslim blog. Geller also seems determined to play a game of bait and switch to sabatoge [sic] the rival campaign. She registered the domain name MyJihad.us (the real URL ends in .org) and is even trying to run copycat ads that are clearly designed to be confused with Rehab’s.
In her ads, the peaceful Muslim is replaced with pictures of Osama bin Laden and the burning twin towers. She trying to get approval from the Chicago Transit Authority for the ads to appear on city buses, but they may be rejected for infringing on My Jihad’s copyright to the template.
Funny how Seitz-Wald never raised that possibility, and neither did anyone else, when MPAC parodied one of our earlier pro-freedom ads. In any case, parody is not forbidden by copyright, and Seitz-Wald doesn’t tell you, and probably doesn’t know, that the only thing that is parody about our ads is the design; the quotes featured in our ads are all real usages of the term jihad by Muslims, or related to such usages. Rehab’s ads, by contrast, feature people using the term “jihad” in ways that have nothing to do with how the term has been traditionally understood in Islamic theology and law.
One would think that My Jihad is exactly the kind of moderate Muslim voice that Geller — who claims to be so threatened by Muslim “extremists” — would want to promote. But in reality, “the extremists on both sides need each other for validation. And we’re a threat to both,” Rehab said.
“Moderates” who support Hamas and dissemble about jihad’s meaning as enunciated by mainstream Muslim authorities throughout history. I myself am skeptical as to whether Seitz-Wald is really dealing with a “moderate Muslim voice” here, but no skeptical thought ever crosses the smooth contours of his brain.
Rehab is the executive director of the Chicago chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR),
Now he tells us. But with no mention of the group’s links to Hamas or jihad terror, of course.
but he’s doing this on his own time and with separate funds to keep it a grass-roots effort.
Probably because the national office of Hamas-linked CAIR found his campaign too risible to support.
What started as a Facebook group less than a month ago has grown into a sophisticated public relations campaign that has already raised $20,000 and recruited dozens of volunteers, most of whom are “soccer moms” who don’t want their kids to feel intimidated at school because of their religion, Rehab said. “These are the army of My Jihad,” he quipped.But can the popular conception of “jihad” really be changed with some ads and a hashtag?
“I would look at this conflict as I would any other product: We have an image problem,” said Arash Afshar, an Iranian-American marketing consultant who is not involved with the campaign. “This is exactly what Muslims should be doing … The way to combat an image problem is not to simply sit back and hope it goes away. You develop a branding strategy and motivate your already existing fan-base.”
If Afshar and Rehab really want to change the image of “jihad,” they don’t need to attack Pamela Geller; they need to convince the Muslims who believe it has to do with violence to change their views. That they’re not making any effort to do that is telling.
Seitz-Wald concludes his article with a long and incoherent disquisition on how hard it will be for Rehab to change the meaning of “jihad.” It is incoherent because Seitz-Wald repeatedly asserts that the idea that jihad involves violence is wrong, improper, a “hijacking” of the term, but it never occurs to him to wonder why, if this understanding is indeed so illegitimate, it is so entrenched. Or if it did occur to him, he banished the thought quickly, before the thought police could possibly get wind of his ideological deviation. He’s a proper company man, and in this ridiculous hit piece he did a proper company job — no real depth of thought or genuine analysis is needed for Salon. As long as the article portrays Pamela Geller and the counter-jihad effort as evil, evil, evil, that’s good enough for the enlightened Leftist hatemongers and enemies of freedom that make up Salon’s core audience.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, January 10, 2013 at 04:41 PM in AFDI My Jihad awareness ad campaign #myjihad, AFDI Quran ads | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
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Saturday, January 05, 2013
Muslim Brotherhood Press in the US
“I am one of the servants of Allah. We do our duty of fighting for the sake of the religion of Allah. It is also our duty to send a call to all the people of the world to enjoy this great light and to embrace Islam and experience the happiness in Islam. Our primary mission is nothing but the furthering of this religion.” Osama bin Laden (1957 – 2011)
The unfettered access and influence the Muslim Brotherhood has to the mainstream media is astonishing.
Hamas-CAIR, an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest Hamas funding trial in our nation’s history, creates (out of whole cloth) a propaganda campaign that dissembles, deceives, and deliberately lies about the definition of jihad. We have come to expect such deception by Islamic supremacists. What is unforgivable is the enemedia’s brown-nose (and brown-tongued) coverage of this subversive kick in the American head (and heart). Look at the coverage below: ABC, USA Today, et al.
We don’t need lessons in jihad. September 11, Fort Hood, the Fort Dix Six, the Christmas tree bomber, the Christmas day bomber, the Times Square bomber, Jihad Jane, and the rest have taught us plenty. Our dead in the cause of Islam have taught us plenty.
Mind you, while this century’s nazis softsoap their genocidal doctrine, our counter campaign (below) languishes, awaiting Chicago and San Francisco “approval” from dhimmicrats. Not to worry, our ads will go up. Contribute today, donate via Paypal to or tax-deductible to [email protected].
Bus ads aim to explain the meaning of ‘jihad‘
A “MyJhad” ad campaign by the Council on American-Islamic relations began last week in San Francisco in an effort to improve the image of the word “jihad‘ that CAIR says is misunderstood and has contributed to a negative image of Muslims. (Photo: …
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SF buses help teach what ‘jihad‘ really means
SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — Buses in San Francisco are carrying messages of jihad, but it’s not what you might think. It’s a campaign to educate residents about the real meaning of the word. It’s a campaign that began in Chicago and has now reached the Bay …
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abc7news.comControversial Muni ad aims to educate on meaning of ‘jihad‘
KTVU San Francisco
“Unfortunately the term ‘jihad‘ has been hijacked by both Muslim and anti-Muslim extremists, to push forward holy war and armed struggle” said Zahara Billoo, executive director of CAIR in a telephone interview. Reaction by the public has been mixed.
