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CPJ: Turkey is Leading Jailer of Journalists – YouTube

Editor's Note: Shown here are the GE 2.5-megawatt turbines at the Sares wind farm in Turkey. The wind farm -- owned by a joint venture between GAMA Holding A.S. and GE Energy Financial Services -- has begun selling its power to the electric grid.

Editor's Note: Shown here are the GE 2.5-megawatt turbines at the Sares wind farm in Turkey. The wind farm -- owned by a joint venture between GAMA Holding A.S. and GE Energy Financial Services -- has begun selling its power to the electric grid.

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For many people in the West, Turkey is a light of democracy in the Middle East. But a new report from the Committee to Protect Journalists says Turkey is the leading jailer of journalists worldwide, with 76 journalists currently imprisoned and thousands of cases against them and others circulating through the courts. As VOA’s Marissa Melton reports, Turkish journalists who cover controversial topics say they face constant pressure of prosecution.

via CPJ: Turkey is Leading Jailer of Journalists – YouTube.

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