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Protests held worldwide against IDF op

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WASHINGTON – Pro-Palestinian activists protested Friday in several world capitals against Israel’s Operation Pillar of Defense in Gaza under the banner, “Free Palestine.”

Hundreds demonstrated in Istanbul and Ankara, in Australia, outside the parliament in Rome, and opposite Israeli embassies in South Korea, Istanbul and Madrid. Protest rallies were also held in the Arab world – in Tunisia, Yemen, Egypt and Algeria.

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Ali Golin, who protested in Istanbul, said: “I believe that all Muslims should show solidarity. Factions and differences destroy our goal. If we want to answer Israel we must do it together. We won’t achieve anything by condemning Israel. We must take real action.”

A South Korean human rights activist who took part in the protest outside the Israeli Embassy in Seoul said, “You must not force the Palestinians to sacrifice. You must not kill children anywhere. Children are precious whether in Palestine or in Israel. They must not die in a massacre. We are calling on the Israeli government to come back to its senses.”

Sylvia Hale, a former parliament member on behalf of Australia’s Greens protested in Sydney. “The Israelis are adopting a policy of slaughtering the people in Gaza,” she said.

via Protests held worldwide against IDF op – Israel News, Ynetnews.

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