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“My Jihad” Campaign Kicks Off On Muni Buses: News: SFAppeal
By Bay City News
muni_driver.jpg An educational campaign led by the Council on American-Islamic Relations has put up dozens of advertisements on San Francisco Municipal Railway buses this week to reclaim connotations of the word “jihad,” according to …
SF Appeal: Full Feed
Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, January 05, 2013 at 01:25 PM in AFDI My Jihad awareness ad campaign #myjihad | Permalink | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0)
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Friday, January 04, 2013
“‘My Jihad’ Ad Campaign Launched on SF Buses”
The Hamas-CAIR #myjihad ad campaign, one of the most ridiculous and insulting to the intelligence of every American and freedom-loving human being, has now been posted in San Francisco. Hamas-CAIR launched this joke in Chicago last month. Our counter campaign (scroll below) was submitted in Chicago over three weeks ago and we are still awaiting approval (or rejection). But these tools can’t get the Hamas-CAIR ads up fast enough. Bend over, boys.We have submitted the ad to San Francisco as well. Knowing what gutless wonders the officials of the SF transit authority are, this should prove interesting, I wouldn’t be surprised if the SFMTA posted its own ads to counter ours, saying, “#myjihad is trying to keep AFDI’s ads off our buses!”According to the reporter, Laird Harrison, “the understanding of ‘jihad’ in English seems to be evolving.” Tell that to the 270 million victims of jihadi wars, land appropriations, cultural annihilations and enslavements.Harrison attempts to “broaden” the meaning of jihad, but as you can see, all the definitions pre-2001 refer to holy war. But the Islamic supremacist war in the information battle-space has been successfully launched. Imagine, they are passing off this garbage in post-911 America. It’s appalling. Oceans of blood dismissed by these ghouls.
‘My Jihad’ Ad Campaign Launched on SF Buses” KQED, Janaury 3, 2013
What does “jihad” mean to you?A “My Jihad” bus advertisement. (Council on American-Islamic Relations)Concerned that many people misunderstand the term — and have negative stereotypes of Muslims — the Council on American-Islamic Relations has launched a an advertising campaign on San Francisco buses.
“Jihad is a central tenet of the Islamic creed which means struggling uphill in order to get to a better place,” CAIR said in a media release.
“My Jihad is to build friendships across the aisle,” the ads say. “What’s yours?”
CAIR started the advertising partly to counter an earlier bus advertising campaign by Pamela Geller. “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel,” said Geller’s ads. “Defeat jihad.”
Muni began running Geller’s ads in August after a federal judge ruled that New York City had accept them on public transit there. The San Francisco agency later posted its own ads on the same buses explaining that Muni disavowed Geller’s message.
The CAIR campaign started last week in San Francisco, and as of Jan. 3, ads were circulating on the sides of 35 Muni buses, according to the media release. It extends a similar campaign that began Dec. 11 in Chicago.
The understanding of “jihad” in English seems to be evolving.
The 1895 book “A Dictionary of Islam” by Thomas Patrick Hughes gives this definition:
Lit. “An effort, or a striving.” A religious war with those who are unbelievers in the mission of Muhammad. It is an incumbent religious duty, established in the Qur’an and in the Traditions as a divine institution, and enjoined specially for the purpose of advancing Islam and of repelling evil from Muslims.
My 1971 edition of the Compact Oxford English Dictionary similarly defines jihad as “A religious war of Mohammedans against nonbelievers in Islam, inculcated as a duty by the Koran and traditions.”
But according to the 2010 book “Essential Islam: A Comprehensive Guide to Belief and Practice” by Diane Morgan, “jihad” has long been used within the religion both to mean an internal struggle and a fight against the enemies of Islam.
And the Free Online Dictionary gives three definitions:
1. Islam An individual’s striving for spiritual self-perfection.
2. Islam A Muslim holy war or spiritual struggle against infidels.
3. A crusade or struggle: “The war against smoking is turning into a jihad against people who smoke” (Fortune).
Here’s how the current campaign started, according to the media release:
Volunteers working on the campaign include activists and students, but the crux of the volunteers have been a group of working moms who are disturbed by the prospects of their children growing up in an environment of gross misinformation about Islam that sometimes spills into outright hatred such as with the recent anti-Islam ads sponsored by Pamela Geller.
The CAIR campaign has a website and extends to Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter where users are asked to tweet about their own jihad #MyJihad hashtag.
Many tweets follow the spirit of the CAIR campaign, such as this one:
Alia Ganoub. @3alia2_Okay new intentions. #MyJihad for this month is to study harder and keep my prayers on time. Starting tomorrow.
3 Jan 13But others tweets are taking a more critical tone, including this one from Pamela Geller:
Pamela Geller @Atlasshrugs#myjihad: Muslims in Nigeria murder 22 in jihad attacks, force Christians to convert to Islam on pain of death: … bit.ly/VR8yDu
30 Dec 12
Here are all the ads in our series:
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, January 04, 2013 at 09:06 AM in AFDI My Jihad awareness ad campaign #myjihad | Permalink | Comments (21) | TrackBack (0)
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Sunday, December 30, 2012
Pamela Geller, WND Column:
Jewish and Christian clerics for jihad
Calling out the craven quisling stooges:
Jewish and Christian clerics for jihad WND, December 31, 2012
Exclusive: Pamela Geller blasts religious ‘leaders’ for failing to condemn barbaric cruelty
I love how I bring out the most cowardly and craven among liberal Jewish and Christian “leadership.” How eager these knaves are to do the bidding of annihilationists and Jew-haters.The Denver Post reported last week that “Colorado Muslim, Christian and Jewish leaders stood together in Denver’s main mosque Monday and launched a ‘Love Thy Neighbor’ campaign – starting with ads on RTD buses. They said the ad they unveiled – at a time on the calendar devoted to love and understanding – is meant to respond to recent national tragedies and to replace anti-Muslim ads placed on buses last month.” The ads they’re referring to by the manipulative and pejorative term “anti-Muslim” are, of course, my pro-freedom anti-jihad ads.
