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Turkey: a bosom friend

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Turkey: a bosom friend

September 30, 2012 |

Chief Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif called on Turkish President Abdullah Gull atAnkaraon Friday. President Gul expressed his happiness at the efforts of Mian Shahbaz to seek greater economic cooperation of his province withTurkey. The occasion marked another step forward towards improved bilateral relationship that would go on to providing fillip to the ongoing projects initiated in Punjab by Turkish firms, ranging from public transport to solid waste management system. On the sidelines of his meeting with President Gull, the CM was given the assurance of support in these sectors by Minister for Energy Taner Yildiz as well as the Chief Executive of Exim Bank.

Though things cannot change overnight, there is a much that will benefit the country from the expertise of our Turkish friends in areas that are in dire need of an overhaul. Their model of growth offers a source of inspiration for us as it accounts for the enviable levels of prosperity and stability thatTurkeyhas achieved.Punjabcan of course use assistance fromTurkey’s energy sector but in the long term there is no better solution than producing cheap hydel energy in the country itself, that can come only from large reservoirs. It is comforting to know that the Turkish banking sector too is forthcoming as it has waived off certain conditionalities. We would have to address the issue of bad law and order, the invariable hitch to foreign investment.

This news was published in print paper. Access complete paper of this day.

via Turkey: a bosom friend | The Nation.

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