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Congressional Disclosure Studies Alien Moon Bases

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A Piece of Disclosure? Veterans Today 1-9-13… “Congressional Disclosure Studies Alien Moon Bases”

by kauilapele

Found this article at Veterans Today, today.

I’m not sure how important this is, but may be a step in the disclosure process. Also the involvement of “the Chinese” caught my eye. I have a strong feeling the Dragons know what they’re doing!

[Kp note: the video recalls some which have been put out by LunaCognita]


Congressional Disclosure Studies Alien Moon Bases
Wednesday, January 9th, 2013 | Posted by Gordon Duff

Years of Doctored Data, Video and Photos Disclosed to Congress
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Discussions of alien moon bases and videos of structures on the dark side of the moon aren’t new. That congress is investigating, not only the bases themselves but three decades or more of continually doctored data from NASA and defense space projects is news.

Last week, an unusual story was published by World News Tomorrow, alleging that crop circles were created by energy weapons in orbit, systems that were hacked.

World News Tomorrow is not a simple internet news site. We know better. The video below is from Disclose TV and is claimed to be from a Chinese satellite orbiting the moon. Other sources claim that NASA is the source:

An article at [Kp note: no link was given, but a quick search found this link: news/more-moon-structures-allegedly-discovered-video] this week discussed some issues the press had been banned from covering:

According to many researchers of Lunar and Martian space agency images, photos revealing artifacts and structures are routinely modified by NASA higher-ups.

In NASA Trick To Remove Alien Evidence From Moon, Mars Revealed insiders Ken Johnston and Donna Hare accuse the space agency of “ordering a cover-up of photographic evidence,” and that “NASA doctored, obfuscated, and obscured thousands of photos over the years.”

Part of the process involves a neutral filter allowing moving objects to be removed. Some photographic experts, however, argue that the same software can be tweaked to filter out objects anomalous to a landscape.

Future space images—or even some of the most damning from the past—could be subjected to the process. The result would be images bereft of any embarrassing or controversial objects that may be littering the Lunar or Martian landscapes.

And then there’s the publication, The Canadian that reports: “Dr. Micheal Salla has indicated that there is a Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex or MIEC, and that Earth is being assimilated by an alien agenda which also operates on Earth’s Moon.” [KP note: here is the link, from what I could find: .com/news/ufo_extraterrestrials/2012/02/20/3060.html]

Hannard claims he received an image from “a source” who, in part, claimed: “China will be releasing [high resolution] images taken by the Chang’e-2 Moon orbiter, which clearly show buildings and structures on the Moon’s surface.

“China will be releasing all the data and images from the Chang’e-2 in the coming weeks and months, lets hope this is the beginning of a new era.”

Government obfuscation has reached epic proportions of late. NASA sources have indicated that, next month, Earth faces a “near miss” or possible catastrophic asteroid collision, they aren’t certain yet.

Sources tell us that the issue is not that we have failed to adequately track or prepare for a 150 foot asteroid passing inside our geosynchronous satellites but that the cause of the threat itself is being withheld, a collision within the asteroid belt by what NASA describes as a “rogue planet.”

With recent “slam dunk” proof of UFO videos and “slam dunk” of purposefully made phony UFO videos of extremely high quality and great expense, along with cracking the satellite bloc on Area 51 and other “black sites,” and finding large triangular craft there, the charade cannot continue much longer.

Congress put out 6000 pages on torture recently, internal consumption only. The report totally debunks the bin Laden murder film, “Zero Dark 30,” which depicts the “rekilling” of the long dead bin Laden, a top level CIA asset in good standing at the time of his death.

The report, if released, would lead to the indictment of thousands of Americans for war crime.

If “torture” has generated 6000 pages, what might the 500 witnesses and years of secret hearings over, not just UFOs and alien bases but secret weapon technologies and “exo-politics,” how large a report are “we” sitting on?

Would it fill a room, a library?

Who does keeping so much secret serve?

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Does incredible and controversial evidence of a massive alien base on the far side of the Moon allegedly taken by China’s second lunar orbiter the Chang’e-2 confirm NASA whistleblowers’ allegations of an ongoing cover-up? If so, the image leaves the American space agency with some pretty big questions that demand further investigation. If false, it’s just another dead-end perpetrated by a string of hoaxters that continue to harm serious investigation into the presence of intelligent extraterrestrials, UFOs, and all incidents of high strangeness.


Not much is known about the source that mysteriously contacted a popular Internet investigator of extraterrestrials. An enigmatic photo, of an obviously artificial structure on the lunar surface, was allegedly captured during the second Chinese Lunar Orbiter mission named Chang’e-2 (watch video below).


The image, however, has been identified with a NASA lunar orbiter mission, not the Chinese.


Further investigation has led some to believe the image is an outright hoax, while others are still adamant it’s real.


Whichever side the truth falls on will probably take the form of what the viewer wants to believe. Seeing is not always believing…but sometimes what seems fake is real…or has been modified or manipulated.


For the sharp sword of lunar imaging manipulation cuts both ways.


The ongoing Disclosure Project claims to have brought forward “over 500 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up.”


Few testimonies are as compelling as Sergeant Karl Wolf’s official deposition.


As reported by the Washington Times, “Karl Wolf, an Air Force sergeant who was assigned to the National Security Agency, said that mysterious structures were discovered on the far side of the moon when the United States was mapping its surface before the 1969 lunar landing. Those photos too were culled out of the public record.”


According to many researchers of Lunar and Martian space agency images, photos revealing artifacts and structures are routinely modified by NASA higher-ups.


One such purported method—brilliant in its technology and application—goes far beyond old-fashioned smudging and airbrushing. In NASA Trick To Remove Alien Evidence From Moon, Mars Revealed insiders Ken Johnston and Donna Hare accuse the space agency of “ordering a cover-up of photographic evidence,” and that “NASA doctored, obfuscated, and obscured thousands of photos over the years.”


Recently, two Parisian artists, Lucie and Simon, created software that enables expunging selected objects in a photo. The artists used it to remove images of people creating eerie photos of major cities without humans. [Silent World]


Part of the process involves a neutral filter allowing moving objects to be removed. Some photographic experts, however, argue that the same software can be tweaked to filter out objects anomalous to a landscape.


The final result would be a Photoshop-like imaging manipulator on steroids.


Future space images—or even some of the most damning from the past—could be subjected to the process. The result would be images bereft of any embarrassing or controversial objects that may be littering the Lunar or Martian landscapes.


And then there’s the publication, The Canadian that reports: “Dr. Micheal Salla has indicated that there is a Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex or MIEC, and that Earth is being assimilated by an alien agenda which also operates on Earth’s Moon.”


Hannard claims he received an image from “a source” who, in part, claimed: “China will be releasing [high resolution] images taken by the Chang’e-2 Moon orbiter, which clearly show buildings and structures on the Moon’s surface.

“China will be releasing all the data and images from the Chang’e-2 in the coming weeks and months, lets hope this is the beginning of a new era.

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