How silly. All decent and rational human beings love love. These self-righteous nudniks are standing with those who are oppressing and subjugating their brothers and sisters. Why aren’t these voices of love speaking out against the vile Islamic Jew-hatred that inspires the war against the tiny Jewish state? Why aren’t these voices of love speaking out against the systematic extermination of Christians in Muslim lands? Why aren’t these voices of love condemning the slaughter of Buddhists in Thailand? Hindus in Pakistan?
No, instead they provide cover for the most brutal and extreme ideology on the face of the Earth, and further obfuscate the most lethal threat the free world faces.
“Love Thy Neighbor.” Gotta love it. There is no golden rule in Islam, clowns. This moral equivocation completely ignores the facts on the ground. Jews and Christians are simply not murdering people and justifying the murders by quoting their Scriptures. The violence in the Bible is descriptive, while the Quran’s violence is prescriptive. The fantasy these quislings are advancing is at odds with reality and the rivers of bloodshed in the cause of Islam. Never do we see Jews slaughtering in the name of HaShem or Christians in the name of Jesus Christ.
Not only that, but the Quran verse quoted in their ad (“And you should forgive and overlook. Do you not like God to forgive you?” 24:22) is not a general recommendation of forgiveness. According to the revered and renowned Quran commentator Ibn Kathir, this verse “was revealed concerning As-Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him, when he swore that he would not help Mistah bin Uthathah after he said what he said about Aishah.”
Mistah had accused Aishah of adultery, and Muhammad was anxious to protect his favorite nine-year-old wife. Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, Aisha’s father, had said: “By Allah, I will never give anything (in charity) to Mistah, after what he has said about Aisha.” But then Muhammad gave the “revelation” of Quran 24:22. Hearing it, Abu Bakr said, ”Yes, by Allah, I like that Allah should forgive me.” He then resumed giving Mistah the aid he used to give him (Bukhari 8.670).
So does Quran 24:22 mean that Muslims should be forgiving and kind toward non-Muslims? No: “Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves” (Quran 48:29).
You’ll never see these Jewish and Christian clerics quoting that. And they aren’t the only compromised clerics. Last September, I appeared on “Up Close” with Diana Williams, WABC-TV’s public affairs show. I debated the Rev. Jim Wallis of Sojourners, who was launching his own ad campaign on the subways, “hitting back” at ours.
It’s a pity that Wallis didn’t get his group together to stand up when Christians, Hindus and so many others were facing vicious persecution in Muslim countries. Where is Sojourners when Christians are victimized by jihad? Wallis, like the Denver group, was standing up for those who oppress and kill Christians. Robert Spencer said this about him: “Wallis says that people might get hurt because of Geller’s ad. Note how thoroughly he has absorbed the dhimmi mindset: He assumes that if Muslims become violent, it is the fault of non-Muslims, who must adjust their behavior in order to placate them.”
The enemedia also made much of the fact that the far-left “Rabbis for Human Rights” group also took out ads ostensibly countering my pro-Israel, pro-freedom ads in New York and Washington. These rabbis claimed my ads were “hateful.” Yet my ads spoke to the defense of freedom and individual rights for all. There was nothing hateful about them. Sept. 11 was hate. March 11 in Madrid was hate. July 7 in London was hate. The Fort Hood jihadi was hate. The Christmas underwear bomber was hate. The Fort Dix Six was hate. Pushing back against such hate is not hate.
I doubt that the rabbis knew anything about the jihad doctrine that relentlessly seeks to violently impose Islamic law and pursues jihad against non-Muslims, or about the Islamic anti-Semitism that is deeply ingrained in the Quran and Sunnah, and that identifies the Jews as the worst enemies of the Muslims (Quran 5:82) and under Allah’s curse (Quran 9:30).
Read the rest here.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, December 30, 2012 at 11:43 PM in AFDI My Jihad awareness ad campaign #myjihad, AFDI Quran ads, AFDI/SIOA Pro-Israel Bus Campaign, Atlas Articles, Dhimmitude in the Churches, Jewicidal, JINOs, and the Jewish Left, Jewish Lay Leadership: Neo Kapos, WND Geller Columns | Permalink | Comments (29) | TrackBack (0)
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012
@NBCChicago gets it completely wrong on AFDI #Myjihad ads #RT
Talk about crazy. If NBC Chicago tried to get it more wrong, they could not. They kick off this unintentionally comedic news report saying that last month the American Freedom Defense Initiative launched CTA bus ads that linked Muslims to savages: “the ads included fake testimonies by extremists including Osama Bin Laden.”
This weekend the Council on American Islamic Relations countered with their own campaign called my jihad. It promotes jihad as daily struggles, not terror and a naperville mom is featured in one of the ads.
Sheesh, where to begin? First, our #myjihad ads did not run last month. We just submitted them. They haven’t even run yet. And our campaign is a response to the Hamas-CAIR taqiyya ad campaign obscuring the true nature of jihad. This “news reporter” states the exact opposite. This numb nuts says that Hamas-CAIR’s myjihad ad is in response to our my jihad ad. Got that. And just for the record, every one of our ad campaigns has been in response to some fallacious ad that was running.
But the most egregious and dangerous misreporting is the lie that our quotes are fake. This outrageous lie was started by the notorious shill for Islamic supremacists, Manya Brachear, over at the Chicago Tribune.
The quotes are accurate and real. Any moron could do a quick google search and find that out.
They did not get one thing right. Not one. Oh, and we never called Muslims savages, we called jihadis savages. Because they are. Targeting innocent civilians is savagery.
Perhaps if they called for comment instead of running Muslim Brotherhood press releases, they might get the story right. But that is not their goal.
Here’s the accompanying article. Go. Leave a comment. Politely ask them to report the news, not make it up. The lengths the enemedia goes through to cover for jihad. The mind reels.
“MyJihad” Ads Land on CTA Buses” NBC Chicago
Chicago’s buses have become a battleground for a controversial ad campaign.
A conservative group, American Freedom Defense Initiative, last month placed ads on buses that likened Muslims to savages. They included fake testimonials by extremists, including Osama bin Laden.
In response, the Council on American Islamic Relations countered with their own campaign, “MyJihad,” which define Jihad as life’s daily struggles, not incidents of terror or holy war.
