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Book released on Persian-Turkish linguistic ties

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Book released on Persian-Turkish linguistic ties

14 Nov 2012 13:21

n00154465 bA collection of the articles presented at the first international conference of Linguistic Ties between Iran and Turkey has been published in Iran.

IBNA: According to the public relations office and information center of the Islamic Culture and Relations Office (ICRO), the conference was held by Iran’s cultural attaché in Istanbul and was endorsed by the universities of Istanbul and Iran’s Allameh Tabatabaei from May 15 to 17, 2012 at Istanbul University.

During the conference, language scholars and linguists from Iran and Turkey delivered their research findings for the audience. The published book entails the presented articles in the conference in Persian and Turkish.

Iran’s cultural attaché in Turkey has published the book in Istanbul.

via Iran Book News Agency (IBNA) – Book released on Persian-Turkish linguistic ties.

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