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Watch this Band Play with Killer Gunmetal Instruments

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Eric Limer

Confiscated weapons are always destroyed, but that doesn’t mean the wreckage can’t be used for something. Artist Pedro Reyes took the remains of 6,700 guns—many of which had probably seen some action—and used their dismembered parts to build instruments for a makeshift gunmetal orchestra.

The instruments were all constructed out of pistols, shotguns, and even automatic weapons and then used to play a rendition of “Imagine.” They’re currently on display in Istanbul until December 12th, but chances are you won’t be able to go see them there. You can hear them in action in the video above, and while they’re not the most in tune instruments you’ve ever heard, but they’re not bad enough to do any moral harm, at least not anymore. [TreeHugger]

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