“Day to day jihad that we do so much has never been shown before and no wonder, the only side that’s shown is the violence, which is not even in essence real jihad,” said Naperville mother Angie Emara, who is featured on one of the advertisements.
CAIR-Chicago’s Executive Director, Ahmed Rehab, said he hopes to spread the campaign to
New York, DC, San Francisco, Houston and Seattle.The campaign’s website is at MyJihad.org.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, December 19, 2012 at 12:26 PM in AFDI My Jihad awareness ad campaign #myjihad, Atlas TV | Permalink | Comments (28) | TrackBack (0)
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Pamela Geller, WND Wednesday Column:
Chicago media go Tokyo Rose over #myjihad truth ads
Just up at WND: my Wednesday column. Mocking Manya.
“Chicago media go Tokyo Rose over jihad truth ads” WND, December 19, 2012
Exclusive: Pamela Geller calls out Tribune reporter for being complicit with CAIR
Our new #MyJihad campaign, about which I wrote in my Monday WND column, was submitted to Chicago Transit on the same day, and Chicago media immediately began scrambling to obfuscate the message.
The notorious shill for Islamic supremacists, Manya Brachear, over at the Chicago Tribune, was the first local outlet to report on the story. As she has done in the past, she featured in her coverage Ahmed Rehab of the Islamic supremacist, Hamas-linked, Muslim Brotherhood front Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). She slobbered and drooled over the dishonest Rehab like a Saint Bernard, enthusiastically printing every lie he told, without ever mentioning Hamas-tied CAIR’s unindicted co-conspirator status in the largest terrorist-funding trial in our nation’s history, the arrest and convictions of several CAIR officials on terror-related charges, or the group’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Good doggie.
Our ads were formulated to tell the truth about jihad – in its mainstream Islamic meaning, warfare against infidels – and counter CAIR’s deceptive whitewashing of jihad in its #MyJihad ad campaign. Rehab was furious that his deceptions were being exposed and whined to Brachear: “Geller’s attempt to hijack the ‘MyJihad’ slogan amounts to fraud.”
Actually, it is CAIR’s whole campaign that is a complete fraud. Don’t take my word for it. Listen to what devout Muslim groups are saying about this ruse: The Islamic supremacist group Hizb ut Tahrir, which is dedicated to imposing Shariah around the world, criticized CAIR’s attempt to portray jihad as getting in your exercise or dropping off the kids at school: “If this is jihad,” one Hizb ut Tahrir member wrote, “what jihad were the Muslims doing under Rasul’Allah [Muhammad]?”
Robert Spencer commented that apparently Hizb ut Tahrir “didn’t get the memo about how the witless unbelievers need to be deceived about the nature and meaning of jihad, and so they’re taking issue with Ahmed Rehab.”
Worst of all, Brachear dismissed our ads as featuring “mock testimonies from high-profile Muslim extremists, including Osama bin Laden.” In reality, our ads do not feature “mock testimonies,” but actual quotes from Osama bin Laden, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a witness to the jihad of Fort Hood mass murderer Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, Hamas TV and Times Square jihad car bomber Faisal Shahzad.
Apparently, Brachear doesn’t want her readers to know that Osama bin Laden explained why he took down the Twin Towers by saying, “The first thing we are calling you to is Islam,” or that Maj. Hasan was shouting “Allahu akbar” as he murdered 13 Americans at Fort Hood. She would rather you not think about the implications of the fact that Hamas TV featured a music video including the lyric, “Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah,” or of the fact that Shahzad said that jihad involving “weaponry” is “an obligation and duty in Islam on every Muslim.”
All of the quotes we used were actual quotes. Nothing is mock or parody. But the Chicago media followed Manya Brachear’s propaganda lead. CBS Chicago and WGN Radio, among others, all claimed that our ads featured “mock testimony.”
That’s not reportage, Tokyo Rose Manya, that’s propaganda. You be the judge: Is the enemedia clueless or complicit?
Go, read the whole thing here.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, December 19, 2012 at 08:57 AM in AFDI My Jihad awareness ad campaign #myjihad, Atlas Articles, WND Geller Columns | Permalink | Comments (10) | TrackBack (0)
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Tuesday, December 18, 2012
CBS Chicago Newscaster calls real quotes from Osama Bin Laden, Turkey Prime Minister, Fort Hood jihadi, Time Square bomber “mock testimony”
Our new #myjihad campaign was submitted to Chicago Transit yesterday, and Chicago media is scrambling to obfuscate the message.
This obviously clueless talking head refers to the actual quotes we use in our new #myjihad campaign from Osama Bin Laden, Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, Fort Hood Major Hasan et al as “mock testimony.”All of the quotes we used were actual quotes. Nothing is mock or parody.
Did she just call Turkish Prime Minster Erdogan a high profile extremist?
UPDATE: It’s not just CBS; other news reports in and around Chicago are using that same dishonest description of these actual quotes as “mock testimony” — listen to this ‘news’ report on WGN-AM (Radio) – Chicago, IL here.
UPDATE: The mothership of the mock testimony talking point is none other than the drooling, slobbering Manya Brachear of the Chicago Tribune – that’s not reportage, Tokyo Rose Manya, that’s propaganda. I posted on her propaganda here.
Enemedia, clueless or complicit?
These are all actual quotes:
Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, December 18, 2012 at 11:44 AM in AFDI My Jihad awareness ad campaign #myjihad, Atlas media | Permalink | Comments (19) | TrackBack (0)
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Monday, December 17, 2012
Chicago Tribune: “‘#MyJihad’ campaign hits Chicago buses, along with opposition — After [Hamas]CAIR launches ads, AFDI asks CTA to OK different message”
CAIR’s Chicago executive supremacist, Ahmed Rehab, whined, “Geller’s attempt to hijack the ‘MyJihad’ slogan amounts to fraud.”
