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Turkey 4th Exporter of Goods to Zionist Entity: Reports

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Turkey 4th Exporter of Goods to Zionist Entity: Reports

Local Editor

yeniasya TurkeyTurkey: Yeni Asya dailyA Turkish daily reported Friday that following the straining of Turkey- Zionist entity relations after the killing of 9 Turk citizens in Mavi-Marmara flotilla attack, both governments have resumed their former relations secretly.

According to the Iranian Mehr News Agency, Turkish daily Yeni Asya wrote that bilateral relations are resuming the former path behind the closed doors.

“Deployment of missile shield radar in Kürecik military base in Malatya, a southern province has the definite objective of defending the Zionist entity against Iran,” Mehr said, adding that other cooperation includes Patriot deployment near borders with Syria.

Al Alam, the Arabic TV news network, reported that a bridge over the sea connects İskenderun harbor to the Zionist port city of Haifa and facilitates transport of trucks from Turkey to Occupied Territories, Jordan, and other Persian Gulf states.

The bridge was constructed after Turkey closed its borders with Syria, while Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Turkish prime minister, was criticized Egypt over its position on the Zionist invasion of Gaza, and Ahmet Davutoğlu, Turkish Foreign Minister, was crying for the victims during his Gaza visit.

Yeni Asya daily also revealed that Hakan Fidan, head of Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization (MİT) had meetings with the head of Mossad to boost intelligence cooperation with the Zionist entity.

According to this report, the détente is not limited to intelligence, and political relations also on the card between these traditionally-allied countries.

Yeni Asya unfolded that Erdoğan criticizes the entity of occupation in public, while – at the same time – holds secret diplomatic and intelligence meetings with it. A 58-per cent rise in the Zionist exports to Turkey and 42-per cent rise in Turkey export to the entity have made Turkey the 4th largest exporter to Zionist entity of occupation.

via Turkey 4th Exporter of Goods to Zionist Entity: Reports.

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