Communists Describe Missile Deployment in Turkey as Illegal

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Damascus, Jan 13 (Prensa Latina) The Turkish Communist Party said that the decision to deploy Patriot missiles and foreign troops in Turkey was taken without approval of the National Council, against its will and illegally, local television reported on Sunday.

In a letter addressed to the Council members, the party stated that the government of the Justice and Development Party, led by Prime Minister Racep Tayyip Erdogan, has engaged Turkey in an inevitable war.

This gives Turkish parliamentarians in a great responsibility, because the deployment of forces from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in our country, under the pretext of supervising the Patriot missiles, is illegal and a constitutional crime, the communist organization denounced.

It noted that the ruling party has pledged Ankara with the acts of violence in Syria and is playing the role of protector and patron of extremist opposition groups operating there and guided by the West.

International media and declassified information confirm the open financial and logistical support that Turkey gives Syrian insurgents.

The first lethal missiles will be deployed near the Syrian-Turkish border in the coming weeks.

Countries such as Russia, China, Iran and Syria itself have strongly criticized the decision, which they have described as unjustified and provocative, as an incident could spark a conflagration of unpredictable dimensions in the Middle East.


via Prensa Latina News Agency – Communists Describe Missile Deployment in Turkey as Illegal.

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