Actually CAIR’s whole campaign is a complete fraud. Don’t take my word for it. Listen to what devout Muslim groups are saying about this ruse:
#MyJihad campaign ain’t jihad, says Hizb ut Tahrir: “If this is Jihad – what Jihad were the Muslims doing under Rasul’Allah [Muhammad]” (thanks to Jihadwatch)
Hizb ut Tahrir is an organization of Islamic supremacists around the world, dedicated to imposing Sharia. Apparently they didn’t get the memo about how the witless unbelievers need to be deceived about the nature and meaning of jihad, and so they’re taking issue with Ahmed Rehab and his cosmetics. Blazing Cat Fur has the link to the HuT forum: There seems to be a new push by western Muslims, pushed to counter “extremists” and those that may have been contaminated by “moderate Islam” to reclaim “Jihad”. They will be using tools such as social media -“facebook/twitter” – how influential are they in the battle of ideas for the west. Other methods will include advertisements and posters/billboards….
The notorious Islamic shill Manya Brachear over at the Chicago Tribune reports on the story. She slobbers and drools like a Saint Bernard. She enthusiastically prints every Rehab lie without ever mentioning Hamas-CAIR’s unindicted co-conspirator status in the largest terrorist funding trial in our nation’s history, the arrest and convictions of their leadership on terror related charges, or their Muslim Brotherhood designation. Good doggie.
I am freedom; it’s why CAIR so despises me. And I call them out on endless stream of lies. And more lies.
‘MyJihad’ campaign hits Chicago buses, along with opposition” Chicago Tribune
After Council on American-Islamic Relations launches ads, American Freedom Defense Initiative asks CTA to OK different message
A screengrab of the MyJihad website touting its new ads on CTA buses. / December 17, 2012)
By Manya A. Brachear, Chicago Tribune, 9:30 p.m. CST, December 17, 2012Chicago buses have become a battleground for two groups promoting different definitions of jihad.
This past weekend, the Council on American-Islamic Relations launched “MyJihad,” a national ad campaign featuring individuals’ testimonies about what the pillar of Islam means to them.
But on Monday, the American Freedom Defense Initiative, or AFDI, asked the CTA to accept another batch of ads, featuring mock testimonies from high-profile Muslim extremists, including Osama bin Laden.
The campaign is the second one launched by the initiative, which rolled out a controversial series of bus posters last month urging passengers to “Defeat jihad.”
“The MyJihad campaign is about reclaiming jihad from the Muslim and anti-Muslim extremists who ironically, but not surprisingly, see eye to eye on jihad,” said Ahmed Rehab, executive director of the Chicago chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, also known as CAIR. Rehab also created the slogan.
The people behind the AFDI initiative have become the “premiere promoters of extremism and violence,” he said.
Pamela Geller, executive director of AFDI, said the fact that some Muslims consider jihad a peaceful concept does not cancel out the fact that there are others who interpret it violently.
“This usage of jihad is much more influential and widespread among Muslims worldwide than the benign and whitewashed understanding of it” presented in the ad campaign, Geller said.
Brian Steele, a spokesman for the CTA, said the second AFDI campaign is under review. The first CAIR and AFDI campaigns cost $5,000 each, he said. Geller said the second campaign will cost less than $10,000. She expects it to start in January.
Rehab said Geller’s attempt to hijack the “MyJihad” slogan amounts to fraud. He said CAIR’s campaign includes ads on buses and trains, as well as a social media component on Twitter, where users are asked to tweet their testimony with the #MyJihad hashtag.
He added that the campaign has evolved into an interfaith effort, including Muslim mothers who are concerned that their children will be bullied, as well as Jews and Christians.
“We have been overwhelmed with the participation of people of other faiths tweeting their struggles,” campaign volunteer and Naperville mom Angie Emara said in a statement. “People of different backgrounds are finding a common language. They’re learning to see themselves in one another as they share similar expressions of their daily jihad.”
Yes, Americans and other freedom loving peoples have been overwhelmed by ….jihad.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, December 17, 2012 at 11:53 PM in AFDI My Jihad awareness ad campaign #myjihad, Atlas media | Permalink | Comments (14) | TrackBack (0)
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WND: Ad war erupts over meaning of ‘jihad’ in U.S.
Good piece over at WND. And as Atlas reader, Auntie Izlam, points out, “if jihad is actually what CAIR says it is then why are the weak, infirm & disabled told they are exempt from jihad in the koran? Surely those people could still conduct an inner struggle & the multitude of lies CAIR is trying to sell?”
Qur’an 9:91 “There is no blame on those who are old, weak, ill, or who find no resources to spend (on Jihad, holy fighting), if they are sincere (in duty) to Allah and His Messenger.”
“Ad war erupts over meaning of ‘jihad’ in U.S.”‘It’s reprehensible to put a happy face on mass murder’ WND
An advertising war has erupted over just what the Muslim word “jihad” means in America and why it’s important not to let the term be sugarcoated.
And the latest volley in the battle is both sly and stunning.
The most recent flare-up began with a controversial series of advertisements from the American Freedom Defense Initiative on New York subway station clocks. The ads depicted the burning towers of 9/11 and a Quran quote: “Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers” (3:151).
Pamela Geller, the group’s executive director, believes the clock ads convey an important message about the immediate danger of jihad.
“Metaphorically it’s so powerful,” she explains in a new column on WND. “The clock is ticking, from a civilizational point of view. Bombs, at least in movies, tick and are set off by clocks. The urgency of our message is mirrored in the placement.”
The Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, however, called the ads “Islamophobic” and “bigotry” and responded with a series of bus advertisements of its own designed to put a more America-friendly spin on the Islamic practice of jihad.
CAIR’s advertisements link to a site called MyJihad.org and portray “jihad” as merely a person’s goal or ambition, showing smiling Muslims and such innocuous struggles as staying fit or building friendships.
“My jihad is not to judge people by their cover,” states one ad. “What’s yours?”
Gellar, however, claims the CAIR ads are “designed to distract from and obscure the true meaning of jihad.”
The word “jihad” is defined by Muslim apologists as the personal struggle of the individual believer against evil and persecution, yet it is also the term for a religious war against infidels undertaken by Muslims, a holy obligation often cited by terrorists as the reason for their violence.
“Freedom fighters have successfully educated the American people about the most brutal and extreme system of governance, the Shariah: Americans know how inhuman it is, and Muslim Brotherhood operatives are still reeling from that stunning defeat,” Geller explains. “So now they hope to whitewash jihad? That’s oceans of blood they would have to conceal. Oceans of blood.”
Now Geller announces the latest volley in the advertising war, a series of bus ads that will recast the “MyJihad” banners according to the word’s other definition.
“‘Jihad, holy fighting in Allah’s cause, with full force of numbers and weaponry, is … and obligation and duty in Islam on every Muslim’ – Times Square bomber Faisal Shazad,” reads one of the new AFDI ads. “That’s my jihad. What’s yours?”
Another pictures Osama bin Laden, accompanied by one of his quotes: “‘The first thing that we are calling you to is Islam.’ That’s my jihad. What’s yours?”
Still another variation in includes a victim’s description of the Fort Hood mass murder by Major Nidal Hassan: “Reloading, firing again, reloading, firing again, while screaming Allahu Akbar.’ That’s my jihad. What’s yours?”
These new ads direct people to MyJihad.us, a web address that redirects to a page on Geller’s Atlas Shrugged site.
“Our new ads depict actual jihadists carrying out their own jihads and is a truth antidote to CAIR’s deceptions,” Geller states. “This usage of jihad is much more influential and widespread among Muslims worldwide than the benign and whitewashed understanding of it being pushed by Hamas-tied CAIR, and the fact that some Muslims don’t think of jihad as involving violence does not cancel out the fact that many do.
“It is reprehensible to put a happy face on mass murder, ethnic cleansing, honor violence and religious persecution,” she continues. “Our AFDI campaign shines the light of truth to break through the fog of CAIR’s deceptions.”
As WND has reported, AFDI has run advertisements on buses and other public areas before in a effort to educate Americans about violent nature of jihad and the dangers of “Islamization” in America, but efforts to have them banned by court order have been defeated.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, December 17, 2012 at 03:06 PM in AFDI My Jihad awareness ad campaign #myjihad, Atlas media | Permalink | Comments (8) | TrackBack (0)
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AFDI’s Launches #MyJihad Bus Campaign in Chicago to Counter Hamas-CAIR #CloakingJihad Ads
Have you seen this latest insult to our intelligence by Hamas-CAIR?
AFDI has created a brand new ad campaign to fight the disinformation and propaganda campaigns of Islamic supremacists and Muslim Brotherhood groups in America. Our new ads will counter the new deceptive #myjihad campaign by unindicted co-conspirator Hamas-CAIR and are a truth antidote to CAIR’s deceptions.
It is reprehensible to put a happy face on mass murder, ethnic cleansing, honor violence, religious persecution, etc. Look how powerful Hamas-CAIR says I am:
Local Muslim Launches Campaign To ‘Reclaim’ Meaning of ‘Jihad‘ Chicagoist
CAIR-Chicago executive director Ahmed Rehab, who’s behind the campaign, told the Sun-Times the term “jihad” has been twisted by groups such as Geller’s so that its true meaning is obscured and the word is most closely associated with “holy war.” …
Really? Tell that to Osama bin Laden, Nidal Hassan, Anwar Awlaki, Meshaal, Sheikh Qaradawi, et al, and millions of jihadists all over the world.
Our new campaign focuses on how jihadists use the texts and teachings of Islam to justify violence and supremacism. It uses actual quotes by jihadis and Islamic supremacists including Osama bin Laden and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, as well as statements from Hamas TV and one of the victims of the Fort Hood jihad massacre. This usage of jihad is much more influential and widespread among Muslims worldwide than the benign and whitewashed understanding of it being pushed by Hamas-linked CAIR, and the fact that some Muslims don’t think of jihad as involving violence does not cancel out the fact that many do. Our AFDI campaign shines the light of truth to break through the fog of CAIR’s deceptions.
Americans need to understand Islamic jihad that so we can counter it effectively. Honest moderate Muslims need to stand up against this and work for Islamic reform rather than blame my ads for pointing out the truth.
MyJihad is a public education campaign that seeks to share the proper and true meaning of Jihad (see below). Much thanks to Big Fur Hat for execution.
My column in Monday’s column in WND:
Muhammad said, “war is deceit”, a lesson unindicted-conspirator Hamas-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) employs with vicious frequency. Hamas-CAIR is running another new propaganda ad campaign in the information battle-space. This time it’s a deceptive #MyJihad bus ad designed to distract from and obscure the true meaning of jihad. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror. CAIR’s cofounder and longtime Board chairman (Omar Ahmad), as well as its chief spokesman (Ibrahim Hooper), have made Islamic supremacist statements. Its California chapter distributed posters telling Muslims not to talk to the FBI.”
[….]The Islamic supremacists of CAIR say their MyJihad campaign is designed to respond to our Quran ad, and fight “bigotry” and “Islamophobia,” but in fact the real bigotry, the real hatred, is coming from devout Muslim jihad terrorists around the world every day: over 20,000 jihad attacks since 9/11, each one with the imprimatur of a Muslim cleric. The FBI’s latest statistics give the lie yet again to the victimhood-mongering of Hamas-CAIR, which by claiming that there has been a wave of “Islamophobia” hopes to intimidate Americans into thinking there’s something wrong with resisting jihad terror.
Here are all the ads in our series:
Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, December 17, 2012 at 08:59 AM in AFDI My Jihad awareness ad campaign #myjihad | Permalink | Comments (38) | TrackBack (0)
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Pamela Geller, WND: Lipstick on a pig? It’s still jihad
Big news …. check out my column on the new AFDI #myjihad campaign:
DEFENDING THE WEST Lipstick on a pig? It’s still jihad
Exclusive: Pamela Geller exposes campaign to whitewash slaughter of innocents WND, December 17, 2012
The Hamas-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, is running another new propaganda ad campaign. This time it’s a deceptive #MyJihad bus ad designed to distract from and obscure the true meaning of jihad.
Freedom fighters have successfully educated the American people about the most brutal and extreme system of governance, the Shariah: Americans know how inhuman it is, and Muslim Brotherhood operatives are still reeling from that stunning defeat. So now they hope to whitewash jihad? That’s oceans of blood they would have to conceal. Oceans of blood.
Americans need to understand Islamic jihad so that we can counter it effectively. For jihad still threatens this nation. Just last week, a devout Muslim jihadist, Amanullah Zazi, was sentenced for his role in a jihad plot. He was involved in a “spectacular” bomb plot to blow up the New York City subway system on the anniversary of 9/11 to murder tens of thousands of Americans. The jihadist cell crossed the country, from New York to Denver. Prosecutors called it the most serious terrorism threat since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. This jihadist should have gotten 30 years; instead, he got – three. The judge in this case is a buffoon, and he will have blood on his hands. He will have much to answer for. A devout and revered imam, pursuing his jihad, was also arrested in the plot: interfaith dialogue by day, jihad by night.
Also last week, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute, Abu Bakr Shekau, the leader of the Nigerian group known as People Committed to the Propagation of the Prophet’s Teachings and Jihad, more famously known as Boko Haram, “threatened U.S. President Barack Obama with a surprise, expressed solidarity with global jihad groups, and told Nigerian police to either repent or be killed.”
In Pakistan, Islamic jihadists threatened to bomb a church school unless it came across with a payment of $51,000. And in Germany, prosecutors revealed that Islamic jihadists were behind a bomb that was left in a Bonn railway station. Say what? I thought it was the Quakers. And to my utter shock, it was Islamists.
Honest moderate Muslims need to stand up against this and work for Islamic reform rather than blame my ads for pointing out the truth.
To continue to tell the truth, we have purchased all the clocks, more than 220 of them, in all New York subway stations for our new jihad awareness Quran ad. It depicts the burning towers and a Quran quote that illuminates the motivation of those who attacked them: “Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers” (3:151).
We bought clocks system wide – the MTA’s term is “clock domination.” This is our biggest ad buy ever, made possible by overwhelming support from the American people, in response to our prior ads.
I love this buy for so many reasons. First, because metaphorically it’s so powerful. The clock is ticking, from a civilizational point of view. Bombs, at least in movies, tick and are set off by clocks. The urgency of our message is mirrored in the placement. Also, these are much harder to deface. Islamic supremacist thugs and goons destroyed our other ads within an hour. As the clocks hang from the ceiling, they won’t be able to get to these. And if the destroyers destroy the clock, it’s a much bigger expense, and the criminal penalties are much stiffer.
Eead the rest.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, December 17, 2012 at 08:56 AM in AFDI My Jihad awareness ad campaign #myjihad, Atlas Articles, WND Geller Columns | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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Saturday, December 15, 2012
You can put lipstick on a pig but it’s still jihad #myjihad
Hamas-CAIR is running another new propaganda ad campaign, this time a deceptive #MyJihad bus ad designed to distract from and obscure the true meaning of jihad.
We successfully educated the American people about the most brutal and extreme system of governance, the sharia, and Muslim Brotherhood operatives are still reeling from that stunning defeat. So now they hope to wash jihad? That’s oceans of blood, Rehab, oceans of blood.
We have created a spectacular new ad campaign to fight the disinformation and propaganda campaigns of Islamic supremacists and Muslim Brotherhood groups in America. These new ads will counter the new deceptive MyJihad campaign by unindicted co-conspirator Hamas-CAIR.
More on ‘Hamas-CAIR’.
Americans need to understand Islamic jihad so that we can counter it effectively. Honest moderate Muslims need to stand up against this and work for Islamic reform rather than blame my ads for pointing out the truth.
MyJihad is a public education campaign that seeks to share the proper and true meaning of Jihad.
Hamas-linked CAIR applies cosmetics to the concept of jihad JihadwatchAhmed Rehab: No stranger to cosmeticsHere’s the smell of the blood still. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand.
And all the perfumes in Ahmed Rehab’s purse will not sweeten the concept of jihad. His attempt to take out his lipstick (what’s your favorite shade, Ahmed?) and apply it to jihad is foredoomed to failure. It will fail the next time a Muslim commits murder in the name of jihad — and unfortunately for Rehab’s cosmetic efforts, that happens pretty much every day somewhere in the world.
This deceptive campaign was formulated in response to our AFDI ad campaign, which is entirely truthful: Muslims do quote verses of the Qur’an such as 3:151 to justify violence against infidels. The Chicago Sun-Times and the rest of the mainstream media will continue to charge us with “hate,” but unfortunately for them as well as for the cosmetic-minded Rehab, reality will keep breaking through.
“Local Muslim group reclaiming ‘Islam’ with ‘MyJihad’ campaign,” by Tina Sfondeles in the Chicago Sun-Times, December 14:
A month after an ultra conservative group plastered controversial “Defeat Jihad” ads on 10 CTA buses and likened Muslims to “savages,” a local Muslim group countered back with a campaign to “reclaim Islam” and educate the country about the true meaning of the word “Jihad.”
In the Chicago Sun-Times, you’re “ultraconservative” if you oppose jihad and Sharia. But for the Associated Press, you’re “ultraconservative” if you want Sharia and brand its opponents “followers of infidels.”
Note also Tina Sfondeles’s flagrant dishonesty: our AFDI “Defeat Jihad” ad didn’t liken Muslims to savages. The ad read: “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat jihad.” Thus the “savages” are those who pursue jihad attacks against Israeli civilians. By equating those who are undeniably savages with all Muslims, Sfondeles is painting all Muslims with a broad brush and committing “Islamophobia,” no?
Through CTA bus and train ads and a social media campaign on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, participants are being asked to express what their Jihad is with the hashtag #MyJihad.By Friday morning, more than 3,000 users had “liked” the campaign’s Facebook page. And on Twitter, thousands have posted what their “struggle” or Jihad is.
“#myjihad Is to have the serenity to accept things I can’t change. The courage to change the things I can, & the wisdom to know the difference,” a man in Saudi Arabia Tweeted.
Ahmed Rehab, executive director of CAIR-Chicago, and creator of the campaign, said the goal is to explain the very misunderstood and sometimes seemingly controversial concept of Jihad.
“Jihad in Islam simply means the struggle to a better place,” Rehab said. “Whatever barrier or burdens that you have in your life, you are asked, you are tasked to muster in the inner courage, the inner resolve, the inner determination to overcome those personal barriers, personal issues.”
He said the word has been misconstrued by Muslim and anti-Muslim extremists and it’s time to re-educate the public about Islam and its concepts. Often the term “Jihad” is associated with violence and those waging “holy war.”
“The only two things that God judges you by in the tradition of Islam are the two things that you control, your intentions and your effort,” Rehab said. “Your intention being sincere and your effort being for the best. That effort is Jihad.”
Naperville mom Angie Emara is featured in one of the ads with her children. She said her Jihad is getting over the loss of her son, and also raising another son with special needs.
“For me it’s personal. I don’t want my kids to grow up in an environment where they’re immediately rendered suspect for nothing of their doing,” Emara said. “…My Jihad is an ongoing struggle…My Jihad is to hold back the tears when I see my son live past Adam’s years and do things he never could. My Jihad is to push forward past the grief, past the second guessing.”
CAIR-Chicago’s campaign, in part, was spurred by the anti-Muslim ads that turned up on CTA buses last month. The ads, financed by conservative blogger Pamela Geller and her organization American Freedom Defense Initiative, have caused controversy — and some legal challenges — in Detroit, New York City and Washington D.C.
“In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat jihad,” the ad reads.
The #MyJihad effort is staffed by CAIR volunteers, and the group paid for the CTA ads. But part of the campaign is aimed at seeking sponsors. For $500, a group can sponsor a bus. The group’s goal is to have enough sponsors so that the campaign can reach New York, Washington D.C., San Francisco, Seattle and Houston.
The four schools of Sunni Muslim jurisprudence are clear about jihad:
Shafi’i school: A Shafi’i manual of Islamic law that was certified in 1991 by the clerics at Al-Azhar University, one of the leading authorities in the Islamic world, as a reliable guide to Sunni orthodoxy, stipulates about jihad that “the caliph makes war upon Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians…until they become Muslim or pay the non-Muslim poll tax.” It adds a comment by Sheikh Nuh ‘Ali Salman, a Jordanian expert on Islamic jurisprudence: the caliph wages this war only “provided that he has first invited [Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians] to enter Islam in faith and practice, and if they will not, then invited them to enter the social order of Islam by paying the non-Muslim poll tax (jizya)…while remaining in their ancestral religions.” (‘Umdat al-Salik, o9.8).
Of course, there is no caliph today, and hence the oft-repeated claim that Osama et al are waging jihad illegitimately, as no state authority has authorized their jihad. But they explain their actions in terms of defensive jihad, which needs no state authority to call it, and becomes “obligatory for everyone” (‘Umdat al-Salik, o9.3) if a Muslim land is attacked. The end of the defensive jihad, however, is not peaceful coexistence with non-Muslims as equals: ‘Umdat al-Salik specifies that the warfare against non-Muslims must continue until “the final descent of Jesus.” After that, “nothing but Islam will be accepted from them, for taking the poll tax is only effective until Jesus’ descent” (o9.8).
Hanafi school: A Hanafi manual of Islamic law repeats the same injunctions. It insists that people must be called to embrace Islam before being fought, “because the Prophet so instructed his commanders, directing them to call the infidels to the faith.” It emphasizes that jihad must not be waged for economic gain, but solely for religious reasons: from the call to Islam “the people will hence perceive that they are attacked for the sake of religion, and not for the sake of taking their property, or making slaves of their children, and on this consideration it is possible that they may be induced to agree to the call, in order to save themselves from the troubles of war.”
However, “if the infidels, upon receiving the call, neither consent to it nor agree to pay capitation tax [jizya], it is then incumbent on the Muslims to call upon God for assistance, and to make war upon them, because God is the assistant of those who serve Him, and the destroyer of His enemies, the infidels, and it is necessary to implore His aid upon every occasion; the Prophet, moreover, commands us so to do.” (Al-Hidayah, II.140)
Maliki school: Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406), a pioneering historian and philosopher, was also a Maliki legal theorist. In his renowned Muqaddimah, the first work of historical theory, he notes that “in the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the Muslim mission and (the obligation to) convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force.” In Islam, the person in charge of religious affairs is concerned with “power politics,” because Islam is “under obligation to gain power over other nations.”
Hanbali school: The great medieval theorist of what is commonly known today as radical or fundamentalist Islam, Ibn Taymiyya (Taqi al-Din Ahmad Ibn Taymiyya, 1263-1328), was a Hanbali jurist. He directed that “since lawful warfare is essentially jihad and since its aim is that the religion is God’s entirely and God’s word is uppermost, therefore according to all Muslims, those who stand in the way of this aim must be fought.”
Majid Khadduri was an Iraqi scholar of Islamic law of international renown. In his book War and Peace in the Law of Islam, which was published in 1955 and remains one of the most lucid and illuminating works on the subject, Khadduri says this about jihad:
The state which is regarded as the instrument for universalizing a certain religion must perforce be an ever expanding state. The Islamic state, whose principal function was to put God’s law into practice, sought to establish Islam as the dominant reigning ideology over the entire world….The jihad was therefore employed as an instrument for both the universalization of religion and the establishment of an imperial world state. (P. 51)
Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee, Assistant Professor on the Faculty of Shari’ah and Law of the International Islamic University in Islamabad. In his 1994 book The Methodology of Ijtihad, he quotes the twelfth century Maliki jurist Ibn Rushd: “Muslim jurists agreed that the purpose of fighting with the People of the Book…is one of two things: it is either their conversion to Islam or the payment of jizyah.” Nyazee concludes: “This leaves no doubt that the primary goal of the Muslim community, in the eyes of its jurists, is to spread the word of Allah through jihad, and the option of poll-tax [jizya] is to be exercised only after subjugation” of non-Muslims.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, December 15, 2012 at 03:06 PM in AFDI My Jihad awareness ad campaign #myjihad | Permalink | Comments (10) | TrackBack (0)
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